Note: The test that is failed is the test of mutuality or a rule that gives
both sides an equal right to use the rule as justification.


cheers, Ken Hanly

The doctrine of pre-emptive self-defense, which is the right of one country
to attack an adversary based on a subjective evaluation of capability and
intent, fails this test. We, in the United States, cannot admit that it
imparts an equal right to Iraq. Iraq clearly faces an imminent threat from a
determined and capable adversary, the United States. We make no secret of
this fact. Does President Bush concede to Saddam Hussein the right to
detonate an atomic bomb - if he had one - in the Metro station at the
Pentagon? And if Mr. Cheney were to observe this outcome tomorrow, from his
secure and undisclosed location, on what grounds, given the views he has
stated, could he legitimately object?

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