Apologies to those of you getting multiple copies of this.

The Left Business Observer gopher is now open. It can be reached by 
pointing your gopher at csf.colorado.edu 70, and looking under the 
directories, econ then orgs then LBO.

About one article per issue will be posted four to six weeks after paying 
subscribers get their copies. There are nine articles there now, on 
topics ranging from income and poverty to the New Party to the delusions 
of laissez-faire.

As the three-card-monte dealers say on the streets of New York City, 
check it out.

Here's the full info:

Admin=Studly Gopher Admin +1 (612) 338-3970 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ModDate=Sun Oct  2 17:26:17 1994 <19941002172617>
URL: gopher://csf.Colorado.EDU:70/1/1/econ/orgs/LBO


Doug Henwood [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Left Business Observer
212-874-4020 (voice)
212-874-3137 (fax)

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