The longest U.S. economic expansion 

By Wadi'h Halabi

The monopoly media has been celebrating the longest expansion in U.S. history - eight 
years, 10 months. If unemployment was the criterion, the expansion would be at least 
18 months shorter. 

The government estimates 9.6 million people are unemployed or want work; 55 million 
U.S. residents are so poor and housing costs so high that mass homelessness and 
chronic hunger rose during the expansion. Two million are in prison, 44 million lack 
health insurance. If this is "as good as it gets," that tells us about capitalism 

Still, compared to other capitalist countries, the U.S. appears as a botanical garden 
in a world of instability and wars. By one count, of the eight worst economic crises 
since the 1930s, seven have occurred since 1990 - all in other countries. Why has the 
U.S. economy been relatively stable? 

The first thing to keep in mind is that the world economy is not entirely capitalist. 
States created by socialist revolutions, including China, Vietnam and Cuba, account 
today for more than 10 percent of world production. The economies of these states are 
not cyclical, because planning predominates, even after capitalist inroads. 

Compare U.S. cycles with the decades in the Soviet Union (before restoration) or 
China, without a boom-bust cycle. 1990-91 and 1997 marked global turns for the worse 
in capitalist overproduction. 

Normally such turns would have led to all-out crisis. But China continued to grow, at 
the fastest rate of any major economy. Its purchases from capitalist countries tripled 
between 1990 and 1999 and could exceed $200 billion in 2000. 

China's purchases can act like powerful "anti-clotting agents" that help keep the 
capitalist system from congealing in crisis. In 1993, the chief international 
economist for a Wall Street bank even admitted that without China's purchases, "there 
would be world chaos." 

But back to the U.S. stability. Explanations for this stability include regulation of 
interest rates by the Federal Reserve; government expenditures ("Keynesian 
mechanisms"); advances in technology; and bank-deposit insurance. All imply that 
capitalism has learned to regulate if not overcome its cycles. Nothing could be 
further from the truth. 

A simple test of the validity of these explanations is to ask, Why don't other 
capitalist countries use these measures to avoid the problems they are facing? 

Most have tried. The Japanese economy has been stagnant or in recession for a decade. 
In efforts to revive it, the Japanese government has been making capital available at 
no interest. It has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on stimulative packages. The 
economy remains in recession. Now the Japanese government is neck-deep in debt and 
Moody's just placed it on credit watch. 

It is impossible to understand the U.S. stability in national isolation. A stunning 
statistic, revealed in Business Week, is that the U.S. economy is using 72 percent of 
the world's savings. Capital has been flooding into the U.S. since the Gulf War and 
U.S. capitalists use this at effectively no cost to themselves. The net U.S. debt to 
the rest of the world tripled between 1992 and 1999. It exceeds $1.6 trillion, but net 
payments on that debt in 1999 came to less than 1 percent of that sum. 

In addition, unequal exchange - whereby U.S. monopolies sell their commodities above 
value while buying from weaker parties below value - almost invisibly draws tens of 
billions to Wall Street. Speculation, currency manipulation and other Wall Street 
maneuvers draw billions more. 

U.S. industry has grown since 1990. But at least 25 percent of the rest of the 
capitalist world's industrial production has been idled or destroyed in the same 
period. Much of this has taken place under Wall Street/International Monetary Fund 
"guidance" in Warsaw Pact states now under capitalist rule, including the USSR. But 
the U.S. has also overseen the "enforced destruction" of Iraq's and Yugoslavia's 
economies, with devastating regional impact. And use of industrial capacity in Japan 
has fallen from 90 percent to 70 percent in the face of global gluts. 

Headlines blare that the current "boom" is taking place in peacetime, unlike previous 
long expansions. But U.S. imperialism has been the main force in two major (and by no 
means concluded) wars, in the Gulf and the Balkans, and countless less-publicized 
conflicts in Latin America, Africa and Asia. The Pentagon budget is at wartime levels. 

All that capital flowing into the U.S. is trying to escape wars, instability and 
losses abroad. In the three months after the U.S. started bombing Yugoslavia last 
March, capital flooded into the U.S. at a $1.1 trillion annual rate. Wall Street is 
using its position of economic and military dominance, and the improvements in 
communications and transport, to push off capitalism's toxins - starting with 
unemployment - onto weaker countries, while looting them, cheapening their labor and 
destroying or idling their production facilities. 

In a sense, the "Great American Depression" has been pushed off onto Africa, onto Iraq 
and Yugoslavia, onto the Ukraine and Romania, i.e. the states that have fallen to 
counter-revolution since 1989. 

Of course, "prosperity" from looting and destruction cannot go on indefinitely. And 
world capitalism's unfolding crisis of overproduction is bound to affect the states 
created by socialist revolutions - currently China, Vietnam, Laos, Northern Korea and 

Workers in the U.S. - who have not fared well in this expansion - have no interest in 
a temporary "stability" gained at the cost of destruction, cheapened labor and looting 

Crisis is an inevitable part of capitalism. The working class-led struggle for good 
jobs and against war and racism, privation and inequality, points the way to taking 
power to meet human needs. 

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