I regret I don't have the time to search through archives... or make
uneducated guesses...

So I thought I'd try the blunt approach.

Would the lad who made the post with the theory that the Republicans
cannot "build" countries (like Iraq, as opposed to Japan in 46) is
because they _are_ Republicans and unable to speak to the strata/class
that does actually occupy "building" positions please identify himself?

(No, you get no cash reward, I just wanted to talk to you privately a



The effects of the criminal on the development of productive power can
be shown in detail. Would locks have ever reached their present degree
of excellence had there been no thieves? Would the making of bank notes
have reached its present perfection had there been no forgers? Would the
microscope have found its way into the sphere of ordinary commerce...
but for trading frauds? Doesn't practical chemistry owe just as much to
adulteration of commodities and the efforts to show it up as to the
honest zeal of production? Crime through its constantly new methods of
attack on property, constantly calls into being new methods of defence,
and so is as productive as strikes for the invention of machines. And if
one leaves the sphere of private crime: would the world market ever have
come into being but for national crime? Indeed, would even the nations
have arisen? And hasn't the Tree of Sin been at the same time the Tree
of Knowledge ever since the time of Adam?
          -- Karl Marx
             Theories of Surplus Value

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