Another report from Morrigan Phillips, Utah's daughter.


Ha Ha Ha! No little fence can keep us out! We set out to destroy the
barricade and damn we sure did. At 10:30 the march headed towards
the barricades. Long chain link fences that are hooked together to
make cages and then chained together to form a barricade. We slowly
trickled down to the line until there were thousands of us. When
most were assembled the woman began to form a humane chain that ran
the length of the fence. Facing them was a human chain of men. These
were the buffers. The barricade runs the length of the road leading
into the Hotel Zone where the WTO is meeting. This means there is a
large treed median that separates the road. On the right side the
majority mobilized. The Koreans marched in with thick massive rope.
The woman on that front line then began to use wire cutters to
dismantle the fence. After quite some time much of the fence was
taken apart. Then the Koreans jumped up and began to tie the ropes
on. Meanwhile we all lined up. I was part of a human chain that ran
the length of the rope pullers. We kept people outside the area so
the rope pullers could work. The Koreans would give the signal and
with all there might people old, young, from Mexico, from Korea,
from everywhere! With a heave and hoe the fence gave. Huge chunks
were torn away. Before long a 20-30 foot opening had been made. The
mangled wreckage of the fence was dragged away and people danced on
it shouting, the people united will never be defeated! Remember what
I said about dancing on the rubble of empire? Once the fence was
down we all sat and two symbols of the WTO were burned, it was
awesome. It was also at this time that we learned from a Campasino
man who got up on the bullhorn that the developing nations had all
signed a declaration opposing the US and EU policies and effectively
shutting down the meeting! At this white flowers were given out and
hundreds of us placed them in a bundle at the feet of the police
line. We were able to come with in feet of the police, and one
camasina woman came up to a young federal and tried to kiss him on
the cheek. He scrunched up his face and tried to pull back. Some of
the other officers looked nervous and some tried to stifle giggles.
We marched back towards ground zero and passed a barricade the
protesters had built out of dumpsters and street signs as well as
tow full palm trees. It was a beautiful day and the weather was
cooler then it had been. The vibe was of jubilation and
determination. The street movement empowers people to take back
control. The very people who suffer the most because of the WTO
regain dignity and purpose. Many spoke of the international
representation and cooperation. We can shut the WTO down and abolish
the system that allows it to exist if we stand in solidarity with
one another. I saw today that progress is being made. The movement
for social justice is solidifying and becoming borderless. Poorer
nations are standing up demanding equality. The lack of outright
police violence gives us hope that we can reach that point when
municipalities and there police forces refuse to protect the
criminals of the super national organizations and instead support
the actions of the protesters. It is not utopian it is the other
world we talk of. The WTO, the IMF, the WB must all be abolished.
The FTAA must be stopped, Plan Pueblo Panama, and Plan Columbia must
be stopped. We will see to this, if we all join in! I don't care to
see reform I care to see revolution! I will see you all in Miami in

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