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Surge in Rates May Hurt Pillar of the Economy

August 5, 2003

WASHINGTON, Aug. 4 - If cheap mortgages have kept the
economy afloat, the economy may have just sprung a leak.

A little more than a month after the Federal Reserve
reduced its overnight lending rate to just 1 percent,
mortgage rates have shot up as investors have soured on the
bond market - in part because of confusion about the Fed's
intentions in managing the economy.

This has abruptly stalled plans by thousands of homeowners
to refinance their houses at even lower rates than they
already enjoy. The pace of home loan refinancing has fallen
by half the last several weeks, according to bankers and

If the higher rates persist, they will make it more
expensive for people to buy houses or to borrow money
against their houses to pay for renovations, furniture and
even cars. That would damp a principal source of consumer
demand over the last two years, a period when consumer
spending has been one of the few sources of economic

Higher rates could also lead to more expensive loans for
automobiles; robust car sales have been another pillar of
the economy the last few years.

Businesses, meanwhile, still gun shy about spending money
on new factories and equipment, may have to contend with
higher borrowing costs as well. So will the federal
government itself, just as tax cuts and spending increases
are forcing it to borrow huge sums to cover the largest
deficits in history.

It remains to be seen whether last week's surge in
longer-term interest rates is just a blip or the start of a
trend. Either way, however, it is remarkable as a
demonstration of the limits of the Fed and its chairman,
Alan Greenspan, to force the hand of the nation's financial

The Fed may have lowered its federal funds rate, the rate
it charges on overnight loans, but investors have ignored
the move and pushed up interest rates on longer-term
Treasury bonds.

Analysts say a big reason investors are marching in the
opposite direction is that they have new doubts about both
the Fed's ability and willingness to take drastic steps if
the United States slips into the kind of price deflation
that plagues Japan.

"It looks to some people now as if the emperor has no
clothes," said Sung Won Sohn, chief economist at Wells
Fargo, referring to Mr. Greenspan. "The Fed doesn't have
much ammunition left, and if they use it, the markets will
just demand more."

The astonishing divergence of Fed policy and the reaction
of financial markets poses a challenge to Mr. Greenspan,
who has until now enjoyed a nearly mythic reputation for
his power to make the enormous American economy move to his

Analysts say the Fed's sudden loss of influence stems from
several factors. The first is a sudden reappraisal of the
Fed's intention; after having fretted for months about the
dangers of deflation, suggesting that it would use highly
unconventional techniques to flood the markets with money
to fight it, Mr. Greenspan backtracked last month to the
disappointment of many bond investors.

The Fed also disappointed many investors by cutting the
overnight federal funds rate by only a quarter- point on
June 25.

On a more positive note, investors are also reacting to new
data suggesting the economy may be strengthening after all.
If that proves to be true, the Fed would be expected to
raise rates at some point in the not too distant future.

Higher interest rates would make bonds, with their fixed
interest rates, less appealing to investors. Bond prices
would fall to compensate for the decline in demand.

But analysts say there is also an important new technical
issue at play, one that may have caught Fed officials by
surprise. That issue has to do with the nation's mortgage
lenders, who are responsible for more than $5 trillion in
home loans.

To protect themselves from borrowers' paying back their
loans early, mortgage lenders hedge their loan portfolios
in part by buying up Treasury bonds. But as interest rates
began to creep up, the nation's biggest players abruptly
adjusted their strategy and started selling bonds or
derivative securities tied to them. Lower prices for
Treasury bonds translate directly to higher interest rates
earned on those bonds.

Since mid-June, yields on 10-year Treasury notes, which
move in the opposite direction from the prices, have
climbed from about 3.3 percent to 4.28 percent today. That
affects the rates financial institutions charge for
countless other kinds of long-term loans, from mortgages to
car loans. Rates on mortgages have shot up more than one
percentage point the last two weeks, from slightly over 5
percent to about 6 percent.

Rising interest rates also affect the Federal government's
growing budget deficit, which the Bush administration
expects to reach $455 billion this year.

Though many economists contend that big government deficits
eventually lead to higher interest rates as the government
begins to crowd the markets with its huge borrowing needs,
most analysts say the recent surge in interest rates is not
a result of the newest news on deficits.

Analysts say the increase in this year's expected deficit
is tiny compared with the total credit market, and they
note that investors were already expecting this year's
deficit to exceed $300 billion.

John Makin, a senior economist at the American Enterprise
Institute, said the most important reasons for the
startling run-up in interest rates lies with the Federal

Mr. Makin noted that Mr. Greenspan and other top Fed
officials had put heavy emphasis on their worries about
deflation, an across-the-board decline in prices. Beyond
letting it be known they would reduce the overnight federal
funds rate, Fed officials also began suggesting they would
use "unconventional" methods to flood the markets with
money if the federal funds rate declined to nearly zero.

As outlined by Mr. Greenspan and other Fed governors,
notably Ben S. Bernanke, the Fed was prepared, if
necessary, to move beyond setting rates for overnight
lending and to start buying back longer-term Treasury
securities, which would have directly lowered longer-term
interest rates.

Expectations about lower long-term rates peaked in
mid-June, not long before the Federal Reserve's Federal
Open Markets Committee was scheduled to meet to decide on
further reductions in interest rates.

As it happened, the Fed disappointed many investors by
reducing interest rates by a quarter-point, and it
continued to surprise them afterwards by backing away from
talk about "unconventional" methods of fighting deflation.

The credit markets soured far more on July 15, when Mr.
Greenspan testified before Congress. In that testimony, he
was surprisingly optimistic about the economic outlook and
led many analysts to believe that the Fed might actually
raise interest rates by early next year.

Equally important, according to many analysts, Mr.
Greenspan said it was "extremely unlikely" that deflation
would pose a big enough risk to require pushing down
longer-term interest rates with unorthodox tactics.

"My view is that the Fed has less confidence in the
effectiveness of those operations," said Laurence H. Meyer,
a economist and former Fed governor. But, he added,
investors felt the Fed's conflicting signals had whipsawed

Most analysts are convinced last week's rise in interest
rates was aggravated by an unusual new technical factor.
That factor was the hedging activity of the nation's huge
market in mortgages, a market worth more than $5 trillion
that is substantially bigger than the market for Treasury

Mortgage lenders offset the risk that borrowers would repay
their loans early by buying up Treasury bonds that
guarantee interest rates over 10 years. But as rates began
to creep up last month, mortgage lenders expected a big
drop in mortgage refinancing activity and began to sell off
Treasury bonds. That helped push interest rates higher,
creating what amounted to a vicious cycle of rising rates.

Technical issues aside, some analysts say the process
might not have started if the Fed had been clearer about
its plans. "People were happy to take risks when the Fed
was very accommodative," Mr. Makin of the American
Enterprise Institute said. "I think they should have left
the throttles on full."


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