May 1, 2001, Palo Alto

Dear Activists,

You are invited to join the North American Mobilization Committee for
the next World Social Forum/s 2002 and to attend our first meeting-

At Presentation Center, Santa Cruz Mountains, near San Jose, California
Friday, June 8th 3:30 pm-  Sunday, June 10th 4:00 pm 2001

      "Another World is Possible" was the theme of the First World Social
Forum held in Porto, Alegre, Brazil, January 2001
( More than four thousand delegates from
117 countries, came together in opposition to corporate globalization,
environmental devastation, injustice, militarization, and the neo-liberal
policies enforced by the World Bank, IMF and the WTO , as well as the need
to mobilize, to protest oppression, and take action to nurture alternative
solutions. An extremely diverse range of people participated in
innumerable, simultaneous events, including a parliamentary forum, an
indigenous camp, a youth camp, four simultaneous plenary sessions, over 400
workshops, cultural events, tree plantings, a march "for life" which
included over 10,000 people, a live televised dialogue between Porto Alegre
and Davos, Switzerland (the World Economic Forum). Although 1,800
journalists came, there was little mainstream mention of the World Social
Forum in the US press. (only 39 people from North America went!)

      "a Call for Mobilization" from Porto Alegre was signed by over 160
groups and included :
...Equality between women and men is central to our struggle... We call on
all movements to be in solidarity with African peoples, with indigenous
peoples in their historic struggle against genocide and ethnocide and in
defense of their rights, natural resources, culture, autonomy, land, and
territory... Life and health must be recognized as fundamental rights which
must not be subordinated to economic policies...The debt of the South has
been repaid several times over. We demand its unconditional cancellation
and the reparation of historical, social, and ecological debts...
     We oppose all forms of privatisation of natural resources and public
services... We demand the right to organise and negotiate for unions....We
support the mobilizations against the creation of the Free Trade Area of
the Americas, an initiative which means the recolonization of Latin America
and the destruction of fundamental social, economic, cultural and
environmental human rights.
      The IMF, the World Bank, the WTO, NATO and other military alliances
... have no legitimacy in the eyes of the people...We call for democratic
agrarian reform. Land, water and seeds must be in the hands of the
peasants...We demand that the use of transgenics and the patenting of life
be abolished...
      We totally refuse war as a way to solve coflicts and we oppose the
arms race and the arms trade. We call for an end to the repression and
criminalization of social protest. We reject US military intervention in
Latin America through the Plan Colombia...
      We call for a strengthening of alliances... We recognize that we are
now in a better position to undertake the struggle for a different world, a
world without misery, hunger, discrimination and violence, with quality of
life, equity, respect and peace.
      We commit ourselves to support all the struggles of our common agenda
to mobilize opposition to neoliberalism. Among our priorities for the
coming months, we will mobilize globally against the:
* World Economic Forum, Cancun, Mexico, 26 and 27 February,*Free Trade Area
of the Americas, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 6-7 April and Quebec City,
Canada, 17-22 April,*Asian Development Bank, Honolulu, May,*G8 Summit,
Genova, Italy, 15-22 July, *IMF and World Bank Annual Meeting, Washington
DC, USA, 28 September - 4 October,   * World Trade Organisation, 5-9

      The North American Mobilization Committee for the Next World Social
Forum is open to all who wish to participate in and help organize the next
World Social Forum to be held in Porto, Alegre, Brazil in 2002 (at the same
time as the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, January 31- February 5,
2002) or to help organize a World Social Forum along the same theme, here
in North America, for those who cannot get to Brazil. (An Int'l Committee
Meeting will also be held in Sao Paolo, Brazil  June 9-11). You can
participate by coming to meetings, joining the e-mail list, going to
Brazil, organizing here in North America, sending suggestions for a site to
host a North American WSF, themes, speakers, workshops, panels, direct
actions, improvements in communications and processes, or contributing your
time, money, energy. Another meeting will be held October 1st in Washington
DC, during the mobilization against the IMF/World Bank. Enclosed is a
statement of principles issued by the Brazilian Organizing Committee, a
form to join the North American WSF committee and register for the first
June meeting.  I hope that you will join us! Please register quickly as
space for the first meeting is

Carol Brouillet

North American Mobilization Committee for the Next World Social Forum

First Name:

Last Name:







Will you be attending the World Social Forum, January 30- February 5, 2002?

Do you want to be on the World Social Forum Committee e-mail list?

Would you want to fly with a group, leaving the 29th, returning the 6th?

Do you wish to speak or give a workshop?

What would you like to see happen at the next World Social Forum?

Is it alright to include this information in a printed directory for the
committee members?

Is it alright to include this information in an online directory?

How can you contribute to the Committee's work?

Can you suggest other people to be invited to join the committee?

Will you be able to come to the June 8-10th meeting at Presentation
Center?         October 1st in Washington, D.C.?

(details- arrivals beginning at 3:30pm Friday, finishing 4pm Sunday
approximately- if you send flight info- you will be picked up at the
airport (or train/bus station). More details will be sent later.)

Food Preferences-(Y/N)     vegan-        vegetarian-        Can
eat      chicken           fish-            meat-
Any other needs-

Is there someone you wish to share a room with?

Are you?    Male     Female         Ethnic
Background?                                     Smoker-     Yes    No

Costs (includes meals)- Double room- $150-   Single
Room  $200    Scholarships available, but you must request a scholarship
form. Donations always appreciated to help those who need assistance.

Write checks to- Global Exchange       Mail to- Carol Brouillet,4060
Verdosa Drive,Palo Alto, CA 94306
Questions?    Telephone-  Carol at 650-857-0927   Fax-650-857-0419  Email

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