Over one million people took part in demonstrations throughout the
Philippines on Sept. 21 to protest President Ramos' proposed changes to
the charter which would allow him to seek another term as president. The
current charter, adopted following the overthrow of the U.S.-backed
dictatorial Marcos regime, limits Presidents to one term.
     Under the slogans "No to the charter change" and "No return to martial
law", the demonstrations were organized by a broad sector of political
parties, trade unions, student associations, women's organizations,
farmers organizations, religious organizations and more. The largest
demonstration was held in Manila, where an estimated 750,000 people
rallied, with over 100,000 each demonstrating in Davo City, General
Santos, Cebu and Bacolod City. As well, tens of thousands rallied in
smaller towns and cities across the islands.

                                TML DAILY, 10/97

Shawgi Tell
Graduate School of Education
University at Buffalo

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