Milwaukee voucher program hit by scandal

By Juliet Williams

April 5, 2004 | MILWAUKEE (AP) -- One school that received millions of
dollars through the nation's oldest and largest voucher program was
founded by a convicted rapist. Another school reportedly entertained
kids with Monopoly while cashing $330,000 in tuition checks for hundreds
of no-show students.

The recent scandals have shocked politicians, angered parents and left
even some voucher supporters demanding reforms.

The troubles have helped lead to passage of a state law requiring
voucher schools to report more financial information to the state.
Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle signed it last month.

But so far, efforts to impose more rigorous academic standards on
voucher schools have failed.

Milwaukee's 14-year-old voucher program has served as a model for others
around the country. It doles out state money to allow poor parents to
send their children to private schools. Wisconsin will spend $75 million
this year on vouchers for more than 13,000 students.

The schools are required to report virtually nothing about their methods
to the state, or to track their students' performance. Proponents say
that frees the schools from onerous bureaucracy. But some say the lack
of oversight makes them a prime target for abuse.

At the Mandella Academy for Science and Math, school officials admitted
signing up more than 200 students who never showed and then cashing
$330,000 in state-issued tuition checks, which the principal used to
buy, among other things, Mercedes-Benzes for himself and the assistant

Meanwhile, Alex's Academics of Excellence received $2.8 million in
voucher money over three years before the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
reported that the school's founder, James A. Mitchell, served nearly a
decade in prison for a 1971 rape. Unlike their counterparts at public
schools, principals and teachers at private schools do not have to
undergo criminal background checks.

The state has suspended funding for Alex's because of financial
problems, and a judge shut down the Mandella academy earlier this year.

"I think across the community, there was outrage about what happened at
Mandella. It finally raised the issue of accountability," said state
Rep. Christine Sinicki, a Democrat who sponsored the legislation
requiring more stringent financial oversight.

The scandals have upset many, including the parents of the 190 students
displaced by Mandella's closing.

"Some of these places they have opened up a school, it's a doggone
shame. There's kids playing in alleys and the streets," said Lee Brown,
who sent her daughters, ages 14 and 16, to Mandella.

Mandella's principal, David Seppeh, does not have a teacher's license
and was not required to submit any information about the school's
philosophy or curriculum before receiving upwards of $1 million in
voucher funding.

The district attorney's office seized a Mercedes from his home. A
criminal investigation is under way.

The Mandella school initially reported an enrollment of 476 students,
but 235 of them did not show.

Under the voucher program, tuition checks in parents' names are sent
straight from the state to the school. Parents sign a waiver authorizing
the school to cash their checks, but if they later pull out, it is up to
the school to notify the state and return the money.

In Mandella's case, some parents who initially considered sending their
children to Mandella but changed their minds said they were not aware
that they were signing a waiver or that checks in their name were sent
to the school.

The telephone number Seppeh listed on his application to the state has
been disconnected, and The Associated Press could not locate another
listing for him. Seppeh has said that he does not believe he was
stealing because he and his wife invested thousands in the school.

(It is not clear how the school came to be called Mandella, spelled with
two "l's," unlike the name of South Africa's Nelson Mandela.)

As for academics at Mandella, Sinicki said no one has any idea how the
students were doing.

"That's the problem. We don't know. They don't have to tell us anything
like that," she said. "I highly doubt they were doing that well, since
they were playing Monopoly and watching movies."

Milwaukee's leading voucher advocate, Howard Fuller, worked with
legislators to develop the law to impose more stringent financial
requirements on voucher schools. But he said it would be unfair to cast
a shadow over all voucher schools because of one failure.

The governor has proposed requiring voucher schools to administer many
of the same standardized tests as public schools.

Other voucher programs, in Cleveland, Florida, Maine and Vermont, are
also subject to little regulation.

Todd Ziebarth, a policy analyst with the Education Commission of the
States in Washington, said the demand for greater accountability in
public schools has led to a similar debate over voucher programs.

"Now people are saying, 'Geez, if the public schools have to meet this
level of accountability, why shouldn't the private schools also?'" he


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
michael at
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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