Title: RE: [PEN-L:35164] Re: No to Will, Yes to Peace

On Saturday, March 1, 2003 at 02:00:46 (+0000) Seth Sandronsky writes:
>No to Will, Yes to Peace

Bill Lear:
Ah, good old George Will, who remarked in manly prose that the bombing
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a "profoundly moral deed".


isn't Will one of the chickenhawks, never having served in war? (BTW, for purposes of full disclosure, I'm a chicken dove.)

there seems to be a demented logic to what Will says:

1) whatever Israel does or says is good for the Jews, even when it's run by a sociopath such as Sharon and swept away in a storm of settler expansionism.

2) thus, opposition to Israel and its policies is thus anti-semitic (ignoring the fact that Arabs are semites, too) and complicit with Hitler.

3) since Israel is an enemy of Saddam Hussein, opposition to the war on Iraq is opposition to Israel is thus complicit with Hitler.

4) since Hitler and Stalin were basically the same thing, being complicit with either one makes you complicit with the other.



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