>"Upside Down" by Eduardo Galeano
>The author of "Memory of Fire" delivers a scathing, mischievous indictment
>of North America's hypocrisy and consumer culture.
>- - - - - - - - - - - -
>By Greg Villepique
>Oct. 12, 2000 | Thinking of voting for Ralph Nader but wondering what the
>point is beyond keeping your conscience clean?

*****   Ralph Nader on Kosovo

Should have anticipated Yugoslav breakup by "waging peace"

Q: Your views on the Balkans and the bombing of Serbia?
A: Our foreign policy is often too little too late, and then too 
brutal.  Everyone could foresee Yugoslavia deteriorating after Tito. 
We need a policy of "waging peace" to anticipate problems. And we 
need a multilateral "peace force" ready to go.
Q: UN or NATO-US or what?
A: With heavy regional content depending on which continent.
Source: National Public Radio, "The Connection" Jul 11, 2000

Bosnia: Force acceptable to help against mass slaughter

Q: Foreign policy, the Middle East, Bosnia: your general view in that area?
A: Well I think when there's mass slaughter going on or about to go 
on, as in some countries, there should be a multinational 
expeditionary force to help those people.  Burundi is an example. And 
second, I think we should be very careful about getting into foreign 
difficulties, because we're protecting big business, investments like 
oil in the Persian Gulf, which led us into that whole morass to begin 
Source: Interview on "Larry King Live" Oct 6, 1996

<http://www.issues2000.org/Ralph_Nader_Kosovo.htm>   *****


By Justin Raimondo:

When Ralph Nader entered the presidential sweepstakes as the 
candidate of the Green Party, I thought: At last, we will hear from 
the American Left on the vital questions of war and intervention. A 
well-known and much respected public scold, Nader, I knew, would get 
major attention, and in spite of my own political views, which are 
quite conservative, I have always given him a kind of grudging 
respect: here is one socialist who realizes that he is living in 
America, for godssake, not 18th-century Russia, and looks to William 
Jennings Bryan instead of Vladimir Illyich Lenin as a model to be 
emulated. As the heir of the old "progressive" movement that took 
root in the American West and Midwest, Nader, I thought, would 
represent all aspects of that tradition, which not only wanted to 
"bust the trusts" but also railed against the war profiteers who 
dragged us into two world wars. I anticipated rhetoric in the spirit 
of, say, Senator George W. Norris, Republican of Nebraska, whose 
speech against US entry into World War I underscored the distinctly 
anti-oligarchical flavor of the antiwar Left in those days. The 
warmongers were the men of the trusts, he declared,

"Concealed in their palatial offices on Wall Street, sitting behind 
mahogany desks, covered up with clipped coupons Š coupons stained 
with mothers' tears, coupons dyed in the lifeblood of their fellow 


With the entry of Nader, I imagined, we will hear once again the 
question posed by Senator Robert LaFollette, that icon of 
progressivism, on the eve of World War I:

"Shall we hind up our future with foreign powers and hazard the peace 
of this nation for all time by linking the destiny of American 
democracy with the ever-menacing antagonisms of foreign monarchies? 
[Europe is] cursed with a contagious, deadly plague, whose spread 
threatens to devastate the civilized world."


Instead of apologias for "humanitarian" imperialism, a la Todd 
Gitlin, and the embarrassed silence of our congressional 
left-liberals, most of whom supported Clinton's conquest of Kosovo, I 
felt certain that the voice of the Green Party would be raised 
against our bipartisan foreign policy of global hegemony. With 
Patrick J. Buchanan attacking the globalists from the right, and 
Nader assaulting their left flank, I was hoping that foreign policy 
would be an important issue in this presidential election: contrary 
to the predictions of the pundits, who claim that Americans could 
care less about the crimes of the US in Kosovo and Iraq - and would 
much rather keep it that way. Go Ralph go! The voice of a new 
LaFollette - I thought - is about to be raised, and the prospect was 
heartening. But, alas, it was not to be . . .


In a linguistic display of almost Clintonian evasiveness, the 
supposedly principled "progressive" cops out bigtime. In a February 
23 interview with something called "Alternative Radio," Nader serves 
notice that he has decided not to take any specific foreign policy 
positions aside from general blathering about "democratic processes," 
and I quote:

Q: "People will want to know your views on sanctions on Iraq, the 
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, Chechnya and Kosovo. You've got to be 
prepared to answer those questions."

A: "They'll be answered in terms of frameworks. Once you get into 
more and more detail, the focus is completely defused. The press will 
focus on the questions that are in the news. If Chechnya is in the 
news, they'll want to focus on that. We should ask ourselves, What 
kind of popular participation is there in foreign and military policy 
in this country? Very little indeed. We want to develop the 
frameworks. For example, do we want to pursue a vigorous policy of 
waging peace and put the resources into it from our national budget 
as we pursue the policy of building up ever-new weapons systems?"


Say what? Everybody knows Nader's a policy wonk, but isn't this 
taking it a bit too far? If US troops get into a firefight with Serbs 
on the Yugoslav-Kosovo border, does he really plan on answering the 
question of where he stands "in terms of frameworks"? And this 
business of how getting into detail "defuses" the focus is nothing 
but a crock - and shows a contempt for the language, as well as 
elementary logic, that one would expect of Bush or Gore: being in 
focus means getting down to the details. And what, exactly, is a mere 
"detail" in Nader's considered opinion - the decimation of 
Yugoslavia, the murder of an entire generation of Iraqis, the 
prospect of a war for Caspian oil?


These are not "details," but major issues that cannot be evaded by 
appeals to "popular participation" and exhortations to "wage peace." 
By reducing a moral question that transcends politics - what 
constitutes a just war? - to a question of pure process, democratic 
or otherwise, Nader thinks he can get away with in effect taking no 
position at all. This has certain political advantages, in 
solidifying his base of support in the Green Party and in the 
(generally pro-war) media. While the Green Party platform clearly 
states its opposition to all overseas interventions, the Kosovo war 
(and before that, the Bosnian intervention) was not a clear-cut issue 
with the dreadlocks-and-nosering crowd that makes up the party's 
constituency and much of its activist base. Anything he says on the 
Kosovo issue is bound to get him into trouble, and so - like any 
politician of a more traditional stripe - it is best to say nothing.


Indeed, the whole question of Nader's stance on the Green Party 
platform has come up before in the context of foreign policy and 
defense-related issues: In a May 7 [2000] interview on "Meet the 
Press," Tim Russert asked him:

Q: "The Green Party platform says about defense spending: "We strive 
to cut the defense budget by 50% by the year 2000, from approximately 
$300 billion - aggregate spending - in 1996." Is this your position?"

A: "Not that much. But [even former Reagan officials say the] defense 
budget can be cut by $100 billion. Look, our traditional adversaries 
are no more. Soviet Union is gone. Historically, we demobilized after 
our enemies have disappeared or have been conquered. We're not doing 
that now. We have F-22s, tens of billions of dollars. Analysts in the 
Pentagon are opposed to it. B-2 bombers forced down the Pentagon's 
throat while the global infectious disease efforts of the Pentagon, a 
great story, is starved for its budget."


Not that much? Well then how seriously should we take the Green Party 
platform on the question of foreign intervention? The platform calls 
for a "pro-Democracy foreign policy," and offers up a laundry list of 
Green policy prescriptions in slogan form::

"Support International, Multilateral Peacekeeping to Stop Aggression 
and Genocide ."

"No Unilateral US Intervention in the Internal Affairs of Other Countries."

"Close All Overseas US Military Bases."

"Disband NATO and All Aggressive Military Alliances."

"Ban US Arms Exports."

"Abolish the CIA, NSA, and All US Agencies of Covert Warfare."

"End the Economic Blockades of Cuba, Iraq, and Yugoslavia."

"Cut Off US Military Aid to Counter-Insurgency Wars in Columbia and Mexico."

"Require a National Referendum of the Whole People to Declare War."


Which, if any, of these positions does Nader agree with? We've 
already noted his dissent from the Green platform on cutting the 
military budget - Nader would cut it only by a third or so - but what 
else doesn't he agree with? You'll notice, by the way, that the 
Greens say they oppose only unilateral US military intervention, and 
- more ominously - start their list of demands by declaring their 
support for multilateral "peacekeeping to stop aggression and 
genocide" - precisely the language used by the Clintonistas to 
justify the subjugation of Kosovo. The Green Party leadership, for 
all its emphasis on grassroots organizing, stayed away completely 
from the antiwar protests during the Kosovo conflict, no doubt 
because a good portion of the Greenies were for what was, after all, 
an allegedly "humanitarian" war. The strain of international 
do-gooderism is very strong among the Greens, as can be seen in the 
following astonishing passage from their platform, which promises a 
"global Green Deal," the first step of which is that

"The US should finance universal access to primary education, 
adequate food, clean water and sanitation, preventive health care, 
and family planning services for every human being on Earth."...


Kosovo was a turning point not only for the Right, but also for the 
formerly antiwar Left - which for the most part jumped on the 
bandwagon of Clinton's "humanitarian" war, and, if anything, 
criticized him for his tardiness. The transformation of the Green 
Party of Germany - which entered the Social Democratic government of 
Herr Schroeder and captured the Foreign Ministry - from a party of 
peaceniks to the vanguard of the War Party (European branch) was 
dramatized at their national convention held during the Kosovo war. 
The so-called "radicals" - who insisted on adhering to the original 
antiwar principles of the Greens - succeeded in splattering Joschka 
Fischer, the Green Foreign Minister, with red paint during the debate 
on Kosovo - but the "realos," the pro-war "realist" wing of the 
party, carried the day and voted to support the government. Will the 
American Greens go the same route? Time will tell....


Now, in all fairness, Nader's 1996 "no foreign policy, please" 
position may change, this time around - we'll just have to wait and 
see. In any case, a stubborn refusal to comment on a sudden foreign 
policy crisis - say, if Kosovo blows before Election Day 2000 - could 
cost him his credibility. It could also get people (including his 
supporters) to ask a very pertinent question: Instead of running for 
President, why doesn't Nader lower his sights and run for something 
like California insurance commissioner? Now there is a job made for 
Nader, our number one Public Citizen - and, what's more, he would 
probably win. The incumbent, Republican Chuck Quackenbush, is in deep 
trouble because of alleged financial collusion with the very industry 
he was charged with regulating. It would be a feather in the cap of 
the California Greens, who have put most of their emphasis on local 
organizing and campaigns for city and county office - and there's 
still time for Nader to drop out.... 
<http://www.antiwar.com/justin/j052600.html>   *****

I used to think that liberals & leftists, on average, are smarter 
than conservatives.


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