En relación a [PEN-L:1675] Re: Re: Re: Aux armes citoyens! (was, 
el 10 Sep 00, a las 18:22, Brad DeLong dijo:

> What makes the Marseillaise "creepy" rather than "barbarous" is that
> it spends more lines making it very clear what the stakes are--liberty
> vs. tyranny--than it does calling for blood.

We were talking on combativity, militarism, and so on. Now you begin 
your week by changing the issue. Well, if it is those high ideals 
that move you, then you will weep a Pacific Ocean when you listen to 
my country's anthem. Even the anthem of Nazi Germany (which I do not 
have the pleasure to know, BTW) must have contained those general and 
vague ideas. What makes them important in revolutionary action is 
precisely the other part. The most free loving verse in La 
Marsellaise, the most clearly revolutionary one, is that calling to 
popular, national war: "Citoyens, formez vos bataillons!"

I insist. If the Argentinian (originally South American) war song had 
been written in French, Brad would be sobbing of joy. It is not. A 

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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