Subject: Beijing exploits appalling safety record to shut mines

World Socialist Web Site

Beijing exploits appalling safety record to shut mines

By Terry Cook 31 January 2000

On January 11, a mine collapse in China's eastern Jiangsu province killed 
seven workers instantly. The next day 23 miners were pulled out alive from 
the debris but 33 remained trapped in a cavern 320 metres below ground. The 
cave-in at the Xuzhou Coal Mine Group-operated mine was caused by a sudden 
in-rush of water.

According to the last information to come out of China on January 16, 
rescuers had been working furiously for five days to reach the men, but 
were forced to abandon their attempt when the ceiling of the rescue tunnel 
caved in.

A mining official said he was sure that some of the trapped men remained 
alive because rescue teams still detected noises underground but “hope of 
rescuing them was dimming”. Although rescuers had been able to cut a narrow 
shaft through the fallen debris to push oxygen, milk and clean water 
through to the trapped men, it was not certain that the supplies reached them.

Media reports have described the working and safety conditions at the 
42-year-old Xuzhou operation as “utterly miserable”. But the truth is that 
similar conditions prevail throughout China's coal mining industry, not 
only in small enterprises but also in the large state-owned and regulated 

Mining deaths are so commonplace that in the past they barely rated a 
mention in the country's official press. Just one day before the Xuzhou 
incident five coal miners died in a gas explosion in the northeastern 
province of Helongjiang and a similar accident in the southern province of 
Guizhou left five dead. One week earlier, 21 miners were killed in two 
separate explosions in the northeastern province of Liaoning and in the 
eastern province of Shandong, bringing the total number of mining deaths 
since the beginning of the new year to 40, not counting those lost in the 
Xuzhou cave-in.

This is by no means an exceptional year. In the first nine months of 1999, 
a total of 3,464 coal miners perished and in 1998, 2,028 miners were killed 
in underground explosions and mine collapses.

In the past, the Chinese authorities, central and local, have worked to 
play down the extent of the carnage in the industry usually attributing 
deaths and accidents to the operation of “unlicensed” mines or illegal 

But the recent deaths, and the collapse at Xuzhou, were well reported in 
the government's China Coal Industry News. So too was a government 
announcement earlier this month that it was setting up a special bureau—the 
State Bureau for Supervising Coalmine Safety—“to crack down” on unsafe 
mining operations. Hundreds of mines, small and large, could be refused 
licenses and forced to close down.

The establishment of the bureau does not connote a new-found official 
concern over the shocking conditions facing coal miners. The change is 
directly bound-up with the interests of the Chinese bureaucracy and its 
agenda of capitalist economic restructuring.

Reports have emerged that the government is desperate to slash coal 
production to end a glut, which has lost the industry hundreds of millions 
of dollars in recent years. In 1999 the government set a target to cut the 
country's annual coal output by 200 million tons and it aims to lower 
output by a further 870 million tons this year. China mined 1.03 billion 
tons in 1999, one-third of the world's output.

Another reason for the drive to close mines is the government's decision to 
shut thousands of small steel smelters and mills across the country this 
year and slash steel production by 10 percent. More than 2,500 mills with 
annual capacities below 100,000 tons will be shut down. A government 
spokesman said authorities would cap steel output for this year below 110 
million tons “to ease oversupply”.

He said the measures aimed to cope with the glut in consumer and industrial 
goods that have “driven down prices and profits and afflicted China's 
economy”. Central authorities will strictly enforce the closures by denying 
raw materials and electric power to targeted mills. The closed plants will 
be dismantled and the machinery smashed to prevent them reopening elsewhere.

The developments in China's coal and the steel industry are intrinsically 
bound up with the bureaucracy's drive to close down most of the country's 
state-owned industries and move to large-scale privately owned enterprises 
in which leading members of the country's ruling Communist Party will own 
substantial shares.

China's Minister for Labor and Security announced on January 10 that up to 
12 million jobs will be destroyed in state-owned enterprises this year as 
the government presses ahead with its program of “economic reform”.

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