In a message dated 7/1/2004 8:28:43 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Mr. Sowell is of course no one fool or "boy"  . . . and most certainly not an Uncle Tom  . . . a characterization that can mean virtually anything depending on usage.
Comment - Follow up
There is a tendency to reframe from characterizing a leader such as Thomas Sowell because no one wants to be accused of "color blindness" or "insensitivity." I believe other more profound factors about American society are involved that has generally escaped the logic of the radicals and liberals . . . socialists and many communists.
Perhaps a year or maybe 18 months ago I wrote a couple articles called the "Peculiar Phenomena called the Black Leader" or something to that affect on Marxmail. If this articles was written today it would be different in exposition but not its underlying internal components.
Mr. Sowell is not a black leader but a leader who happens to be black. On the other had Reverend Al Sharpton is a black leader being reinvented as a leader that happens to be black. Al Sharpton was literally won over and recruited by a politically and economically important segment of the African American intelligenica that persuaded him to take off his "jump suits" and get a hair cut. The Minister Louis Farrakhan is a black leader, while Julian Bond is a leader than happens to be black, although he began as a black leader in the Civil Rights Movement.
The distinction is not an ideological category but the face of the shifting economic and political relations in the American Union.  The "Peculiar Phenomena called the Black Leader" arose on the basis of the defeat of Reconstruction and its political aftermath. The first set of political leaders from the slave class after Emancipation were not black leaders but leaders who were black. One must read and understand the demands of that time for reform of the system.
The broad institution of Jim Crow and segregation is the context for the emergence of the "Peculiar Phenomena called the Black Leader." The destruction of Jim Crow and segregation is removing the social framework of the "Peculiar Phenomena called the Black Leader." There will always be leaders that are black.
My brother's story might illustrate why one needs a concrete understanding of the evolution of American society to understand the modern world of politics instead of ideological proclamations. 
My brother Maurice is an International Representative of the UAW - the autoworkers union. He is not a black leader but most certainly African American. He is perhaps the most knowledgeable and militant leader the UAW currently possesses and more than less "conservative," having taken part in negotiating contracts since 1984. 
Maurice began his union career at the Detroit Universal Division of Chrysler in Dearborn Michigan - the home of Ford Rouge, and a city where blacks could not pass through unless they had a factory badge indicating what plant they worked at. Her won his first union position as Chief Steward around 1976 and at that time much of our battle was liberally against Ku Klux Klan type groups in the plant.  He had been earlier fired - discharged, for fighting a white co worker and the union returned the other guy back to work but not Maurice. We had to go to the Civil Rights Commission to get his job back.
Detroit Universal made drive shafts and when Chrysler failed to meet its obligation in the bond market - 1979, and was threatening to go belly up the plant was closed. I was tossed in the streets for four years - 1980-1984, and Maurice went to Sterling Stamping, the largest stamping facility in North America with a little over 5,000 workers.
I was called back to work in January 1984, zoomed in from Chicago and moved in with my brother. He decided to run for the office of Committeeman in the upcoming May election and we analyzed the political forces and determined he had a long shot and if we ran a well organized intense campaign he could take the office two years later.
The district he was running in was composed of roughly 1700 people with a workforce 30% black. Two political caucuses controlled the Local Union 1264 and the Shop floor, not unlike the Republican and Democratic Party. Maurice worked the midnight shift and had a reputation for being knowledge about contract matters, fiercely loyal to his coworkers, a lover of overtime work and took crap from on one - black or white. As a young man he actually enjoyed fisticuffs and considers himself a capitalist minded worker.
Working midnight's means one has an opportunity to mingle with the workers on days and afternoons because shifts overlap so everyone knew him and the black workers loved him deeply for his iron will and ability to get things done. Real leaders get things done.
As preparation for his election, which involves lots of leaflets and propaganda, he demanded that I read and reread "900 Days In Leningrad" and dubbed his campaign "scorched earth"  . . . Seriously.
"Brother we are going to starve for the next two months . . . no sleep and when your ass get off of work be prepared to go to work."  
Big brother that are the first born are unnerving while second born - myself, tend to be manipulative, jockeying in the family structure to avoid the heavy hand of dad and big brother. Dad was a skilled worker - electrician at Ford Rouge, and the only "miss meal craps" we suffered from was eating to fast.
To understand the complex of his thinking and attitude about himself and the world around him, he has a fascination with National Socialism, called Joseph Stalin a "sissy" for not killing more generals, believes that Rommel - the desert fox, was a genius called General Zukov a brilliant tactician and marvel at the Soviets issuing one million ice-picks for hand to hand combat with the Germans.
"Hitler made the same mistake as Napoleon . . . he should never have divided his troops . . . no one escapes the Russian winters . . . the freaking oil froze in the tanks . . . the Soviet tanks were superior . . . and so on!"
Due to the nature of two party politics and the resulting political division of the workforce Maurice won enough votes to make the run off election. The election was highly charged and I would campaign at the plant gate and union offices with several friends. Our opponents issued a letter stating we were in violation of union procedure because it is illegal for a member of one local union to campaign in another Local Union election and threatened to physically eject me from the grounds. I would show up with guys from my local union who also loved Maurice - big guys.
There us a complex of very subtle relations involved in a union election that makes them more complex than Presidential Campaigns. People must know you and have a feel of your personality or human qualities. It was not simply showing up with force that allowed me access to the plant, but rather the poker games held in the local union hall and the dances. Going into the run-off election I caught an open end straight against the Chief Stewart on days that was opposing my brother after he raided the pot about eight bucks.
The word spread quickly in a plant . . . Maurice brother is not as rude as Maurice and gambles with everyone and kicked the Chief Stewart ass. Then of course the guys I would show up with at the plants would always dance with the women during after work gathering at the local union hall. Most of the men will never dance with the women and prefer drinking and talking about sports. Carols and myself would dance with all the women or at any rate ask every women for a dance . . . and get the drinks.
When the polls closed all of us sat around sweating bullets, thanking everyone for voting, while the incumbent set up in a motel room with his inner circle. "When the Company is riding Tony Terry is Hiding" had been my lead slogan in front of the polling booth during the voting . . . and sure enough no one could find Tony Terry.
Maurice paced the side walk and our election challengers were challenging anything suspect. All day Maurice screamed in our faces - "Zukov . . . stand fast . . . anyone that retreats shoot them . . . If I retreat shoot me"   . . . and then laughed. Everyone was on edge and a couple times fistfights almost broke out.
When the votes was tallied it was the greatest upset in UAW history. The independent won by a healthy margin.  Maurice had won half the white workers votes and carried the pressroom 99%. Maurice is a leader within the industrial working class that happens to be black.
Mr. Sowell is a leader that happens to be black, but these leaders that are black are subject to a different set of political and social factors they cannot escape.
Tony Terry and his inner circle . . . composed of primarily white men and black women . . . were not going to dance with anyone or conform to how people think out things and the subtle real life activity of people. Maurice inner circle was composed primarily of black men and white men with more white women than black women publicly campaigning for him.
One of the black women supporters of Tony Terry slapped my face for looking at her with disdain in front of the voting booth and everyone in line looked at me. I tossed my leaflets in the air and shouted "I like that . . . come close to me baby and do that again."
About seventy-five people in line broke out laughing.
I know better than to try and politically slap Mr. Sowell's face. He proceeds from a logic that is very bourgeois and does not take into account subtle changes in American society. In my opinion he profoundly misunderstanding the evolution of the African American people in real American society. We are not an ethnic group.
My particular political point of view is not that of my brother's and I have absolutely no ideological barrier to compromising with the people you profess to lead and speak for.
Mr. Sowell is not a modern day abolitionist advocate on the side of the proletariat. He advocates for those whose social position is more secure and by doing such reveals profound ethical and moral dimensions of his personality. My brother . . . Despite his professed ideology . . . advocates first for those who have elected him and then for those less fortunate.
American society will always be compared with other countries and this is no crime. However, we have to unravel our own peculiar history based on its peculiarity. Here . . . not simply Mr. Sowell, but most Marxists fall short.
When it comes to how the American peoples and distinct economic units think things out, and collide upon themselves, the Marxists generally miss the mark more than Mr. Sowell. My brother would probably like Mr. Sowell and much of what he writes but divide sharply on every major political and social question. He is in an income category that has varied from $90,000 - $150,000 for the past twenty years and lost more in the market than I have accumulated and lost in life.
The difference between these two leaders who happen to be black is profound. Maurice understand the immediate consequence of his politics and utterances and Mr. Sowell does not care about the consequence of his pronouncements upon the lowest stratum of society.
If in fact the poor are going to always be amongst us then it is always best to feed and house them at the expense of government. This approach will not bankrupt the country.
If Mr. Sowell was a black leader and not a leader that happens to be black, he would be subject to yet another political dynamic.
Melvin P.

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