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             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 24 November 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 95 (#491)

News On and From the Far Right
    Joe Beaird  (APBnews), "'Bitter' Man Accused of Stalking Federal Agents:
       Sought to Turn Tables on Investigators, Authorities Charge," 23 Nov
    Vincent Bertollini, "Letter to Aryan Nations Trial-Judge Charles
       Hosack," 21 Nov 00
    Terrible Tommy [sic] (White Aryan Resistance), "Aryan Update," 19 Nov 00
    David Cay Johnston (New York Times), "I.R.S. Arrests 6 in White
       Supremacist Group on Tax Charges," 17 Nov 00
Web Sites of Interest: The Far Right "Anglo-Israeli" Movement
    British Israel World Federation
    Albion Awake!
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



'Bitter' Man Accused of Stalking Federal Agents: Sought to Turn Tables on
     Investigators, Authorities Charge
Joe Beaird  (APBnews)
23 Nov 00

TACOMA, Wash. -- A convicted felon with a decade-long antagonism against
the federal government has been arrested for stalking two Treasury
Department agents.

James D. Bell of Vancouver is being held at a federal detention center near
the SeaTac International Airport as he awaits a bail hearing Wednesday.
Bell is the author of an Internet manifesto called Assassination Politics,
which proposes a way for people to anonymously claim cash rewards for
correctly "predicting" the deaths of government employees and

The current charges against Bell allege that he made interstate trips
attempting to track down agents Jeff Gordon and Mike McNall, who work for
the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration.  Bell
allegedly pursued these agents, who had investigated him in previous cases,
"with the intent to injure or harass" them, according to the 17-page
criminal complaint filed with the U.S. District Court, Western District of
Washington at Tacoma.

Prior record

Gordon led a team of agents who searched Bell's house and arrested him in
1997 on similar stalking charges. He has also testified against Bell -- a
Massachusetts Institute of Technology chemistry graduate -- on several

McNall was involved in another 1996 case in which Bell was convicted of
"corrupt interference" with internal revenue laws.

"It had to do with Mr. Bell's belief that the agents were illegally
harassing him, and his response was to begin an investigation of them,"
said Bell's court-appointed defense lawyer Robert M. Leen.

Leen was appointed after Bell complained in Internet-published letters that
the federal public defender's office was acting in collusion with federal

"Given Mr. Bell's history of stalking and aggressively pursuing people when
he feels that someone has wronged him, [the public defender's office]
thought it would be best if someone outside the office represented him,"
Leen told APBnews.com.

Allegedly gathered names of workers

According to the criminal complaint against him, Bell has been using online
databases, voter registration data and motor vehicle records to collect the
names and home addresses of dozens of government employees working for the
IRS, FBI, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, as well as members of
local police agencies.

He also has bragged of using his chemistry knowledge to manufacture the
toxic nerve gas sarin, the complaint alleges.

In 1997, he pleaded guilty to contaminating an IRS office with noxious
chemicals, collecting the names of IRS employees, attempting to obstruct
the enforcement of internal revenue laws, and using false Social Security
numbers to hide his assets, according to the criminal complaint against

Bell apparently believes that federal officials will be less apt to
investigate him if he collects personal information about them. In Internet
newsgroup postings he allegedly wrote: "It is very likely that these people
will be far more pliable and less abusive in the future if they are

After having tracked down what he thought was Gordon's home address and
personal information, but which was in fact data about another Jeff Gordon
who has a son, Joshua, Bell allegedly posted the following Internet
message: "So say goodnight to Joshua, Mr. Anonymous. Tell him it's not his
fault that his father is a thug."

Playing with chemicals

Bell's vendetta against the government apparently took root in 1989 when he
was arrested for the possession of unregistered chemicals at his home, said
Milo Wadlin, Bell's brother-in-law.

"He picked up this one chemical that has almost no uses except to
manufacture methamphetamines," Wadlin told APBnews.com. "It wasn't illegal
to have it, but they busted his place and it was all over the papers that
he had a meth lab. ... He became bitter at that point."

Though not illegal to possess, the chemical had to be registered, and Bell
failed to do so. He was sentenced to probation, which he apparently
violated, according to court records.

Bell had always been a prankster, Wadlin said, and used to delight in
filling aerosol cans with marijuana odor and spraying them at police
gatherings. But after his arrest for unregistered chemicals, the tone
changed, he said.

- - - - -

Letter to Aryan Nations Trial-Judge Charles Hosack
Vincent Bertollini
21 Nov 00

November 21, 2000

Judge Charles Hosack
District Court
324 W. Garden
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho

Dear Judge Hosack,

Enclosed is an article taken from the San Diego Union newspaper the other
day about a case where some law enforcement officers were convicted of
crime.  The presiding judge is considering overturning the verdict because
jurors had made up their mind as to the way they would vote prior to the
start of the trial.

That is a more severe case that overshadows the accusations and convictions
against Richard Butler and the Aryan Nations.  From our perspective, there
isn't one whit of difference between the improprieties that took place in
both proceedings. Their jury was tainted. Your jury was tainted. In fact, I
have video and audio of interviews given by your jurors expressing the very
same concerns - -that most jurors had their mind made up before the trial
and didn't really care about the evidence.

Just so you are not caught off guard by all of this, be advised that we are
mailing out upwards of 50,000 mailers to every household within hearing
distance of the trial offering several thousands of dollars in reward for
unimpeachable evidence that there was tampering, influence, suborning and
perjury by the key witnesses, jurors, Morris Dees (SPLC), his team, and/or

We have reliable information that Morris Dees has already suborned
jurors/witnesses in the past, and that Chief Justice Warren Berger has
ruled against his appeal on those charges. On that basis, along with the
fact that you refused to accept an offer of evidence from Edgar Steele that
Morris Dees (SPLC) regarding a similar tampering by Morris with Yeager in
the aforementioned litigation, we are going on a fishing trip.

Trust me, we are going to fish, and fish, and fish, and fish until we catch
the fish! We are winners. We have always been winners and we will expose
whatever indiscretions and improprieties that have occurred in this
travesty of justice that you all think have been laid to rest.

This mailer will reach every household within two weeks (before the
Bankruptcy ruling) and I know that some very interesting information will
be forthcoming. Please read the accusations very carefully on the mailer
because they are quite detailed and pointed.

By the time you receive this letter it will have been sent worldwide to our
thousands of reliable and faithful readers. They, in turn will cover their
mailing lists, and so on. We will not be silenced and the trial will, very
likely, come off as the sham that it was.

Evangelist Vincent Bertollini
The 11th Hour Remnant Messenger

- - - - -

Aryan Update
Terrible Tommy (White Aryan Resistance)
19 Nov 00

The last few weeks have been a roller coaster of activity worldwide. We
have taken our hits and the system continues to take it's hits also. In San
Diego, Alex Curtis, founder of the Nationalist Observer Magazine was
arrested by a combination of Federal and State thought police. The charges
would be laughable only a few years ago, but today we are moving very
quickly into a  glass darkly as even local policing is being federalized
through the cutesy program called community policing. Community policing is
simply the process that the Federal criminals use to centralize Big Brother
into an ever tighter control mechanism. First the Federals rob the people
through taxation, then they tell the community that if they accept federal
controls the Federals will hand back funds to beef up police departments.
Since most police administrators if not all are political rather than peace
officers they eagerly take the bait. The Federals of the Iron Heel are
desperate for new targets. Especially white male racists. In Curtis case,
they say they spent two to three years, which included phone taps for over
a year. They use surveillance and buying false witnesses through promises
of leniency in other cases. The way it works is simple. The press doggedly
tried to interview Alex and wisely he refused to talk to them. It turns out
that besides the police and FBI watching Alex, at least two local San Diego
TV stations had hired their own investigator to follow and video tape Alex
as he went about his daily business. So you see, the media is not only
completely on the side of your enemy, but now have become vigilantes and
stalker's too. The SPLC and the ADL were also involved, plus who knows how
many other snoopers.

This was all based on heavy literature distribution and not any real acts
of violence. Make no mistake, Alex is in Federal jail only because of what
he thought and literature distribution. Any other charges are manufactured
and sworn to by people on the outer edges to save their asses. Alex knew he
was subject of a fierce investigation for a long time. We have our deep
throats too. So he is not going to play into their hands. That's what
infuriates them, white racists with brains and balls.The San Diego Union
newspaper is owned by Mrs. Helen Copley, ex steno pool secretary who gained
control of that rag by doing Monica Lewinsky's on old man Copley at lunch
hour. She used this tried and true method to steal him away from the
original Mrs. Copley. When Mr. Copley died, guess who picked up the
marbles.The son of Mrs. Copley is a notorious fag and now a big shot in the
firm. One of his claims to fame was lining up several homosexuals in a
downtown bar and giving them all blow jobs. This took place several years
ago, but gives you an idea of the morals of this bitch and her offspring.
This is an example of the types that are calling us naughty.

The San Diego Union also has been at the forefront of open borders and free
trade zones for many years. Copley is just another step and fetch it for
the transnational corporations. Copley loves that Jew connection, as some
of her boyfriends have been Jews. As you know, however, or should know,
most rich old money whites hate the Jews, but will deal with them partly
for their cleverness or is that sneaky like a snake. Or they are terrified
of the possible exposure by Jews as being critical of Jew crimes against
the people.

The funny part is that it is like the pan calling the kettle black, since
the white upper classes hate us chicken pluckers just as bad as the Jews
do. Perhaps more. How could they be better than the kings without ripping
off their racial brothers? Back to Alex. The Union newspaper printed a very
large article about Alex covering his activities all the way back to grade
school shortly before the arrest. That ranks Alex right up there with Ted
Bundy the serial killer as far as the ink used. For those of you who don't
know why this takes place, I will clue you in. It happens in almost every
case just before the state or Federals make their bust. It's called public
conditioning. Through clever and misleading propaganda that passes for news
the target is vilified into the minds of the public and potential jury

Forget all that crap about jurists not reading papers or discussing a case
with anyone. By the time a case goes to trial, the jury has made up it's
mind before opening statements are through. Or at least the strong willed
jury members, who will push the weak ones around. The weak ones just want
to go home and will usually just go along to get it over with. Besides, the
big football game is going to be on soon. Trials are just eyewash for the
gullible public. Rarely is justice found in a court room. Their reaction is
mostly based on pure emotion. If the Iron Heel wants you bad enough they
will use any method to get you. If you practiced the same methods they do,
you would be jailed like a John in no time flat.

What is the real story? Protecting the down trodden non whites or even most
Jews? No guess again. That's as phony as a Browerd County Florida vote

In this Empire we live under, everything is based on control. The Empire
must appear to be in control at all times. This keeps their financial
backers happy. Power and greed are the issues here. Oh, and you thought
they really gave a shit about nonwhites with little money. Some of the
bastards are so deluded, that they actually begin to believe they are
benefactors to the masses. Well once the media has hammered you like the
cannons at the siege of Atlanta, your image is set in the potential
jurist's mind. Also, during the time leading up to the arrests the Federals
are trying in every way possible to put a snitch close to you. Usually in
your security group if you are an organization. If you want to find
informants always look at security people first.

They may turn someone near you by threats on another issue. One of those
charged in San Diego and who cooperated was involved in another felony that
had nothing to do with racism. He was promised leniency if he manufactured
evidence against Alex Curtis. As usual the Feds or state cops went back on
their word and he went to jail anyhow. Word is he has another six months to
do on an earlier charge. That's about the time the Alex Curtis case may go
to trial. You would think the spy would have learned about how the Feds
rarely keep promises, but he is already busy manufacturing more juicy non
happenings for the offspring of that cross dressing Faggot J. Edgar Hoover.
Probably the item that really pushed the boys into a premature arrest is
the allegations of threatening leaflets against an ugly little rat faced
Jew congressman by the name of Robert Filnuts. Robert often brags about how
he marched against the white south back de gud ol' daze. His pretence of
championing the poor and downtrodden is enough to gag a maggot.

Then there were allegations of literature distribution in the high rent
areas of Lojolla and other gold coast neighborhoods. It is very likely that
rich and powerful white renegades were the main push behind the GET ALEX
hysteria. Oh my! There has been chicken plucker's in my driveway, quick
call butch Reno.These are some of that filthy rich community's that some of
our friends spend so much time and energy trying to recruit in. How do you
think they became rich and powerful in the first place. Bite the hand that
feeds them ? Not likely. That's why I advocate legislation mandating that
all wealthy neighborhoods must open up to public housing apartments. Since
we po pipples must mix, it's time all de rich folks mix to and I don't mean
rich nonwhites. I mean real divershitty!!!! YEEEE!!! HAW!!!

Alex Curtis family is in the process of hiring a defense attorney. Now you
see how this works. If they can't jail you, they pauperize you or your
family. If they can't get you criminally, they come at you civilly. If the
state doesn't get you, the Federals double jeopardize you. Had any one
actually committed a real crime in this fiasco the person would have to had
company or have talked to an associate who turned out to be a traitor.
Beyond that there is no case. Even the alleged crimes are a collection of
supposed events that taken separately were no more that a Halloween prank
by my standards. I would hate to tell you nowadays what we did on Halloween
when I was a kid. Today they would probably be called felonies or
terrorism. I notice the U.S. Attorneys for the prosecution in the case is
loaded now with mestizos. This is the latest fad togive symbolic power at
low levels to mestizos hopefully to keep them tame. The female Mestizo was
nearly foaming at the mouth to keep our Racist Thomas Paine in the clink
citing flight risk and danger to the community as the excuse.

Remember these so called civil servant's are purely hired guns that would
do nearly anything to further their career. Oh, you think they are truly
dedicated? Stop their paychecks for a couple of weeks and see how dedicated
they are to protecting the downtrodden. In fact, for those of you who
believe the false idea that a majority of the Iron Heel lackeys are
dedicated to the bitter end, think again.

When the computer that spits out their ill gained wages stops printing,
that loyalty will disappear into the night very quickly. Disgruntled
employees make great recruits. We may be less powerful, but if we work hard
now without pay think what a bunch of junk yard dogs we will be when you
get a paycheck for evening up the score. Liberate as much of your money
from the Empire as you can.

So at this point from my point of view the Feds were stampeded to quickly.
After all those three years of man hours invested they were being pushed by
you know who. WHEN ALREADY??? WHEN ALREADY???!!!!

Now they are stuck with a shitty case that if our side stands tall with
Alex Curtis and it goes to trial, we have a U.S. Supreme Court case handed
to us on a silver platter. There will have to be a Free Alex Curtis
Committee formed immediately, complete with bank account and P.O. Box.

The attorneys must move to quash as much nonsense so called evidence as
possible. Attorney's must launch a giant discovery net to depose every
bastard from the Mayor on down. Letters to the editor of the L.A. Times and
the San Diego Union along with call in radio shows will help. Leaflets FREE
ALEX. You know! Just like the Jews teach the Negroes to do. Letters to the
San Diego chapter of the ACLU encouraging them to get into this case. I am
sure you may be able to come up with even more.

It looks like the Curtis Case is not isolated since several people are
under the gun at this time in different parts of the country. A young 24
year old in Chicago is on trial for nearly the same charges added are the
attempt to recruit teenagers into racial activity. Enter the new gang laws.

Then there is David Duke. Duke is surely not brave enough to involve
himself in violent activity.The mailing list excuse seems pretty flimsy to
me. If so, why isn't the Governor being arrested for conspiracy, since he
paid Duke a large amount of money for a private mailing list. I know the
right wing is good at this mailing list scam. Almost all right wing leaders
deal in mailing lists. Buy sell or trade. And I bet you thought they kept
your address confidential. Sorry pilgrim, wrong again. If it makes you feel
any better, I was contacted by California copyright attorneys to tell them
about Dukes activities in California. I told them go fish. Even though I
have little use for plastic man I would not give evidence against him if I
had it and I don't. Six patriot types were also jacked up here on the west
coast this week on some Federal charge. Actually itappears that Butch Reno
is giving her secret lover Bill a little going away present. In the
meantime friends, do not decrease your activity one bit. In fact increase
it. Nothing will help Alex Curtis like a counterattack on all fronts.So set
down in your dark closet and busy your hateful minds on how to best make
the forces of the Iron Heel look stupid. It's not that hard to do. How
about a few placards with free Alex appearing at the San Diego Federal
Building? Also, make sure those court appearances are well attended. The
next court date is Nov. 30 at the Federal Courthouse in San Diego.

- - - - -

I.R.S. Arrests 6 in White Supremacist Group on Tax Charges
David Cay Johnston (New York Times)
17 Nov 00

Six leaders of a white supremacist group were arrested yesterday by
Internal Revenue Service agents in Oregon on charges that they ran an
elaborate scheme to help 900 people evade income taxes on $186 million over
the last 14 years.

A seventh suspect, Dr. Dan Romaine Kirkham, a lawyer and physician from
Corona, Calif., was being sought last night by federal marshals, said Mark
E. Mathews, chief of the service's criminal investigation division.

An indictment contends that Richard G. Flowers of Sandy, Ore., and his
wife, Dorothy, the founders of the Christian Patriot Association of Boring,
Ore., ran a "warehouse bank" to help customers evade taxes.

A warehouse bank is a variation on a scheme, long popular among self-
styled patriot organizations, to engage in financial transactions that
their ideology holds puts such money beyond the reach of the I.R.S. Over
the last two decades, similar schemes have used barter and privately
printed money to evade income taxes and, in some cases, payments of debts
owed to banks and other commercial lenders.

In the Christian Patriot Association case, the I.R.S. said, customers sent
money to numbered accounts at the association's warehouse bank. The
association then pooled the money in accounts it held at commercial banks
in Oregon and Arizona, paying the customers' bills from these accounts in
an effort to make the transactions untraceable by tax authorities.

The association also taught customers how to hide their identities from tax
and law enforcement authorities and encouraged the use of sham trusts and
false Social Security numbers to frustrate investigations into their
activities, the Justice Department said.

One defendant, John David Anderson of Charbonneau, Ore., who was charged
with evading $333,133 of taxes, used some of his untaxed money to buy a
Bell helicopter, Mr. Mathews said.

In 1995 and 1996, the indictment said, the association used certified mail
to send 2,957 packages totaling $10.7 million in cash to customers.

The use of numbered accounts made investigating the case a complex process
that took several years, I.R.S. officials said yesterday.

"Investigating a warehouse bank case is like looking for a needle in a
stack of needles," said Paula Junghans, the acting head of the Justice
Department tax division.

Efforts to reach representatives of the seven defendants, most of whom had
unlisted telephone numbers, were unsuccessful yesterday.

The Christian Patriot Association's literature asserts that the founding
fathers intended the nation to be run under strict biblical  principles,
which it interprets to mean that whites are the chosen people of God, that
gay people should be stoned, that paper money is unconstitutional and that
the income tax should be repealed.

The association also used the names American Freeman Association, National
Currency Exchange, Natural Coin Exchange, Horizon Sun Business Trust and
other names to advance their illegal activities, according to the
indictment handed up by a federal grand jury in Portland.


WEB SITES OF INTEREST: The Far Right "Anglo-Israeli" Movement

British Israel World Federation

Albion Awake!


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story7/>

AP, "Hate Victims Remembered in Germany," 19 Nov 00, "For the first time
during Germany's national day of mourning honoring victims of both world
wars and the Holocaust, Germany's president Sunday also mentioned the
victims in a recent wave of neo-Nazi violence." <1951.txt>

AP, "Austria Marks Nazis' Gypsy Victims," 18 Nov 00, "Hundreds of Austrians
gathered Saturday near the site of the largest Nazi concentration camp for
Gypsies and paid tribute to the thousands who died there. Of the roughly 1
million Gypsies living in Europe at the time of World War II, historians
estimate the Nazis and their allies killed about 500,000." <1952.txt>

Gina Holland (AP), "Commission Faces Vote on Miss. Flag," 15 Nov 00, "A
commission assigned the unenviable task of recommending whether
Mississippi's state flag should be changed ended a grueling round of public
hearings with perhaps the toughest assignment still ahead. Over the past
month, Mississippians have packed university auditoriums for three-hour
sessions that revolved around the state's 106-year-old flag, which
incorporates the Confederate battle banner in the upper left corner."

Elliott Minor (AP), "Thousands Protest Army School," 20 Nov 00, "Wearing
white masks and black robes and carrying cardboard coffins and crosses,
thousands of demonstrators marched slowly through the gates of Fort
Benning. As they've done every year since 1989, they came Sunday to demand
the closing of the Army's School of the Americas, which trains Latin
American soldiers. Critics blame the school for human rights abuses
committed by some of its graduates - charges the Army calls absurd."

Pauline Jelinek (AP), "Lawyer Warned of Holocaust Revision," 14 Nov 00, "A
former Nuremberg prosecutor warned the FBI in 1969 that he feared Holocaust
revisionist author David Irving planned to tamper with transcripts or tapes
of the Nazi war crimes trial in U.S. archives." <1955.txt>

Amnesty International, "USA: Lethal double standards -- Mexican national
facing execution in Texas," 9 Nov 00, "As the USA waits to learn who its
43rd President will be, US executioners are preparing to carry out their
75th execution of the year, Amnesty International warned today, as it
continued to call on Texas Governor George W Bush to prevent the lethal
injection of Miguel Flores in Texas this evening." <1956.txt>

Amnesty International, "USA: A call for human rights leadership as first
federal execution since 1963," 9 Nov 00, "President Clinton can take a
historic step for human rights, or allow his country to fall further behind
the growing international consensus against the death penalty, Amnesty
International said today, as it released a 43-page memorandum on the
federal death penalty sent to him last week. Juan Raul Garza is scheduled
to become the first federal death row prisoner to be executed since 1963 on
12 December 2000.   President Clinton has the power to commute his death
sentence.  Amnesty International is urging him to use that power."

Amnesty International, "Israel/OT: Mass arrests in Jerusalem and northern
Israel often followed by police beatings," 10 Nov 00, "'A culture of
impunity around the Israeli police is resulting in police brutality, ill
treatment, threats and beatings,' according to a new report issued today by
Amnesty International. The report titled 'Mass arrests and police
brutality' is based on the findings of an Amnesty International delegation
which visited Jerusalem and northern Israel from 21-29 October. In it, the
human rights organization strongly criticises the procedures and treatment
of those arrested over the past six weeks in Jerusalem and northern
Israel." <1958.txt>

Amnesty International, "South Africa:  Amnesty International welcomes
Government action against racially-motivated violence by police," 8 Nov 00,
"Amnesty International welcomes the swift response of the South African
authorities to the shocking evidence of the police torture of suspected
illegal immigrants, broadcast on state television on 7 November [2000]. The
arrest and suspension from duty without pay of six members of the South
African Police Service (SAPS) East Rand Dog Unit and the clear statement by
the Safety and Security Minister, Steve Tswete, condemning their brutal and
racist treatment of the victims in their custody, should send an
unequivocal message to all members of the security forces that such abuses
will not go unpunished." <1959.txt>

Reuters, "Vatican Blasts German Homosexual Rights Law," 11 Nov 00, "The
Vatican on Saturday blasted Germany's new law allowing same-sex partners to
marry, saying no legislation could legitimize a 'moral disorder.' Father
Gino Concetti, writing in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, said
such laws 'disfigure the divine project of matrimony, damage the family and
produce negative effects on society and on new generations.' The editorial
was entitled: 'It is not permissible to legitimize a "moral  disorder"'."
                            * * * * *

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