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               The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 5 May 2000
                         Vol. 4, Number 38 (#419)

Web Sites of Interest:
   Resistance Records analysis via the ADL
   Fuck Fascism: Metalheads Against Brown Insanity
   Dennis B. Roddy (Post-Gazette), "Shootings suspect saw immigration as
      disastrous to whites: Richard Baumhammers' Free Market Party Web site
      drew little traffic," 3 May 00 
Political Catholicism In the News
   American Jewish Congress, "AJCongress and Its New York Metropolitan
      Region Praise Cardinal O'Connor for His Positive Impact on Catholic
      -Jewish Relations Worldwide," 4 May 00 
   Human Life International (press release), "Puerto Rico Must Reject
      RU-486: 'Puerto Rican Women should not be Guinea Pigs For the FDA,'
      says HLI President Fr. Welch," 5 May 00



Resistance Records

Those interested in Resistance Records may want to look at ADL's new report
on that topic:


Best wishes,

Jordan Kessler
Senior Researcher

- - - - -

Fuck Fascism: Metalheads Against Brown Insanity

"The trigger for this teamwork, was in the effect the false-development of
the Black Metal - sector to the subgenre 'NS Black Metal.' This is not only
an insult to us; the supporters of each form of Metal - ... it is also
completely against the interconnected spirit and thinking of this music-
'lifestyle'." <http://come.to/fuckfascism>

- - - - -

Shootings suspect saw immigration as disastrous to whites: Richard
   Baumhammers' Free Market Party Web site drew little traffic  
Dennis B. Roddy (Post-Gazette)
3 May 00
Richard S. Baumhammers, self-styled chairman of the Free Market Party, drew
little interest with his site on the World Wide Web, where he advocated an
end to Third World immigration and briefly turned his criticism on
Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Bradley. 

Baumhammers closed down the site in September, unhappy that it was
attracting no attention to his cause. 

It is scheduled to go back online today. This time, the Mt. Lebanon
computer firm with which Baumhammers had an account to post his page, is
introducing the www.freemarketparty.com Web site with a statement
denouncing intolerance and telling the curious how to contribute to funds
to help the families of the six people Baumhammers is accused of shooting
in a two-county rampage last week. 

"We just discovered we had hosted this site and now feel a responsibility
to cooperate with the authorities and now turn a bad situation, as best as
can be, into something positive for the victims' families," said Jerry
Tapolici, president of Computer Comfort. 

Tapolici said Baumhammers last year arranged for a site on the World Wide
Web and rented computer space from the firm. After receiving few visitors,
Baumhammers shut down the site at the end of September. 

Baumhammers is accused of five counts of homicide, a spree that targeted
some of the very people whose immigration to the United States his
organization sought to block. Police say he shot two Indian nationals,
killing one, and then shot two Asian workers at a Chinese restaurant. He
also is accused of killing a Jewish neighbor, and firing into two
synagogues, spray painting swastikas on one. 

His Web site carried a copy of his party's manifesto, which demanded an end
to Third World immigration, special immigration rights for Europeans, lower
taxes, less foreign aid and that English be declared the nation's official

While expressing fears that whites are at risk of becoming a minority in
the United States, Baumhammers' writings steer clear of overtly racist

"One of the most prominent aspects of massive immigration is the effect on
culture and society in America," Baumhammers wrote. "American society is
transformed in numerous ways. Sustained and prolonged immigration has been
detrimental to White Americans. The source of present day immigration is
the 1965 Immigration Act. This wrongly enacted law allows for approximately
1.2 million aliens to become citizens of America per year. Almost all of
this present day immigration is non-European. The effect of such massive
waves of immigration has been disastrous for Americans of European

The Baumhammers site includes a section offering his "Weekly Report," but
he appears to have filed only one since putting the site up. 

Dated Sept. 10, 1999, the report focuses on former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley
who, at the time, was climbing in the polls in what proved to be an
unsuccessful bid for the Democratic nomination for president. 

"What's more troublesome is Bill Bradley's views on multiculturalism and
his ambiguous or unstated view on immigration," Baumhammers wrote. "Because
of his 'pet theme' of racial harmony and civil rights, European-Americans
of all backgrounds should be leery of a Bradley presidency." 

He hits on his overarching theme of what might happen if Americans of
European ancestry become a minority and, once again, declares that
"European-Americans must organize a political party." 

An agent at the Pittsburgh office of the Secret Service, which provides
security to major presidential candidates, said Baumhammers' passing
interest in Bradley would have to be evaluated. 

"It's the first I've heard of that," said agent Mark Besanceney. 
Yesterday, a spokesman for the Allegheny County district attorney's office
said an FBI investigation had found nothing to link the shooting spree to
anyone else locally, and found no ties between Baumhammers and any European
splinter parties that use the term "Free Market Party" in describing

Initial concerns had centered on whether he was linked to a philosophy
called the International Third Position. It now appears, according to
investigators, that Baumhammers had no ties and likely acted alone.  The
FBI is expected to turn Baumhammers' personal computer over to Allegheny
County investigators and is unlikely to bring any federal charges. 
The nonincendiary nature of Baumhammers' Web site passed muster with one
right-wing organization that put up a link to the Free Market Party.  "It
was extremely legalistic, esoteric stuff that would not have drawn much
interest from anybody," said Bill Roland, Web-master for the Council of
Conservative Citizens, a white-rights group whose Web site occasionally
carries links to like-minded groups. 

Roland said Baumhammers contacted him by e-mail more than a year ago
suggesting his site for a possible link. Roland said he examined the site
to make certain it did not advocate violence or hate and then set up the
link. That link was taken off the council's Web site after word of the
shooting spree reached the group. 

Roland said he recalled Baumhammers expressing concerns about immigration -
-a position shared by the Council of Conservative Citizens. 

"I don't remember any specific wording that was used," he added. 

As investigators sorted through evidence yesterday, a broader picture of
Baumhammers' behavior in the months leading up to the shootings began to

State Sen. Tim Murphy, R-Upper St. Clair, said that in the past 12 months,
Baumhammers had twice visited his Mt. Lebanon office to ask for help
because he believed the FBI was following him. 

"I believe the issue was one of some concern that, because he was doing
some legal work in European businesses they were following him," Murphy
said.  Murphy last night said he referred the information to State Attorney
General Mike Fisher and was forwarding additional information this week to
Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen A. Zappala Jr. 

Murphy said his staff believed Baumhammers also might have suggested at one
point that he was also being tailed by the CIA. 

It also emerged yesterday that Baumhammers has been prescribed Trilofan, a
drug used to treat psychoses. 

A graduate of Kent State University and Cumberland Law School in
Birmingham, Ala., Baumhammers has described himself as a lawyer
specializing in immigration matters but did not appear to have an active
local practice.  The head of the local chapter of the American Immigration
Law-yers Association said Baumhammers was not a member.

Baumhammers Web Site now back up at: http://www.freemarketparty.com



AJCongress and Its New York Metropolitan Region Praise Cardinal O'Connor
    for His Positive Impact on Catholic-Jewish Relations Worldwide 
American Jewish Congress
4 May 00

NEW YORK -- Lauding the late Cardinal John O'Connor for his dramatic steps
to improve Jewish-Catholic relations, the American Jewish Congress and its
New York Metropolitan Region in a statement today mourned the Cardinal's
death, declaring that "Cardinal John O'Connor was not only the leader of
New York's Catholic Church. Given the force of his personality, his wisdom
and decency, he had a major impact on the New York Jewish community as well
-- and on Catholic-Jewish relations worldwide."

Prior to the Cardinal's death, AJCongress had completed arrangements to
present a special tribute to him at the organization's Annual Meeting,
which begins this weekend in New York.

The full statement, by National President Jack Rosen, National Executive
Director Phil Baum, and New York Metropolitan Region Co-President Michael
Nussbaum is as follows:

"Cardinal John O'Connor was not only the leader of New York's Catholic
Church. Given the force of his personality, his wisdom and decency, he had
a major impact on the New York Jewish community as well -- and on Catholic-
Jewish relations worldwide.

"Through his encouragement of the Vatican to establish diplomatic relations
with Israel, which included his readiness to meet with Israeli leaders
without official Vatican sanction; through his vigorous condemnation of
anti-Semitism; through his recognition and contrition for anti-Jewish
actions of Catholics over the centuries; and through his outspoken
condemnation of the Holocaust, Cardinal O'Connor made himself a spokesman
for an enlightened Church perhaps best symbolized by Pope John Paul II.

"We did not always agree with Cardinal O'Connor on matters of social
policy. But notwithstanding these differences, we could always look to him
as a friend and as a man of deep compassion and sensitivity."

"Recently, the American Jewish Congress made arrangements to present a
Tribute to the Cardinal at our Annual Meeting, to take place in New York
beginning this weekend. Following his death, the Tribute will now be
presented during the course of the Meeting as our farewell to the Cardinal.
The Tribute reads as follows:

"We pay tribute today to Cardinal John O'Connor, Archbishop of New York,
who served our community with dignity and grace, both as a Prince of his
Church and as a dedicated and devoted leader in the civic affairs of New

"As the Shepherd of an Archdiocese of unique diversity and size, he
demonstrated an innate compassion that transcended all differences of race
and creed and embraced with love and understanding all the residents of
this area.

"An uncompromising protagonist of Catholic teachings, he displayed courage
and candor in acknowledging the fallibility of members of his Church during
the ordeal of the Jewish people in the Nazi era. His humility and pursuit
of truth stand as an example for us all.

"The American Jewish Congress, with admiration and affection, pays honor to
the memory of Cardinal John O'Connor at its Annual Meeting this day of May
Seventh, 2000, in New York City. 

  --  Jack Rosen                 Phil Baum
      President                  Executive Director

- - - - -

Puerto Rico Must Reject RU-486: 'Puerto Rican Women should not be Guinea
   Pigs For the FDA,' says HLI President Fr. Welch 
Human Life International (press release)
5 May 00

FRONT ROYAL, Va. -- "With the introduction of the abortifacient pill RU-486
in Puerto Rico, abortions will increase, along with post abortion trauma,
child abuse, spousal abuse, drug addiction, and divorce," stated Father
Richard Welch, CSSR, JCD, President of Human Life International, the
largest pro-life, pro-faith, pro-family apostolate in the world.

It is anticipated that the United States Food and Drug Administration will
approve the introduction of RU-486, also known as mifepristone, this year
in Puerto Rico. It is expected to be sold at local pharmacies beginning
this summer. Pro-life leaders in Puerto Rico have begun to denounce the
pill, including Carlos Sanchez, President of the Pro-Life Association in
Puerto Rico, an affiliate of the National Right to Life. Joining the
protest was Senator Norma Carranza, Chairman of the State Senate Commission
on Health and Social Welfare of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico.
Last week she stated that: "With the growing loss of values in our society,
this (abortifacient) will only increase sexual activity ... and will have
adverse effects at the personal, social, physical and mental (levels)."

"This is the way it works," explained Father Welch. "RU-486 is taken after
conception. The pill prevents the preborn child from attaching himself or
herself to the mother's uterus. Within days, the preborn child dies because
of starvation and lack of oxygen. The child is then expelled from the
mother's body. Not only is it a horrible death for the baby, the entire
procedure can also cause serious side effects to the woman," said Father
Welch. Joan Bermudez, President of the Saint Joseph Pro-Life Center, HLI's
affiliate in Puerto Rico, added: "We will distribute information on RU-486
in Puerto Rico to anyone who requests it."

The abortifacient pill RU-486 is manufactured by the Roussel-Uclaf Company
in France. Roussel-Uclaf's parent company is Hoescht AG in Germany. This
company, under its former name IG Farben, manufactured the cyanide gas
Zyklon B that was used in Nazi concentration camps to exterminate their
prisoners. "This is the continued mass extermination of millions, now of
children in the womb," stated Father Welch.

"During his presidential campaign, Bill Clinton promised population control
leaders that he would push for FDA approval of the RU-486 pill. In keeping
with a hidden agenda of population control among third world and Hispanic
countries, Puerto Rico is being targeted. Few remember that between 1930
and 1950, Puerto Rican women were used in experiments on the effectiveness
of the first contraceptive pill. These initial contraceptive pills caused
so many harmful side effects that the manufacturers changed them. Part of
that change meant that the pills worked part of the time as abortifacients,
creating new moral and physical dangers in addition to the evils of
contraception. Now, in a terrible replay of that situation, a deadly
abortifacient pill is to be handed over to the Puerto Rican women," said
Father Welch.

"Recently, the government of Puerto Rico issued a proclamation declaring a
Respect Life Day. I urge the government to continue to respect life and
protect its citizens, and to denounce the introduction of RU-486 in their
country. By introducing the pill in Puerto Rico, the United States
government is sending an anti-life message to the people, which will only
make them think of their children as 'unwanted' in their own country,"
concluded Father Welch.

Founded in 1981, Human Life International (http://www.hli.org), 1-800-549-
LIFE) is the world's largest pro-life, pro-faith, pro-family educational
apostolate, with chapters in the United States and a network of
international branches and affiliates around the world. 

                           * * * * *

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   We have no ethical right to forgive, no historical right to forget.     
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