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            The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 10 October 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 82 (#475)

Action Alert:
    Protest Matt Hale's Quest for Bar Admission
Ongoing Coverage of Holocaust-Based Lawsuits
    Patrick Goodenough (CNSNews), "Gentile Nazi Victims Also Want
       Restitution From Swiss National Bank," 9 Oct 00
Web Site of Interest
    The New Steurmer
What's Worth Checking: 15 stories



[A reader who prefers to remain anonymous wrote:]

Dear Friends,

I hope by now you have seen my email to Jan Weber of the Montana State Bar
Association regarding Matt Hale's application for a license to practice law
in that state.

I urge all of you to email Ms. Weber, and to ask all your friends to do so
as well. The State Bar will be more inclined to deny Hale if they see
emails  and letters of protest from names other than Levine and Cohen and
the like -- we need our Asian, Latino and African-American brothers, as
well as  white people of good conscience, to protest Hale's application as

I'm hoping Ms. Weber holds my name in confidence as I have requested, but
if I need to go public in order to go on the record, so be it.

This slimy fucker must be stopped on all fronts.

For your friends who do not have email, they can fax or mail letters to:

    Ms. Jan Weber
    Admissions/Character & Fitness/Ethics Committee
    P.O. Box 577
    Helena, MT  59624
    Tel (406) 442-7660
    Fax (406) 442-7763

- - - - -

The following email clip was sent by Matt Hale of E. Peoria, IL., to his
followers in the World Church of The Creator (WCOTC) and was intercepted by
members of the anti-racist community who have infiltrated his mailing list.

Please have the contents of Mr. Hale's email read into the record when you
decide on his pending application to the Montana State Bar.

This email shows his extreme prejudice against Jews, Blacks, Asians,
Latinos and evidences his sociopathic belief that for a parent to love
his/her children equally is akin to adultery.

Matt Hale is a sick and dangerous man -- a man who trains other sociopaths
to hate and kill.

By virtue of his Sept. 26th diatribe, he has proven himself beyond
reasonable doubt to be morally and ethically unfit to be an officer of the
court. In many states, the below would be reason enough to have him
involuntarily committed to a state institution for the criminally insane.

Hale's beliefs are not religious in nature and the mere fact that he calls
himself a Reverend (he also calls himself "Pontifex Maximus") does not make
him a preacher nor a religious leader. The hatred which he spews is
disunifying, anti-social, inflammatory and anti-American by its very

His use of the term "primitive nigger savages" is offensive to ME as a
white person. The term "RAHOWA" means RAcial HOly WAr. This man is a danger
to the peaceful society we all wish for in the 21st century.

To further verify the statements made in writing below, you may call and
hear his recorded message at (309) 699-0135. I would ask that you play the
recording into the record as well as entering the transcript which is
copied below.

I implore the Montana State Bar to follow the lead of the Illinois State
Bar and deny him a license to practice law.

   -- Sincerely,
      [name withheld at reader's request]

                                  * * * * *

             === copied text follows, unedited and untouched ===

Written Hotline for September 26, 27AC
Rev. Matt Hale
(309) 699-0135

Hello once again my White Brothers and Sisters of the world!  You have
reached the weekly hotline of the World Headquarters of the World Church of
the Creator and are listening to Reverend Matt Hale.  This message is
being changed on Tuesday September 26th, in the 27th Year of our beautiful
White Racial Religion, Creativity.

Our address is
   P.O. Box 2002  East Peoria, IL  61611; our website,
   the greatest website in the world, is
   Subscribe to the best pro-White publication in the world,
   The Struggle,  for $20 for twelve issues.

Obtain your copy of The White Man's Bible today for $5.

If you are calling from the Jewsmedia and are requesting an interview, call
(309) 694-4444.

The main item of news this week is my mailing to the State Bar of Montana
my application to be admitted to the practice of law  there.  This begins
anew the legal struggle that brought our Church international fame last
year.  Already, the self-hating Whites there, operating under a facade
organization called the "Human Rights Network" are trying to rally against
my receiving the law license I am obviously entitled to.  The hypocrisy of
the "human rights" crowd is never ending.  While saying they oppose my
being licensed because I oppose "human rights", they are damn anxious to
deprive me my right to a law license--my right to receive a license without
regard to our religious beliefs.

While in another time, the phrase "human rights" actually meant something,
today it is a euphenism for the ultimate in decadence.  A person who "loves
all races the same" makes about as much sense as a man who loves all women
the same or a parent who loves all children the same regardless of that man
having a wife who deserves a special love and the parent having a child who
deserves a special love.  In other words, a person who "loves all races the
same" is really akin to an adulterer -- he cheats his own people of the
love that it deserves.  Necessarily, the believer in "human rights"
sacrifices the right of his people for the rights of the enemies of his
people. Since the highest law of Nature is the survival of one's own Kind
and not the rival kinds, it is immoral to sacrifice the interests of our
own Kind for the interests of others.  The person who believes in "human
rights" (assuming you are conceding that the other races are even human) is
therefore a moral pervert.  One day, such moral perverts will likely find
themselves barred from the practice of law on moral character grounds.

Discrimination is a fundamental aspect of life, and the more intelligent
one is, the more one is naturally inclined to discriminate. Discrimination
involves making choices, and the more intelligent, the more capable a
person is of indeed making those choices. The inability to make choices,
however, is a hallmark sign of a mental moron -- an individual utterly
unable to make choices.  Clowns such as those in the "Human Rights Network"
want to make our genius race into a pack of morons unable to discriminate
between those worthy of association and cultivation and those who are not.
They do this in the name of the gutter myth of "equality."

I find it interesting to note that while the White people of "Zimbabwe" are
having their farms stolen from them with many of them being killed in the
process, that groups like the "Human Rights Network" are blissfully silent.
If the situation were reversed and a White government was killing hapless
niggers, the warplanes of the Jewish American Empire would be bombing that
White government into submission.  Instead, the various "human rights"
organizations don't protest the murder of our brethren in Africa by the
primitive nigger savages at all.  Why?  Because they are self-haters.
Because the Whites involved in such pathetic organizations have had their
minds completely polluted by Jewish propaganda aimed at reducing our master
race to "oppressors," "villains," and the like.  They in turn call "human
rights" whatever benefits the inferior hordes, not caring one whit about
the devasting consequences to White people.

The niggers, of course, have only contempt for the White fools who lavish
them with praise and goodies.  They are justifiably amazed at the
shortsightedness of so many of our Kind.  They will utilize all of the aid
they receive from "Whitey" in an effort to extinguish our Race from the
face of the earth.

It is the mission of our World Church of the Creator to turn this
ridiculous situation around whereby many of our own Kind are coddling their
biological enemies.  It is the mission of our World Church of the Creator
to make the term "human" apply to something better than a half primate,
greaser, or yellow slimeball.  It is our mission to bring about the victory
of quality over quantity.

We are ready for the fight in Montana.  We know that believing in the White
Race reveals superior moral character and challenge anyone to demonstrate
how being loyal to the White Race is anything but good.

In this regard, it is time for you to aid me in this fight for a law
license in that state. Send your letter declaring your belief in my good
moral character and absolute integrity to:

    Ms. Jan Weber, Bar Admissions Director  State
    Bar of Montana
    P.O. Box 577
    Helena, MT  59624.

While we Creators believe that Truth is never determined by majorities,
since those who are currently befuddled think otherwise, let's make sure
that a majority of letters received by the Montana Bar support my getting
that law license.  Let us together win this Racial Holy War!  RAHOWA!



Gentile Nazi Victims Also Want Restitution >From Swiss National Bank
Patrick Goodenough (CNSNews)
9 Oct 00

LONDON -- The Swiss National Bank is facing a new legal challenge arising
from its conduct during World War II, this time from non-Jewish victims of
the Nazis in the Balkans and former Soviet Union.

Lawyers in California this week filed a class action lawsuit against
Switzerland's central bank on behalf of more than 12 million Nazi victims,
whom they claim were unfairly excluded from a "flawed, historically
inaccurate, and lopsided" $1.25 billion agreement reached between Swiss
banks and Jewish groups in 1998.

The Swiss National Bank was covered by that settlement, which was supposed
to protect Swiss banks from any future class action suits. Elderly Jewish
Holocaust survivors will benefit from the agreement.

The lawsuit in U.S. District Court in San Francisco accuses the bank of
laundering hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of gold looted by the
Nazis between 1941 and 1945.

The transactions prolonged the war by providing Nazi Germany with much-
needed foreign exchange to keep its war effort going, lawyers Jonathan Levy
and Tom Easton claim.

"Much of the victim gold and silver collected from concentration camps,
forced laborers, and occupied territories was sent to Berlin for
reprocessing, deposited in the German State Bank and then exchanged through
the Swiss National Bank and other Swiss banks for hard currency," they

"The Nazis then used the hard currency to buy vital war materials from
neutral countries."

In effect, the Swiss action helped prolong the war, Levy and Easton added.

"The dealings with the Germans and their Axis partners were apparently so
profitable that the Swiss continued the practice through April 1945,
despite warnings from the Americans and British that they were dealing with
genocide-tainted gold."

The defendants had "unlawfully and unfairly" profited for more than a half-
century since the war ended.

The lawyers argue that the 1998 settlement between Swiss banks and Jewish
organizations was discriminatory.

"The previous deal is a travesty," Levy said in response to queries. "The
Swiss should have known better and have only themselves to blame. Perhaps
they were thinking that no lawyer would contest the issue.

"The organizations I represent, stand for the principal that all victims of
fascism are brothers, therefore why are some entitled to preference over
others? Without the sacrifices of the people of the Soviet Union and
Yugoslavia, there would have been no survivors, because Hitler would have
won in Europe."

The groups suing represent hundreds of thousands of concentration camp
survivors, slave laborers, partisans and other victims of the Nazis.
Between five and seven million civilians died in the Ukraine, another two
million in Russia, and some 1.5 million in what is known today as
Yugoslavia and in the former Yugoslavia.

A group of Swiss experts, the Bergier group, estimated that the Swiss
National Bank handled between 1.6 and 1.7 billion Swiss Francs worth of
gold from the German central bank (Reichsbank) during the war.

The San Francisco lawsuit seeks compensation of 200 million Swiss Francs
($120 million).

"Of the $1.25 billion settlement, $100 million has been set aside for
looted assets for Jews and Gypsies. Should not equal amount be set aside
for the 12 million plus non-Jewish victims?" Levy asked.

According to the Swiss banks settlement, those entitled to a claim must
fall into five classes. Four comprise "victims or targets of Nazi
persecution" and their heirs, targeted because they are Jewish, Romany,
Jehovah's Witness, homosexual or disabled. The fifth class is anyone,
whether or not falling into the earlier category, who was forced into slave

Levy said courts in the U.S. have already made it clear non-Jewish victims
of the Nazis not covered by the agreement are free to file their own

In response to queries faxed to Zurich, Swiss National Bank spokesman
Werner Abegg said the bank was a public institution and so expected any
lawsuits to be transmitted through official government channels, such as
embassies and finance ministries.

Failure to do so would leave any lawsuit legally invalid, he said.

Asked how the bank would respond to such a lawsuit in light of the 1998
global settlement, Abegg referred to an earlier bank statement.

It said the bank would oppose any class action cases brought in American
courts, as it contested the competence of U.S. courts in cases involving a
sovereign central bank. "An out-of-court settlement does not enter into
consideration," it added.

Easton and Levy earlier this year filed another suit against the Swiss
National Bank, the Vatican Bank and Franciscan Order for allegedly
laundering gold stolen from victims of the Nazi's puppet regime in Croatia,
the Ustasha.



The New Steurmer


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story7/>

CNN, "German police arrest 120 anti-Fascists: Germany is witnessing the
rise of neo-Nazi groups," 16 Sep 00, "Police have arrested 120 anti-fascist
demonstrators who attacked a protest rally by neo-Nazis and skinheads in
north Germany. ... Police detained the counter-demonstrators, many of whom
were extreme left-wingers known as "Autonomists," after they tried to
attack the neo-Nazis through a police barrier. Heide Simonis, premier of
the northern state of Schleswig Holstein, told a counter-demonstration of
around 1,000 left-wing activists, trade unionists and ordinary members of
the public that citizens should show more civil courage against right-wing
extremism." <1871.txt>

Margaret N. O'Shea (Augusta Chronicle), "Klan draws small audience," 17 Sep
00, "Just as many left early as an afternoon sun beat down with no mercy,
however, and the 33 marchers, many of them in Klan robes and peaked hats,
got little encouragement from clusters of townfolk who watched from street
corners, front porches and yards, where most of the commentary came from
barking dogs. Some drivers honked and waved. But 33 Klansmen from three KKK
factions collected fistfuls of applications from those who remained. And
several asked directions to Gaston for a cross-lighting to occur after
dark, more than 60 miles away, at the home of Carolina Knights Grand Dragon
Clarence 'Shorty' Gladden." <1872.txt>

AP, "Police break up neo-Nazi concert; more than 50 injured," 24 Sep 00, "A
riot erupted when police broke up a neo-Nazi concert with smoke bombs and
tear gas in the northern city of Lueneberg, injuring 46 officers and 15
others, police said Sunday. Two of the officers suffered head injuries and
were hospitalized in the melee Saturday night. Thirty-two people were
arrested for disturbing the peace. The concert — which included numerous
neo-Nazi bands from Germany and abroad — was broken up because the event
was connected to the banned international neo-Nazi organizations ...."

AP, "Holocaust 'myth' debated: At issue: whether Nazis made soap from
victims," 26 Sep 00, "A dispute about a new memoir has cast a spotlight on
the powerfully enduring belief that the Nazis made soap from the bodies of
Jews — something that Holocaust scholars largely dismiss as myth. The U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington has refused to allow a book-signing
for an Atlanta man whose memoir tells the story of an uncle who says the
Nazis forced him to make soap from victims at Auschwitz." <1874.txt>

John Hooper (The Guardian), "Neo-Nazi victims ordered out of Germany," 21
Sep 00, "A bitter row has broken out among senior German politicians over
two victims of neo-Nazi violence who were ordered out of the country. One
has already left. The other is awaiting deportation. In both cases, the
results of the attacks are said to have been used by local officials in
eastern Germany as grounds for getting rid of them. Their cases have been
taken up by Wolfgang Thierse, the speaker of the federal parliament, who
claims they demonstrate covert official backing for the far right. One of
the foreigners, an Egyptian, Salah el-Nemr, owned a pizzeria in the town of
Elsterwerda, 100 miles southeast of Berlin. After it was burned down by
skinheads in October 1998, he was told he had lost his right to stay in
Germany because his resident's permit was dependent on his having a viable
business." <1875.txt>

Richard Fausset (Los Angeles Times), "Jewish School Cleans Up, Turns Anti-
Semitic Trashing Into Lesson --  Vandalism: Two troubled teenage boys face
hate crime charges in the Woodland Hills incident," 26 Sep 00, "Rabbi Zvi
Block of West Valley Hebrew Academy opened a classroom door Monday morning
to point out one of many freshly inked swastikas and anti-Semitic
expletives marring his campus. Block, the principal of the 200-student
Orthodox elementary and middle school in Woodland Hills, also pointed out
an irony: The graffiti was written around a sign in Hebrew advising
students, "Guard your tongue from speaking evil." The school was vandalized
Sunday, police said, by two teenagers who live in a home for youths with
alcohol or drug problems. The suspects, ages 14 and 15, were arrested on
the campus, which reopened on schedule after an overnight cleanup."

AP, "Nazi War Crimes Suspect Dies," 28 Sep 00, "Aleksandras Lileikis,
indicted for sending scores of Jews to their deaths while he headed this
city's security police during World War II, has died of a heart attack
before a court could pass final judgment. He was 93. Nazi hunters sought
for years to bring Lileikis, considered one of the last major Nazi war
criminals, to justice. He was indicted by Lithuanian prosecutors, but the
trial that began in 1998 never went beyond the preliminary stages. He died
Tuesday." <1877.txt>

Nicholas Watt (Guardian), "Defector says most Tories are racists," 28 Sep
00, "Shaun Woodward, the former Conservative MP who defected to Labour,
yesterday launched a stinging attack on his old party, declaring that most
Tories were 'instinctive racists' who had stirred hate crimes." <1878.txt>

John Vidal and Kate Connolly (Guardian), "Border blocked to stop activists
reaching Prague -- Police braced for tomorrow's opening of IMF meeting:
Special report: The IMF and World Bank in Prague," 25 Sep 00, "The group of
70 people looked menacing. Dressed mostly in black and carrying almost
identical shoulder bags and furled umbrellas, they were being addressed by
a woman in Spanish. Then, as one, they surged forward to march through the
empty streets and over Cechuv bridge. But the visitors were not neo-Nazis,
communists, anarchists, environmentalists or representatives of any of the
other non-governmental organisations converging on the Czech capital at the
weekend to disrupt the annual meetings of the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund. ... At least 4,000 mainly young activists from
Britain, France, the US, Spain, Italy and Germany are believed to be in
Prague, together with several thousand mostly middle-aged members of
British and European development and human rights groups. The consensus is
that their demonstrations so far have been dress rehearsals for a major
protest when the banking institutions' meetings begin tomorrow.  Some
demonstrators - how many is not yet known - are being turned away at
Austrian, German and Czech borders, suggesting a European police
intelligence operation to weed out people suspected of having violent
intent." <1879.txt>

Paul Brown (Guardian), "Scientist 'killed Amazon indians to test race
theory:' Geneticist accused of letting thousands die in rainforest," 23 Sep
00, "Thousands of South American indians were infected with measles,
killing hundreds, in order to for US scientists to study the effects on
primitive societies of natural selection, according to a book out next
month. The astonishing story of genetic research on humans, which took 10
years to uncover, is likely to shake the world of anthropology to its core,
according to Professor Terry Turner of Cornell University, who has read the
proofs. "In its scale, ramifications, and sheer criminality and corruption
it is unparalleled in the history of anthropology," Prof Turner says in a
warning letter to Louise Lamphere, the president of the American
Anthropology Association (AAA). The book accuses James Neel, the geneticist
who headed a long-term project to study the Yanomami people of Venezuela in
the mid-60s, of using a virulent measles vaccine to spark off an epidemic
which killed hundreds and probably thousands. Once the epidemic was under
way, according to the book, the research team "refused to provide any
medical assistance to the sick and dying Yanomami, on explicit order from
Neel. He insisted to his colleagues that they were only there to observe
and record the epidemic, and that they must stick strictly to their roles
as scientists, not provide medical help". <1880.txt>

Kate Milner (BBC), "Who are the Prague protesters? As in Seattle, sit-down
protests are planned," 22 Sep 00, "Thousands of protesters are arriving in
Prague to demonstrate against the World Bank and International Monetary
Fund meeting starting in the Czech capital on Tuesday. Police have launched
a massive security operation, with 5,000 soldiers standing by and 11,000
police to be deployed - more than a quarter of the Czech Republic's entire
police force.  Most protest groups declare themselves strictly against
violence, but following clashes between police and demonstrators at global
financial meetings in Seattle and Washington, neither side is taking any
chances." <1881.txt>

Laura Flanders (In These Times), "The Media Muddle the Message," 16 Sep 00,
"Reporting on the Democratic National Convention and the protests that
accompanied it, the Washington Post declared: "Smothered by police,
straggling through smog and heat, the protest movement that exploded late
last year on the rainy streets of Seattle fizzled out here last week." The
Post's writers droned on that the activists' thinking was foggy: "The sheer
diversity of protest issues on display muddled the movement's message."
Let's see: Several thousand activists converge on the Democrats'
convention, where private bankrolling of the party that claims to stand up
to the powerful on behalf of the weak is at its most obvious and intense.
To kick things off, protesters unfurl a banner directly across from the
convention center: a U.S. flag with corporate logos instead of stars, and
the words "Soldout USA." Pretty muddled stuff.' <1882.txt>

Stefan Theil (Newsweek), "Taking It to the Streets: Czech police prepare to
prevent another 'Battle of Seattle'," 25 Sep 00, "The big economic summit
hadn't even started, and already Prague was under something like a state of
siege. At border crossings into the Czech Republic, traffic was backed up
for miles last week as police and frontier guards tried to weed out
troublemakers. In Prague, the authorities advised citizens to stock up on
food and then bolt their doors and stay inside. The U.S. State Department
warned Americans to avoid unnecessary travel to the Czech capital this week
and next.'" <1883.txt>

Peter Phillips (Director Project Censored), "Mainstream  Media Dismiss
Democracy," 13 Sep 00, "By ignoring critical social issues mainsream
corporate media dismisses democratic values in the United States. Since the
Fall of 1999 there have been four major political demonstrations in the
United States. The cities of Seattle, Washington DC, Philadelphia, and Los
Angeles each hosted either a major political party convention or global
economic institution meetings where thousands of activists protested,
engaged in non-violent civil disobedience, and in rare, often provoked
cases, caused superficial damage to public and private property. Corporate
media has labeled the protesters as unorganized groups of radical
environmentalists, single issues extremists, and directionless anarchists
bent on disrupting  social order. The extensive involvement of unions and
labor in Seattle has generally been explained as an one time aberration and
the global trade issues focusing on NAFTA and the WTO have been mostly
forgotten." <1884.txt>

Los Angeles Times, "Editorial:  An Ever More Apparent Idiocy," 20 Sep 00,
"The Army's tawdry pursuit of Reserve Lt. Steve May should put to rest any
remaining doubts about the idiocy and unworkability of the military's
"don't ask, don't tell" policy. May, an Arizona state lawmaker who as a
Reserve officer has an unblemished record and an exceptional rating, has
been open about his homosexuality since he first campaigned for elected
office in 1996.  But, May says, he never spoke of his sexual orientation
while serving as an Army reservist." <1885.txt>

                             * * * * *

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