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               The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 11 July 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 57 (#440)

Web Sites of Interest:
    Labor For Mumia
Book Reviews: We Were In Auschwitz
    Grant McCool (Reuters), "New Translation Tells of Nazi Depravation," 6
       Jul 00
Comment and Analysis From Readers
Lenni Brenner "[On Lileikis Prosecution]," 9 July 00
Joe Biernacki (Canadian Polish Congress), "Responding to the Jew Hater and
     Holocaust Revisionist and coward"
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
Exchange on tactics between Vincent Bertollini and Alex Curtis



Labor For Mumia


Labor for Mumia, the new Campaign among working people demanding Justice
for Mumia Abu-Jamal, has just launched a new WebSite. We've made it easy
for you to get involved. You can get the latest information on the
campaign, research labor support for Mumia and interact with us as you
begin to bring this campaign into your union. Check it out and sign-up

Double-click on:


In Solidarity,

  --  Randy Christensen
      Labor for Mumia - Coordinator


BOOK REVIEWS: We Were In Auschwitz

New Translation Tells of Nazi Depravation
Grant McCool (Reuters)
6 Jul 00

NEW YORK -- Concentration camp prisoners fought one another for a bowl of
soup or a piece of bread, betrayed their own kin and abandoned all
ideological principles in the degradation wrought by their Nazi captors.

This is the story told in "We Were in Auschwitz," a collection written and
published by four non-Jewish camp survivors immediately after the Second
World War and newly translated into English from the original Polish.

"It was an absolutely different approach," said co-author Krystyn
Olszewski, 79, describing the difference between the book and other
Holocaust literature. "There were other very interesting stories about
martyrdom, helping each other and underground activities ... there were
many, many truths about the camps, but we selected this one approach."

The book was one of the first published accounts of what happened in the
camps where the Germans tortured, starved and gassed to death millions of
people from all walks of life and from many nations of Europe. The Nazis
killed 6 million Jews and an estimated 5 million non-Jews, according to the
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

After years of obscurity, a rare edition of the book came to light again in
1998 when a Boston-area literature professor, Alicia Nitecki, unpacked a
box of Polish books her husband had inherited. Nitecki, who teaches at
Bentley College, said the work predates Primo Levi's more famous "Survival
in Auschwitz," which also addressed the way prisoners mistreated each

"When I started looking at it I realized it had been written as early as it
was," she told Reuters in an interview in New York, where her translation
was issued by Welcome Rain Publishers this month. "I'd never heard of it,
it had never been translated and it had disappeared."

Book Bound In Prison Stripes

The book in her hands was bound in the striped material of the uniforms
worn by concentration camp prisoners and embossed with the letter "P" for
Polish and "6643" -- the number allotted in the camp to co-author Janusz
Nel Siedlecki.

It was dedicated to the "VII American Army," which liberated them from the
Dachau-Allach camp. The authors and the publisher were swept up in a Nazi
purge of the Polish underground and spent time in different camps,
including Auschwitz.

"We did not fight for the concept of nation in the camp, nor for the inner
restructuring of man; we fought for a bowl of soup, for a place to sleep,
for women, for gold and watches from the transports," publisher Anatol Girs
wrote in one preface.

Another preface was written by co-author Tadeusz Borowski, a Polish poet.
The stories were written in the first person singular but they were not
individually signed. The writing style is journalistic and unsentimental
about what the authors themselves suffered.

In one story, "Homo Sapiens And Animal," two dying prisoners are lying on
the ground: "...from time to time one of them lunges at the other and
strikes him with the bowl he holds in his hand. Between them, a couple of
spoonfuls of spilled soup. They are fighting only about licking the
valuable drops that were spilled during a brawl."

In another story, from Borowski's separately published "This Way for the
Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen," a mother trying to avoid being put on a truck
to the gas chamber hysterically denies knowing her child, who loudly wails,
"Mama, Mama don't leave me!" A Russian sailor grabs the mother and heaves
her onto the truck, then throws the child at her feet.

Degradation Of The Human Spirit

Nitecki, deported to a labor camp in Germany from Poland as a 2-year-old
along with her family in 1944, said the book showed "this in a way was the
worst of the German crimes -- this is what happens to the human spirit when
they are placed in a situation of such total depravation and degradation."

"I would like to see people looking at the Holocaust experience in terms of
what it teaches us about ourselves as a species," said Nitecki, whose great
uncle was gassed to death in Auschwitz. "This is what Primo Levi was after
and why these people wrote the book and I think that has been reduced in
the popular discussion of the Holocaust."

She said the book was written partly in reaction to what the three authors
and publisher Anatol Girs were hearing at a displaced persons camp in
Munich in 1945 and 1946 -- "everybody was the hero of their own tale." The
book was "a memoir and an elegy for the dead," she added.

Girs published 10,000 copies, some of them bound in striped material from
camp uniforms and at least one in leather from a Nazi SS jacket, with
strips of barbed wire attached to the front and back covers and a death
mask on the spine.

The book was republished in the late 1950s in Polish only.

Borowski committed suicide in 1951. Siedlecki and Olszewski live in Warsaw.
Girs went to the United States, at first working as a janitor and a
babysitter, but was forced to destroy 9,000 copies of the book because he
could not afford to store them.

He died in 1990 at the age of 84, but his daughter Barbara Girs of
Brattleboro, Vermont, still has the first leather-bound edition in Polish.
Although she grew up with it in her home, she did not know Polish and read
the book for the first time after Nitecki trached her down and it was
translated into English.

"They didn't always survive by being nice, but they were forced to be the
way they were and also that it wasn't a heroic life that you led there,"
she said in an interview in New York.

"You survived by finding a way to take care of yourself and your friends."



"[On Lileikis Prosecution]"
Lenni Brenner
9 July 00

Brother Paul,

Recently The New York Times ran squibs on Aleksandras Lileikis, 93,
stripped of his US citizenship and deported to Lithuania, where he is held
for trial for turning over Jews to the Hitlerites. Such a trial does
nothing  for his dead victims, or present day victims of ethnic carnage.

Karl von Clausewitz, the author of the classic Vom Krieg (On War),
insisted that an advantage that the defensive has, is that the public
identifies with those who it feels are the victims of aggression. He, being
93, ill, harmless, helpless, automatically becomes, if not Mr Nice Guy, a
great-grandfatherly ex-baddy.

Reunions of SS men, and present day Nazi-skin groups, must always be both
legally outlawed and fought in the streets. But Lincolnesque mercy to
ancient  villains must be granted. When a 93-year-old stands trial, folks'
focus  shifts away from what produced Nazism, and what lessons from that
catastrophe  still apply, in our age of international communal carnage.

   --  Lenni Brenner

- - - - -

Responding to the Jew Hater and Holocaust Revisionist and coward
Joe Biernacki (Canadian Polish Congress)

In 1995, Shalom International was the only Jewish organization to go to
each of the 50th Anniversary of the Liberation of the death camps in
Poland, Germany, Austria.  We were there with our 20ft. banner that
said: "Purge, Extradite, Prosecute All Nazi Murderers".

We were at Auschwitz/Birkenau; 10 camps in Germany, plus the Budenstag in
Bonn, and the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, and Mauthausen Death Camp in

I remember at Buchenwald in Germany near Weimar, in seeing survivors at
each of these ceremonies, but specifically the tension between Polish and
Jewish survivors still.

We wanted to know why Germany had let the murderers to go free.
The Germans cared less and were arguing who liberated this death camp
first, the survivors or the Americans.

But what struck me was the massive divide between Poles and Jews even at
these ceremonies and it was consistant.

The Jews were repelled by the Poles who had done everything possible to see
that the Jews were wiped out, and no 'forgiveness' here and of
course both amazed me and was a major bit of education.

For it is systematic of how the Poles treated the Jews during the
Holocaust, and after the Holocaust.

On the one hand you charge that I don't know 20th century Polish
history, when Poland has 1000 years of' Jew hating' and Jew-killing, as its

Who can forget or forgive the insanity of Poles charging that Jews drank
the blood of a 'Christian child' during the Passover, to justify the mass
pogroms and killings as part of this Catholic 'blood libel'

And while a few Poles were religious enough to save some Jews, the
overwhelming Polish population were more than happy to aid and abet all
German policies towards Jews.

Poles tied to their Catholic scapegoating of Jews and supporting a
Catholic Hitler, were delighted to participate in the grand theft of Jewish
property, and this year the Polish government refused restitution of
$27Billions in property stolen from 170,000 Jewish and non-Jewish

However, what was stolen from the 3 1/2 million Jews with only a few
hundred thousand survivors in the Holocaust, is minor, to the mass
extermination of these people and 600 Jewish communities wiped out in the

To trivialize, and commercialize these sacred grounds and world's
largest Jewish cemeteries, which are the 'death camps', is no different
that pushing the Jews into the gas chambers and Krematoria themselves. I'd
expect nothing less from a Polish low-life like yourself telling me about
Auschwitz being Polish because it's on Polish soil.

Hitler built 7 extermination camps in Poland for a reason, knowing the Jew-
hating and Jew-killing support he'd get from the Poles for this mass murder

Meanwhile, Auschwitz/Birkenau and Belzec, Sobibor, Majdenek, Chelmno,
Treblinka, belong to the Jews from 34 countries brought to be
exterminated because they were Jews.

It is international territory and our sacred grounds, and the more
Poland desecrates our cemeteries, the more the world knows what Poland is
really all about, and who would have anything to do with Poland on any
level with this type of 'politics' and hatred that permeates the Polish

Selling burgers and fries, to make money at a 'death camp' is typical of
how the Poles even honor their own dead, let alone dishonor ours.
Why would we expect anything less from the Poles?

The Polish line is that the Soviets who dominated the Poles after WWII were
all Jews who oppressed and murdered the Poles (who collaborated with the
Nazis and they are today), and therefore the Holocaust is

You attack Jews for what the Poles excel in, in ripping off their own
country, let alone the hypocracy of a Catholic Church that for 2000
years has attacked Jews, which attacks Christ the Jew, as well.
Then you tell us in your propaganda that 'gruesome torture' was 'rare' in
German camps.

Mindboggling bull and so revealing as to your stupidity as well as your

With 1600 'death camps' and over 10,000 'concentration camps', the pure
'Aryan' pleasure was their sadistic torture and experimentation and mass
murder of nearly 7 million Jews, including 1 1/2 million children.
Another 5 million non-Jews were also murdered in the camps.

To the Poles who helped Jews and even died doing this, all the honor and

Sadly, too few of them.

As to Jewish partisans saving Poles, I don't know the figures, but
unlike Poles, we do care about each other and our allies and murder
isn't our thing, and why the world hates us for being their
'conscience', besides their 'scapegoat'.

Meanwhile, get your crosses out of Auschwitz and the other death camps and
stop revising history. The Vatican openly and financially supported Hitler
and enjoyed the killings of millions of Jews. Pius XII was
Hitler's Pope and John Paul II is Hamas' Pope still wanting to finish what
Hitler started.

If you weren't such a coward, you'd admit to Jew hating and Jew killing and
be proud of it instead of denying it.

Commercializing a 'death camp' is no class at all, and we urge any
self-respecting Jew and non-Jew to boycott Poland and everything Polish
,till these sacred grounds are returned to the Jewish community for
proper respect for all victims of Nazism and their Polish collaborators.

You lie about Jews and then get upset if we tell the world the truth about
Nazis and Polish Nazis as well. Too bad. It's only the beginning. You're
upset because we honor and 'remember' our victims, and then say you should
do the same for Poles.

Well do it.

You tell your lies and we'll tell the world the truth and then let them
decide who to morally support.

Crosses and commercialism and trivializing the Holocaust, crosses the line
of any decency and only paints the Poles as the lowest of the low. You has
lost this issue on all but the pro-Nazi fronts.

The more Jew hatred and synogague bombing in Warsaw in 1997; desecration of
Jewish graves and sites in 1998, only goes back to when after the Holocaust
in Kilce, Poland, another 67 Jews were slaughtered by the
Poles, because Jew hating and Jew killing is in your mother's milk and that
is the reality you will never change.

To the Poles who aren't part of your cowardess and nastiness and wish to
make the difference in doing what is morally right, we are more than happy
to make an alliance.

To trash like yourself, nothing but contempt in exposing this 'Polish
poison' to the Planet at large.

Poland is a nation soaked with Jewish blood, then trying to make a buck off
of it, by lying about what really happened and is happening.
And Poland is paying the price globally for this crime against the
Jewish people and humanity.

When I was in Auschwitz in 1991 and again in 1995, the air over the
camp, smells of 'death'.

Poland is a 'dead' country.

And no amount of money can change this bankruptcy in morals to desecrate a
death camp.


For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

Exchange on tactics between Vincent Bertollini and Alex Curtis:

To:      Alex Curtis
Subject: Aryan Nations Congress and Meetings in General

As you probably know, Aryan Nations is have their annual Congress July
14,15,16. I am speaking on the 15th to what will probably be a group of 100
or so visitors. I know from your many writings that you do not condone
groups or organizations  or gatherings of any kind. I know that there will
be infiltrators there and some who would like to build dossiers with even
more info. I don't really care.

It would be a pleasure for us if you could find a way to show up. After
all,  you are out, as it were and no one would be particularly surprised if
you showed.  There may even be a possibility for you to speak along with
Louis, others and  myself. Just a thought.


   --  Vincent Bertollini
       The 11th Hour Remnant Messenger

- - - - -

Response to Bertollini by Curtis

[I'd look like one hell of a hypocrite. It is not that I don't condone
them. As a matter of fact, I openly advertise their taking place. I do
advise against attending them because meetings and rallies should not be
taking place in 2000 for propaganda purposes. This week, my web statistics
show that my Real Audio broadcast was downloaded by 243 people. Dozens more
will call the same speech via telephone at 619-286-6709. 490 read the text
of my speech on the Net. Hundreds more read it on my E-zine. All this
without stepping outside my city, spending hundreds of dollars and days of
time to get to another state, and finally not having personal contact with
a single informant, agent provacateur or well-meaning person who later
undertakes action that pulls me in. Every significant group that has agents
or meetings is presently being sued for millions, except for the rarely-
meeting National Alliance, which will fall prey too. The Number One factor
that always makes the case for the plaintiff, the U.S. Attorney or Morris
Sleeze is personal contact of some kind. If we are to mature into an
effective resistance against JOG tyranny, we must break away from the mind
set of right-wing ideas of organizations and meetings.]

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