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            The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 12 December 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 100 (#495)

Action Alerts:
    Stop the Nazi National Front: Margate, 16 Dec 00
News On the Situation In Germany
    Reuters, "Online Tips to Fight Neo-Nazis," 5 Dec 00
    Erich Retmann (AP), "Germans Seize 2 in Synagogue Attack," 7 Dec 00
    Veselin Toshkov (AP), "German Lawmakers May Ban Rightists," 8 Dec 00
    AP, "Leftist Protesters, Neo-Nazis Clash," 9 Dec 00
    Reuters, "Scuffles, Stone-Throwing at Cologne Far-Right Demo," 9 Dec 00
Real Political Correctness:
    John Nolan (AP), "Court Rejects School Voucher Program," 11 Dec 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
What's Worth Checking: 5 stories



Stop the Nazi National Front

Assemble: Warren Court Hotel, Arthur Road, Cliftonville, Margate, 1pm
Saturday 16 December 2000

The Nazi National Front have announced that they want to hold a demo
outside the Refugee Support Centre at the Warren Court Hotel in Arthur
Road, Cliftonville, Margate.  Margate ANL are mobilising supporters to
defend the Refugee Support Centre from attack by the NF.

On their march to the Cenotaph this November the National Front were joined
by Stephen Irwin a loyalist killer convicted of one of Northern Ireland's
bloodiest massacres. He was called the "Trick or Treat" killer because he
took part in shooting dead 8 people in a predominantly Catholic pub on
Halloween. He was jailed for life in 1995.

The National Front have close links with the Loyalist terrorist group the
Ulster Defence Association, especially in London. In 1998 the UDA leader,
Frank Portinari was guest speaker at the National Front annual rally.

Terry Blackham, the National Front's national organiser, who brought the
dozen thugs to Euston last Tuesday has over 20 convictions for violence and
was sentenced to four and a half years for gun running when he was caught
with Czech made sub machine guns and a grenade launcher boarding a ferry to
Northern Ireland.

Arthur Road is a quiet residential road off the shopping street of
Northdown Road. Local people will be out Christmas shopping a few hundred
yards away from where the Nazi NF plan to demonstrate. 400 yards away from
the Warren Court Hotel is Bugsy`s Bowling Alley which holds kids parties on
Saturday afternoons.

This will be the fifth time this year that the Nazis have targeted Margate.
Local people are furious that the seafront was disrupted this summer as
Kent Police protected the tiny NF attempts to march. Margate ANL`s slogan
is `The Nazi NF wrecked the summer in Margate - don`t let them wreck

   --  Anti Nazi League
       PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ
       Phone:  020 7924 0333
       Fax:  020 7924 0313



Online Tips to Fight Neo-Nazis
5 Dec 00

BERLIN -- Organizers of a Web site launched on Tuesday aimed at offering
tips on how to combat racist and neo-Nazi violence in Germany said it had
attracted hundreds of visitors within hours of going live.

"We've had hundreds of page hits already, and we're expecting thousands
more," said Rudiger Hesse, spokesman for the project launched by six German
state governments.

Under headings such as "In the Pub," "On Public Transport" and "In
Pedestrian Areas" -- places deemed potentially dangerous for foreign
residents in Germany -- the site advises readers to enlist the help of
other bystanders to stand up to perpetrators of racist crime.

The authors stress that passers-by who witness racial violence should try
to reason with the attackers rather than resort to violence themselves.

A spate of attacks on foreigners this year has raised the pressure on
authorities to act to stamp out racist and neo-Nazi crime. The Internet is
increasingly used by Germany's far-right scene to disseminate information
and recruit new members.

The site, www.verfassungsschutzgegenrechtsextremismus.de, was launched
following huge public demand for information on Germany's far-right problem
and how to combat it, Hesse said.

"We used to get hundreds of calls every week from people asking for advice
on how to deal with far-right violence," he said. "The good thing about the
Web page is that people can access this information from the privacy of
their own homes."

- - - - -

Germans Seize 2 in Synagogue Attack
Erich Retmann (AP)
7 Dec 00

DUESSELDORF, Germany -- German police have arrested a Palestinian man and a
Moroccan-born German in the firebombing of a synagogue in October on the
eve of celebrations marking the 10th anniversary of German reunification,
prosecutors said Thursday.

The synagogue attack came just months after a still-unsolved pipe bomb
attack in Duesseldorf injured 10 recent immigrants, six of them Jewish,
dampening reunification festivities and heightening concerns about
increasing neo-Nazi attacks.

Police arrested the two men, identified only as Belal T., 19, and Khalid
Z., 20, after a search of their apartments turned up anti-Semitic and
extreme-right material, including swastikas carved into the doorjamb and a
picture of Adolf Hitler hand-drawn by one of the men.

Both have admitted throwing three Molotov cocktails at Duesseldorf's main
synagogue on Oct. 2, federal prosecutor Kay Nehm said. He said there was no
evidence so far linking the two Duesseldorf attacks.

Nehm said it appears the suspects were not motivated by right-wing
tendencies, but acted out of revenge for the deaths of Palestinians killed
in clashes with Israeli soldiers. The fighting between Israelis and
Palestinians began Sept. 28, just days before the synagogue attack.

"With their act, the accused wanted to react, to make a statement about the
violent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians," Nehm told reporters.

Neither had any known contact with right-wing groups, he said.

Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said the arrests would not affect the
government's recent moves to crack down on far-right groups.

"We have absolutely no reason to change our position toward extreme
rightists," he told reporters at a European Union (news - web sites) summit
in Nice. The arrests didn't excuse other anti-Semitic crimes such as the
desecration of graves with swastikas, he said.

The leader of Germany's Jewish community expressed concern that the
incident could signal a dangerous coupling of two extremist forces. "My
biggest worry is that extreme-rightists will get together with fanatics
from the Middle East and we will be threatened even more," Paul Spiegel

Tips from people arrested during a violent Palestinian-led demonstration
against the Middle East violence and attended by both men in nearby Essen
five days after the firebomb attack led to the arrests, Nehm said.

- - - - -

German Lawmakers May Ban Rightists
Veselin Toshkov (AP)
8 Dec 00

BERLIN -- Parliament's lower house on Friday endorsed outlawing a party
accused of neo-Nazi leanings, bolstering government efforts to show resolve
against Germany's resurgent far right.

Carried by the governing Social Democrats and Greens, the motion urged
Germany's highest court to declare the National Democratic Party, or NPD, a
threat to democracy - and in effect illegal.

The proposed ban needed only the Cabinet's backing, but Chancellor Gerhard
Schroeder wanted to build broad political support against the NPD as a
signal of government resolve against resurgent neo-Nazis. The government
and the upper house, where the states are represented, have already decided
to ask the constitutional court to clear the way for an NPD ban.

"This is a good day for all those in Germany who are scared again. It's
time to act," Social Democrat Ludwig Stiegler said during parliament's 90-
minute debate.

Security officials consider the NPD a magnet for violent young skinheads
because of its anti-foreigner stance and slogans such as "Germany for
Germans." Though the party is electorally insignificant, the government
accuses it of fueling racist violence and promoting neo-Nazi ideology.

Greens lawmaker Cem Ozdemir, who is of Turkish descent, argued that the NPD
has been treated "like naughty relatives" for too long.

"This has to come to an end now," he said.

The opposition voted against the motion. The conservative Christian
Democrats argued that seeking a ban should be reserved for the executive
branch, while the small liberal Free Democrats said the entire effort would
"rather strengthen the right-radical scene instead of weakening it."

The liberals fear that a failed attempt to ban the party would hand the NPD
a propaganda victory.

The high court is expected to act on the motion within the next few weeks,
although a final legal ruling could take years.

Only two political parties have been banned in postwar Germany. The
successor to the Nazi Party was outlawed immediately after the war, and the
Communist Party was banned in West Germany in the 1950s.

The NPD has been kept out of state and federal legislatures so far by
Germany's 5 percent vote requirement - a hurdle instituted in light of the
country's Nazi history to keep extremist parties out of power.

But far-right attacks in Germany have been on the rise against foreigners,
minorities and Jewish targets such as synagogues. At least three people
have died in the violence this year, including a Mozambican immigrant
beaten to death by skinheads in the eastern city of Dessau last summer.

On Thursday, prosecutors in the Baltic Sea port of Wismar charged five
youngsters with the July killing of a homeless man. Authorities believe the
detainees, ages 19 to 23, belong to the extreme right scene.

- - - - -

Leftist Protesters, Neo-Nazis Clash
9 Dec 00

COLOGNE, Germany -- Left-wing activists protesting hate and racism clashed
briefly with police Saturday during a demonstration of about 25,000 people
against a much smaller neo-Nazi march nearby.

One police officer was injured when hit by a stone. About 30 people were
held briefly.

About 2,000 officers were deployed to prevent clashes between some 100
right-wing extremists, including Christian Worch, one of Germany's most
active neo-Nazis, and radical elements among the counter-demonstrators.

Leftist protesters threw stones and glass bottles at the right-wing
extremists, and witnesses said two broke through security lines in an
attempt to block the neo-Nazi demonstration before police took them away.

Police initially had prohibited the neo-Nazi march through a neighborhood
near the famed Cologne Cathedral, but a judge lifted the ban, saying there
was no evidence of a specific danger. Protesters, however, were barred from
wearing uniform clothing and from carrying banners or signs with
unconstitutional slogans.

Authorities in the northern city of Bad Segeberg, meanwhile, reported that
someone had painted about 20 swastikas and racial epithets on the side of a
bus for the Bundesliga soccer club Hamburger SV. A nearby sport hall also
was painted with 15 swastikas. Police said they had no immediate leads.

- - - - -

Scuffles, Stone-Throwing at Cologne Far-Right Demo
9 Dec 00

COLOGNE, Germany -- Protesters scuffled with police in the west German city
of Cologne on Saturday as thousands took to the streets in a bid to stop a
far-right march going ahead.

Surrounded by some 3,000 police armed with riot equipment and water cannon,
a group of 120 right-wing extremists marched through the city center.

One policeman received minor head injuries after being hit by a stone and
there was jostling as counter-demonstrators tried to breach the police
cordon to get at the marchers.

Organizers of the counter-demonstration said some 20,000 people responded
to calls by political parties, church and other groups to attend the
protest. No independent estimate of attendance was available.

The far-rightists, many of whom were skinheads and carrying banners bearing
slogans such as "National Liberation," had said their rally was a
demonstration of their right to express their opinion.

Under pressure to act after a spate of racist attacks and attacks on Jewish
property, the government is trying to ban the National Democratic Party
(NPD), a 6,000-strong far-right grouping it says is at the heart at the
country's small skinhead and neo-Nazi scene.

Authorities initially tried to ban the far-right march, objecting that some
of its organizers were under investigation on charges of causing bodily
harm and breach of the peace.

However a local court ruled on Friday it could go ahead under certain
restrictions, including a ban on two well-known far-rightists addressing
the rally.


It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been

Court Rejects School Voucher Program
John Nolan (AP)
11 Dec 00

CINCINNATI -- Setting the stage for a possible Supreme Court ruling on
church and state, a federal appeals court Monday declared Cleveland's
school-voucher program unconstitutional because it uses tax money to send
students to religious schools.

In a 2-1 ruling, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said legislation
that created the program appears designed to favor religious schools for
public funding.

"To approve this program would approve the actual diversion of government
aid to religious institutions in endorsement of religious education,
something `in tension' with the precedents of the Supreme Court," the panel

Both sides predicted the dispute will go to the high court, which has
passed up opportunities to consider challenges to the constitutionality of
providing public aid to families whose children attend religious or other
private schools.

The high court last year let a voucher program stand that includes
religious schools in Milwaukee, and did not take up a challenge to a 1999
federal appeals court ruling allowing Maine to exclude religious schools
from a state program subsidizing children attending private schools.

Clint Bolick of the Institute for Justice, a Washington organization that
argued in support of the voucher program, said the Supreme Court should
hear the case soon to protect the Cleveland participants.

"This is the test case that everyone's been waiting for," he said. "I can't
imagine that the Supreme Court would allow 4,000 kids to be just yanked out
of the only good schools they've ever attended."

The ruling did not halt the program.

Fights over tuition vouchers have been waged in many state legislatures,
and in the courts of Arizona, Maine, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and

Cleveland's voucher program gives needy families with children in
kindergarten through sixth grade up to $2,500 in tuition vouchers. The
state authorized the program as an experiment in 1996.

Opponents said it is an illegal use of public money.

"This means that taxpayer money will not be diverted for use by private,
religious schools," Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for
Separation of Church and State, said of Monday's ruling. Lynn's
organization is part of a coalition that sued to challenge the Cleveland

In Monday's ruling, Judges Eric Clay and Eugene Siler Jr. said the
Cleveland program is unconstitutional because most of the 56 schools that
receive voucher money have a religious affiliation.

Recipients cannot truly apply the aid to any school of their choice,
including public schools, because no suburban Cleveland public schools have
enrolled in the program, Clay wrote.

The dissenting judge, James Ryan, said program supporters presented
evidence that aid is allocated on the basis of neutral, secular criteria.

"In striking down this statute today, the majority perpetuates the long
history of lower federal court hostility to educational choice," Ryan

The ruling upheld a decision by U.S. District Judge Solomon Oliver Jr., who
halted the program just before the start of the 1999-2000 school year. He
later allowed students who had participated in the past to continue getting
funds while the case was decided.

Bart Grandberry, whose son and daughter use vouchers to attend Lutheran
Memorial School in Cleveland, said he hopes Monday's ruling will be

"I don't think it's fair. It's meant a lot for my kids to be in private
school," Grandberry said. "They don't have distractions in the classrooms,
as far as fights. And the teachers care."


For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

Subject:    An open letter to African-Americans
From:       anonymous
Newsgroups: alt.politics.white-power,soc.culture.african.american
Date:       11 Dec 00

Why do you continue to live in the United States?

Haven't you noticed that most Americans hate you? That we don't want you
around? That this country isn't big enough for two races to live in. That
we refuse to allow property values to be niggered down any more? Why don't
you put two and two together, buy a ticket to Africa and GET THE HELL OUT
OF MY COUNTRY? Could it be that with a proven room temperature IQ, even
putting two and two together is too much of a mental challenge?

Are we going to have to wait until blood flows on the streets? Wake up and
smell the coffee, folks. When Bush, whp promises to be robust on racial
issues, becomes president and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments are
repealed, you folks are going to be illegal aliens with no constitutional
rights at all. Immigration service is going to round you up, pack you on
leaky ships, and send you back to where you came from. I'll be standing on
the dock, my ass bared, mooning you a well earned farewell. Not all the
ships are gonna make it... We'll let you have Africa all to yourselves -
until we decide to invade it and take over.

Get out of my country before we have to throw you out. We only ask politely



                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story7/>

Chris McGillion (Sydney Morning Herald), "The violence against Jews puts us
all in peril:  Attacks on the Jewish community in Sydney show that society
has abandoned its core values," 28 Nov 00, "If, over the past several
weeks, two Catholic or Anglican churches in Sydney had been attacked by
arsonists, the home of a cleric from the targeted denomination had been
firebombed on three occasions, and ordinary parishioners were being
harassed in the streets and threatened over the telephone and by mail and
email, it is reasonable to expect that there would be a public outcry and a
vigorous debate about the state of religious tolerance in this city. Yet
precisely these experiences have been visited on Sydney's Jewish population
and the reaction has been underwhelming in the extreme." <1986.txt>

Michael Janofsky (Sydney Morning Herald), "Arms poised to throw the book at
miscreants," 9 Dec 00, "In the course of raiding an illegal methamphetamine
laboratory in a caravan home in Denver, agents of a local drug task force
found two books, Advanced Techniques of Clandestdine Psychedelic and
Amphetamine Manufacture, by an author named Uncle Fester, and The
Construction and Operation of Clandestine Drug Laboratories, by Jack B.
Nimble. Outside the caravan the agents found an envelope from one of
Denver's most cherished retailers, the Tattered Cover Bookstore, in which
they believe the books were mailed to one of the occupants."<1987.txt>

Theo Emery (AP), Lawyer's will makes a statement: And it was a surprising
one, too, when the Mass. man left large gifts to white supremacist and
anti-Semitic groups," 9 Dec 00, ""Richard J. Cotter Jr. seemed to be a
member in good standing of the Boston establishment: Phillips Exeter
Academy, Harvard and then Harvard Law, service in World War II, a stint as
an assistant state attorney general, then private practice. At his death,
though, it became clear that his politics were way out on the fringe.
Shocking some of those who knew him, the lawyer left more than $600,000 of
his $5.4 million estate to white supremacist and anti-Semitic causes and
figures, including the author of the book The Hitler We Loved and Why."

ADC (press release), "Thank ABA Journal for Cover Story on Palestinian
Refugees," 3 Dec 00, "The American Bar Association (ABA) Journal published
an excellent cover story in its latest issue, December 2000, on human
rights law and the Palestinian refugees entitled 'Where Will They Go?'  The
story is written by Jeffery Ghannam, a legal affairs writer for the ABA
Journal. The seven page story addresses the issue of the dispossessed
Palestinian refugees and their status under international law." <1989.txt>

Ariel Dorfman (The [London] Observer), "Pinochet's own goal," 3 Dec 00,
"General Augusto Pinochet has just been deliciously trapped in the web of
his own perversity. When Chile's former dictator made thousands of
political prisoners disappear into the night and fog of his dictatorship,
leaving them without a burial, not even in his saddest nightmares could he
have anticipated the joke that history was going to play on him: that many
years later, those very crimes would lead Judge Guzman to indict him for
crimes against humanity." <1990.txt>

                            * * * * *

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