A complete run of the Antifa Info-Bulletin is available through Friday. It
is in a zip file at  <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/>. The file is
"afib.zip" and is about 4.6 Mb in length.


             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 14 March 2000
                         Vol. 4, Number 22 (#400)

Action Alerts 
   AFAA #102: Los Angeles: Demo Against Police Brutality, 15 Mar
   AFAA #103: Nazi "annuity" contracts -- Heimeinkaufsvertrag
FBI Dossiers On Anti-Fascists, Anti-Militarists, etc. Released
More News On Austria
   Melissa Eddy (Associated Press), "Anti-Semitism Is Issue in Lawsuit," 6
      Mar 00 
   David Lewin (Search & Unite), "Blatant anti-Semitism in the Austrian
      Press," 8 Mar 00 
FTP Supplement #153: St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Christian Identity
FTP Supplement #154: News On the World Church of the Creator
What's Worth Checking: 15 stories


ANTI-FASCIST ACTION ALERT #102: Against Police Brutality & For Community
Control of Police Los Angeles: Wednesday, 15 Mar

GATHER 4:00 PM, DA Garcetti's Office,
Criminal Courts Bldg., Temple & Spring St.

MARCH to City Hall East City Council Offices.

PICKET 5:00 PM, Parker Center,
LAPD Headquarters, Los Angeles & Temple St.

The news of crimes by cops in LAPD's CRASH unit at the Rampart Division
didn't surprise people who've faced police brutality. Cops operate in a
racist manner under color of authority. Their 'us against them' mentality
is protected by a code of silence, and by authorities allowing a 'margin of
error' on police violence. The Dalton Street raids exposed the criminal
nature of CRASH years ago. The jailhouse informant scandal exposed the DA's
complicity with perjury.

The Rodney King beating exposed the culture of racism, sexism and violence
at the LAPD. What's different this time is that it's clear to everyone that
it's not just a few cops, it's not just Rampart, it's the system!

The courts, the DA, the police brass are all part of the problem. The
confessions of a cop caught stealing and selling cocaine have exposed so
many frame-ups, the shooting and killing of unarmed men, planting drugs and
guns to justify those crimes, perjury, 1000's of cases may be overturned.

How many of those were second or third strikes? Judges forced innocent men
to plead guilty to crimes they didn't commit with the threat of long
sentences. Chief Parks claims he didn't have enough resources to supervise
the cops, but there were enough for Operation Hammer and other kinds of
racial profiling to criminalize thousands of Black and Latino young people.
D.A. Garcetti says he doesn't have enough resources to investigate and
prosecute criminal cops, but he had enough to lock up more "third strikers"
than any other DA, and to secure gang injunctions on perjured police

Now they want to stick it to the taxpayers to clean up the mess they made!
Mayor Riordan wants to steal the money from the tobacco settlement, meant
for health and education projects, to pay damages.
We say, No Way! Make the cops pay!
Let the liability come out of their pockets and their department. Why throw
more money into police coffers, when their internal investigation can never
solve the problem?

Community Control of Police -- Now!

The cops can't be trusted to investigate themselves. Too much is enough!
We're tired of phony solutions that just make the problem worse. Only an
aroused community exerting its control over the police can put an end to
police brutality and racism!

We demand the DA indict the killer cops and sheriff's deputies who have
taken the lives of people like Margaret Mitchell, Tyisha Miller, Ken
Callis, Amadou Diallo, Julio Castillo, Juan Saldana, Ricardo Clos and
others. We need a permanent independent special prosecutor who will focus
on nothing but police corruption, brutality, racism and misconduct.

We need community assemblies that can watchdog the police in every
division, and put forward people's policies to control police practices,
pending the development of independent elected civilian review boardswith
subpoena power and the authority to discipline the cops. If not, cops will
follow their unwritten customs and protect and serve only the rich!

End the militarization of the police, and stop police spying on community
organizations and disruption of gang truce efforts. When Sen. Hayden took
testimony about police harassment from gang-truce advocates, the LAPD came
out to identify those trying to maintain a truce. They eventually arrested
and framed up a number of activists, one of whom they turned over to the
INS for deportation to try to quash his testimony exposing another Rampart
Division frame-up.

Dismantle the CRASH units city-wide, now!

We demand mental health intervention and training, so cops won't use their
guns on mentally ill or disturbed people.

Individual cops must pay for the damage they do. When the cops are
individually accountable for punitive damages, they will be more
responsible with their power. Don't rob our kids of parks, libraries,
health care and social services to pay for police abuse!

It's past time to get organized and fight back against police repression,
racism and brutality!
The Campaign for Community Control of the Police is a new grass-roots
coalition aimed at educating and mobilizing the community to exert its
power and authority over the police who are supposed to serve us. The March
15th demonstration against police brutality and for community control of
the police is not a one-day affair, but the beginning of a concerted and
consistent campaign.

We're building a pro-active movement that can force the LAPD and the
Sheriff's Department to respect the rules and civil and human rights that
already exist, like the requirement that LAPD officers give a business card
with their name, badge number and supervisor's name and phone number to
anyone they detain and release; or the court-ordered prohibition on
political spying by the LAPD against community groups, especially those
involved in police reform efforts.

We cannot fight for you, but we will fight with you! We want to help form
Justice Committees for victims of police violence, and Defense Committees
for victims of police frame-ups. We want to include you in building
neighborhood assemblies that can watchdog the cops and prevent these crimes
from happening in the first place.

This is a campaign for winning some long-overdue justice in this city and
this society. We will jam up the City Council, the Police Commission, the
Advisory Councils created by the police brass, until we get some real
solutions. There can't be any effective community-based policing until
there is some real community control of the police!

If you're frustrated by the lack of police accountability, if you're fired
up about police abuse, and can't take it any more, join the Campaign for
Community Control of Police!

We meet Thursdays at 7:00 pm at:

Coalition Against Police Abuse
2824 S. Western Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90018

Contact us at 323-733-2107 or by email at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

- - - - -

ANTI-FASCIST ACTION ALERT #103: Nazi "annuity" contracts --   

In preparation for the mass deportations to 'the East' and to
'Theresienstadt', the RSHA organisers devised a particularly devilish plan
circa 1940:

The purpose was to divert the (still substantial) Jewish owned cash from
the then practiced/established confiscation procedure for the account of
the Reich in general, by way of the Finanzamt and to re-direct great sums
into the ever-empty coffres of the RSHA.

According to this plan, the deportation-designated Jews had to pay in
advance for their room and board at the designated camp -- prior to
deportation -- in addition to RM 50 per person for travelling expenses.
Most often, a fixed amount was demanded from them which -- coincidentally -
- was identical to their bank balance on the day of the deportation.

Regardless of the individual's state of health, the victims had to
calculate RM 150 per month from that day on until an expected 'average' age
of 85 for care, housing, food etc.

If you are a survivor or the heir of camp survivors and have knowledge of
your personal or your loved ones' Heimeinkaufsvertrag , if you have proof,
witnesses, access to details, please send this information to:

attention: Shimon Samuels.



The FBI has published on the net a number of documents concerning their
spying on various anti-fascists, anti-militarists, and civil rights groups.
You can read them at:

The Electronic Reading Room of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

The targets of the FBI included:

American Friends Service Committee; Baker, Josephine; Black Panther Party -
- Winston Salem, NC; Brecht, Bertolt; Chavez, Cesar and United Far Workers;
Clergy and Laity Concerned about Vietnam; Darrow, Clarence; DuBois, W.E.B.;
Einstein, Albery; Gay Activists Alliance; Hoffman, Abbie (Abbott); King,
Martin Luther, Jr.; Krivitsky, Walter G.; Lennon, John; Lewis, John L.;
Little [sic], Malcom X; London, Jack; Marcantonio, Vito; Marshall,
Thurgood; Picasso, Pablo; Reich, Wilhelm; Robeson, Paul and Eslanda;
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel; Sacco/Vanzetti Case; Steinbeck, John; Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; Tresca, Carlos; Trotsky, Leon; Wright,
Richard Nathaniel



Anti-Semitism Is Issue in Lawsuit
Melissa Eddy (Associated Press)
6 Mar 00

VIENNA, Austria -- The president of Vienna's Jewish Community said Monday
he would use a libel suit filed by Joerg Haider as a chance to prove the
former Freedom Party leader's anti-Semitism.

Haider filed the lawsuit against Ariel Muzicant and News weekly for
publishing an interview in which the Jewish leader called Haider an anti-
Semite for denying that Jews had suffered more harassment during the
Freedom Party's election campaign last summer.

On Monday, Muzicant said he was compiling examples of Haider's anti-Semitic
rhetoric since the start of his political career, as well as finding
linguists and other experts, to support the statements he made in the
November interview.

"I will not be gagged," Muzicant said.

In the runup to Austria's national elections Oct. 3, Muzicant told local
media there had been an increase in attacks on Jews.

Haider, who recently stepped down as head of the far-right Freedom Party
but remains governor of Carinthia province, told News in an interview
published Oct. 28 he'd seen no proof of such incidents.

"Before I see a concrete example, I don't believe it," he was quoted as
saying. "I don't know if these alleged attacks actually happened. There is
no reason for them."

Muzicant responded the following week in News, calling Haider's statement
"snotty, irresponsible and anti-Semitic," and alleging that Haider used
lies as a political instrument.

The Freedom Party, which came in second in national elections, told the
Austria Press Agency on Monday that it found the remarks "discrediting,"
and has consequently filed suit. The trial is to begin next week. 

- - - - -

Blatant anti-Semitism in the Austrian Press
David Lewin (Search & Unite)
8 Mar 00

On 16 February 2000 Neue Krone Zeitung took it upon itself to publish a
piece by Wolf Martin. He writes quite regularly for the Kronen Zeitung.

He wrote:

Dass Juden jetzt aus Oesterreich fluechten
steht zu befuerchten wohl mitnichten
Denn selbst fuer aergste Haider-Fresser
Lebt es sich wohl um Haeuser besser
Im << Nazi-Land >> der blauen << Schande >>
Als im gelobten heil'gen Lande.

This form of hate and incitement brings nothing but shame on Austria.

While expressing my personal disgust at such events, I ask you to voice
your protest with the Editor of the paper

Mr Hans Dichand
Neue Krone Zeitung
Muthgasse 2
A-1190 Wien

Translated, this "poem" means:

I do not think one has to fear that Jews 
will flee from Austria now.  
Even the worst Haider-Hater knows very well that 
he is much better off 
in the "Nazi country" of the blue "disgrace" 
than in the cherished holy land

                                 * * * * *

David in London and Margret in Munich run a small Search & Unite office
attempting to help the many who suspect that despite the passage of so many
years since World War II, someone may still exist "out there"


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Sunday, 12 March 2000
FTP Supplement #153 (#398): St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Christian Identity
1) St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "What is the Christian Identity Church
   movement?," 5 Mar 00
2) St. Louis Post-Dispatch, "The FBI calls it the nation's most dangerous
   hate group. And it's growing in Missouri," 5 Mar 00
3) Carolyn Tuft and Joe Holleman (St. Louis Post-Dispatch), "Reporters
   manage to get in conference of Christian Identity, but they stand out,"
   5 Mar 00
4) Carolyn Tuft and Joe Holleman (St. Louis Post-Dispatch), "Inside the
   Christian Identity Movement," 5 Mar 00
5) Carolyn Tuft and Joe Holleman (St. Louis Post-Dispatch), "Jewish man who
   has attended gatherings of group says, 'These guys are very smart'," 5
   Mar 00
6) Patricia Rice (St. Louis Post-Dispatch), "The movement "is not
   Christian," says minister who heads ecumenical group in St. Louis," 5
   Mar 00

- - - - -

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Monday, 13 March 2000
FTP Supplement #154 (#399): News On World Church of the Creator
1) Kellie B.  Gormly (Peoria Journal Star), "Supremacist's meeting greeted
   by protesters: Hale's World Church gathering attracts about 30
   followers," 12 Mar 00
2) John Holland (Knight Ridder / Tribune News Service), "Florida targeted
   Hale's church -- Prosecutors: Racial beating suspect helped convict
   group's leaders," 11 Mar 00
3) Michael Miller (Journal Star, "Congregations sow the seeds of respect:
   Peoria-area religious leaders urge groups to show tolerance," 11 Mar 00
4) Alex Curtis (The Nationalist Observer), "Eat, Meet and Retreat in a Den
   of Government Informants"
5) Sara Baker (AP), "Bill ignites controversy: Incendiary speech issue
   raises constitutional questions," 13 Mar 00
6) Jerry Lawrence (Chicago Tribune), "Group Hopes To Turn Hate Into Helping
   Hand," 13 Mar 00


                        WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
   stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story5/>

AP , "Holocaust Archive Inaugurated," 7 Mar 00, "The world's largest
archive of material documenting the murder of six million European Jews by
the Nazi regime was inaugurated Tuesday by Israel's Holocaust memorial
authority." <1451.txt>

Stephen Brown (Reuters), "Argentina's Astiz Sentenced for 'Dirty War'
Boasts," 8 Mar 00, "One of the most infamous death squad leaders of
Argentina's Dirty War in the 1970s, Alfredo Astiz, received a three-year
suspended jail sentence on Wednesday for boasting about his crimes to a
magazine. The fired Navy captain, known as 'The Blond Angel' for his
cherubic looks, listened stonily as a federal court in Buenos Aires found
him guilty of trying to justify the horrifying human rights crimes of the
1976-83 military dictatorship. He told Trespuntos magazine in 1998, in what
he claimed was just an off-the-record chat, that he was 'the best-trained
man in Argentina to kill journalists and politicians'." <1452.txt>

AP, "Cops Confiscate Nazi-Themed Float," 11 Mar 00, "Police in northern
Italy on Saturday confiscated an Auschwitz-themed Mardi Gras float
featuring dancing concentration camp inmates and Nazi guards, blocking it
from appearing in another parade." <1453.txt>

Paul Geitner (AP), "German Accused of Xenophobic Slogan," 11 Mar 00, "A
leading conservative politician hoping to become governor of Germany's most
populous state was accused Saturday of running an 'anti-foreigner' campaign
along the lines of Austrian far-right leader Joerg Haider. Juergen
Ruettgers, who served as education minister under former Chancellor Helmut
Kohl, adopted a campaign slogan this week calling for Germany to focus its
high-tech efforts on its own 'children instead of Indians' - 'Kinder statt
Inder' in German." <1454.txt>

Philip Pullella (Reuters), "Pope in Historic Pardon Request From Jews,
Others," 12 Mar 00, "In one of the most significant acts of his papacy,
Pope John Paul asked forgiveness on Sunday for the many past sins of his
Church, including its treatment of Jews, heretics, women and native
peoples. It was the first time in the history of the Catholic Church that
one of its leaders has sought such a sweeping pardon for its past sins."

Mark John (Reuters), "Auschwitz Doctor Declared Unfit for Murder Trial," 11
Mar 00, "Hans Muench, the last surviving doctor from the Auschwitz
concentration camp in World War Two, has been declared unfit to stand trial
on murder, German authorities said on Saturday. A Justice Ministry
spokesman in the central state of Hesse confirmed a magazine report that
public prosecutors there had dropped their investigation against Muench,
88, after medical examiners found he was suffering from Alzheimer's
disease." <1456.txt>

Reuters, "Berlin Court Permits Neo-Nazis' Pro-Haider March," 11 Mar 00, "A
Berlin court on Saturday gave the go-ahead for the neo-Nazi National
Democratic Party (NPD) to march in support of the entry into the Austrian
government of Joerg Haider's far-right Freedom Party. But it ruled that
Sunday's demonstration, taking place on the anniversary of the 1938 Nazi
march into Austria, could not pass through the Brandenburg Gate as
planned." <1457.txt>

Reuters, "Neo-Nazis Begin Pro-Haider March in Berlin," 12 Mar 00,
"Supporters of the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD)
marched through Berlin Sunday in support of the entry into the Austrian
government of Joerg Haider's far-right Freedom Party. Eyewitnesses said
around 300 protesters walked through the southern district of Kreuzberg,
home to many of Berlin's large Turkish immigrant population, with some
bearing placards with anti-foreigner and anti-European Union slogans."

Jeffrey Heller (Reuters), "Israeli Rabbi: Papal Apology Welcome But Not
Enough," 12 Mar 00, "Israel's Chief Rabbi welcomed a plea by Pope John Paul
Sunday for forgiveness for past sins of the Roman Catholic Church, but said
he was disappointed it did not go further in addressing the evils inflicted
on Jews. Rabbi Israel Meir Lau said he hoped the Pope would make amends
with a more specific apology during an historic pilgrimage to the Holy Land
this month that will include a visit to Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust
memorial in Jerusalem." <1459.txt>

Erik Kirschbaum (Reuters), "Rocks Hurled at Berlin Pro-Haider Marchers," 12
Mar 00, "Police fired water cannon at demonstrators who hurled rocks and
bottles at neo-Nazis rallying in Berlin in support of the new Austrian
government Sunday. Several hundred supporters of the fringe far-right
National Democratic Party (NPD) gathered by the Brandenburg Gate in the
center of the city as around 1,000 counter-demonstrators screamed 'Nazis
out' behind a police cordon." <1460.txt>

Matthew Junker ([West Virginia] Tribune-Review), "Racist fliers draw quick
reaction from area residents, businesses," 10 Mar 00, "Racist fliers, the
first reported hate-group reaction to the shootings March 1 in Wilkinsburg,
have surfaced in several Westmoreland County communities. The leaflets,
which read 'Black Crime: White Victim' and call for whites to 'stand up and
fight,' are being investigated by a number of local police departments and
a state agency." <1461.txt>

Bill Morlin ([Spokane] Spokesman-Review), "Racist pagans identified:
Organization that idolizes The Order moves to Spokane," 12 Mar 00, "A
racist pagan organization that idolizes terrorist members of The Order and
its slain leader has moved its headquarters to the Spokane area. The White
Order of Thule, headed by Nathan Pett, operates two Web sites and publishes
a newsletter and journal -- all advocating white superiority. One of the
newsletter's contributors is a convicted cocaine dealer from Maine who is a
suspect in the killing of a 'race traitor' in a federal prison in
Pennsylvania, authorities say." <1462.txt>

Natalie Armstrong ([Canadian] National Post), "First Nation wins landmark
treaty case: Manitoba natives entitled to 118 years of compensation as
agreement breached," 2 Mar 00, "A First Nations group in southern Manitoba
is lawfully entitled to compensation from the federal government for 'loss
of use of reserve land' after it waited 118 years for acreage that was
promised to them. The Indian Claims Commission, an independent body set up
to settle First Nations claims when Ottawa has breached an agreement with
aboriginals, recommended yesterday in a landmark decision that the federal
government should also negotiate compensation with the Long Plain First
Nation." <1463.txt>

Tamar Lewin (New York Times), "Study Finds Racial Bias in Public Schools,"
1 Mar 00, "Black students in public schools across the country are far more
likely than whites to be suspended or expelled, and far less likely to be
in gifted or advanced placement classes, according to a study of 12 large
public school districts released yesterday by the Applied Research Center,
a left-leaning nonprofit public policy group in Oakland, Calif." <1464.txt>

Lorraine Adams and Petula Dvorak (Washington Post), "N.Y. Police Acquittals
Protested: U.S. Vows Review," 3 Mar 00, "Federal prosecutors yesterday
pledged a stringent review into the acquittal of four New York police
officers in the shooting of West African immigrant Amadou Diallo, as
busloads of protesters seeking federal action rallied outside the Justice
Department." <1465.txt>

                           * * * * *

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   We have no ethical right to forgive, no historical right to forget.     
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                               - - - - -

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