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              The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 21 Mar 2000
                         Vol. 4, Number 24 (#405)

Action Alerts
   AFAA #104: "Virtual Vigil" To Protest Paramount / Dr. Laura, 21 Mar
   AFAA #105: NY & Washington D.C.: U.S. & NATO Out of Kosovo, 24 Mar 00
   Sam Walters, Presente: Memorial Service
Defense Campaigns And Prisoner Support
   International Committee to Defend the Chattanooga 3, "Support the Appeal
      of the Chattanooga 3," 17 Mar 00 
   Declan McCullagh, "Mattel sends me a subpoena, wants politech reader
      list," 19 Mar 00 
   International Action Center, "Why you should become an organizer for
      Mumia's Madison Square Garden event on Sunday, May 7th" 14 Mar 00
FTP Supplement: Dr. Laura and Homophobic Propaganda: Part 2
What's Worth Checking: 15 stories


ANTI-FASCIST ACTION ALERT #104: "Virtual Vigil" To Protest Paramount & Dr. 
   Laura; Online Action Coincides With Real-World Protest on March 21 14
Mar 00

Washington, DC - A coalition of civil rights and educational organizations 
will hold a virtual vigil on Tuesday, March 21st to protest Paramount 
Television's intent to give anti-gay activist  and radio personality Dr. 
Laura Schlessinger a TV talk show this fall.  The online action will 
coincide with a "real world" protest at the gates of Paramount the same 
day, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. PST, in Hollywood, California.

The vigil and protest organizers - StopDrLaura.com, the Horizons 
Foundation, and HateWatch.org - are asking concerned netizens to send in 
photographs of themselves holding up signs of protest, that will then be 
displayed on the StopDrLaura.com Web site beginning on March 21st.  The 
protests come in the wake of mounting criticism against Paramount and Ms. 
Schlessinger for refering to gays and lesbians as "biological errors," 
deviants, and pedophiles.

"We want to give the entire Internet community the chance to add their 
voices to the protest," said John Aravosis, an Internet expert in charge of 
StopDrLaura.com's online strategy.  "With our virtual vigil, civil rights 
advocates worldwide can use the Web to tell Paramount that prejudice 
doesn't pay."

The organizers are asking those interested in adding their protest photo to 
the virtual vigil to email a photo to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by Monday March 
20.  A name (first and/or last), city and state of residence, should be 
included, if possible, in order to personalize the photos - though none of 
that information is required.  Ideas for photos include individuals or 
groups of friends wearing StopDrLaura.com t-shirts, and/or holding up 
creative - yet respectful - signs protesting Paramount's intent to air the 


The top 5 entries - selected entirely at the whim of the vigil organizers -
will receive a free StopDrLaura.com t-shirt (but to win, you must provide a 
name, address, and phone number, and t-shirt size).

Because of the high volume of online and offline interest in this effort, 
and the necessity of limiting the size of the Web site, event organizers 
can not guarantee that all photos will eventually be posted to the Web 
site.  In addition, no photos sent to StopDrLaura.com will be returned.

While email is the preferred option, photos (along with names and 
city/state) may also be sent in by snail mail to:

S. Williams
Attn: StopDrLaura.com
1718 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

John Aravosis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- - - - -

International Action Center
14 Mar 00

Friday, March 24th @ 4pm
Gather for a "PICKET for TRUTH" 
at the National Press Club, 
14th and ‘F’ Streets NW

MARCH for JUSTICE at 5pm 
Past the Washington Post and on to the 
White House for a candle light vigil.

Friday, March 24 
Times Square--Armed Forces Recruiting Station
(43rd St. and Broadway)

Following the rally:
March for Truth to the New York Times and Ch. 7

The war is not over. On the 1st anniversary of the criminal US/NATO bombing
of Yugoslavia, demonstrate to demand:

* No New Bombing of Yugoslavia
* Stop fascist KLA terror against all peoples of Kosovo and Yugoslavia.

Tens of thousands of US and NATO (KFOR) troops occupy Kosovo today. What is
the result? Over 250,000 Serbs, Roma people, Turks, Egyptians, Albanians
and others have been driven from Kosovo by methods of KKK-style vigilante
violence carried out by the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). 

KFOR solders turn a blind eye to the destruction and desecration of all
cultural and religious sites in Kosovo that is daily being done by
right-wing Kosovo Albanians, mostly KLA members unsuccessfully transformed
to the so-called KPF. 

The Pentagon is constructing a huge military base in Kosovo, and is now
attempting to transform the Ukraine, the second largest republic in the
former Soviet Union, into a NATO satellite to threaten Russia and secure
the oil riches of the Caspian Sea.

One year ago, the US and NATO began a massive bombing campaign against
Yugoslavia, dropping 23,000 bombs and missiles which killed thousands of
innocent civilians, all in the name of protecting "ethnic minorities." This
is the same government which let the killers of Amadou Diallo walk free.

Today, the threat of a new US/NATO attack on Yugoslavia looms, as General
Wesley Clark accuses the Yugoslav government of rebuilding its military
forces. While the US gives the KLA free rein to attack Serbian and Albanian
civilians in Mitrovica and southern Serbia, Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright accuses Yugoslavia of "interfering" in its own internal affairs.

Join us on March 24th to "Picket for Truth" at the National Press Club.
Let’s send a message to the mass media in this country: STOP THE LIES!!
Then, "March for Justice" to the White House to demand the indictment of
the war criminals Clinton, Albright, Clark, Cohen and the others.

Sponsored by the International Action Center, for more information:

212 633-6646



Support the Appeal of the Chattanooga 3
International Committee to Defend the Chattanooga 3
17 Mar 00

P.O. Box 11422
Chattanooga, TN 37401

JoNinal M. Abron 

Lorenzo Komboa Ervin 

March 17, 2000

Dear Chattanooga 3 Supporters:

We received word today that the Tennessee Criminal Court of Appeals has
upheld the 1994 disruption conviction of Lorenzo Komboa Ervin.    In 1993,
Lorenzo and seven other Black civil rights activists were charged with
disruption for holding a sidewalk demonstration in downtown Chattanooga to
protest the refusal of the Hamilton County Grand Jury to indict the law
enforcement officers responsible for choking Black motorist Larry Powell to
death. The protest was held at the same time and nearby the location of a
police memorial service, which is why the original charges of disturbing
the peace were changed to the more serious charge of disruption, a
misdemeanor which mandates a six-month prison sentence. Lorenzo was one of
two of the eight protesters who were convicted. He appealed his conviction
on the grounds that the disruption statute violates the First Amendment
right of free speech.

In the friend of the court brief he filed in support of Lorenzo's appeal,
Professor Dwight Aarons, of  University Tennessee College of Law, made a
strong legal argument that the disruption statute is unconstitutional.

Had the Criminal Court of Appeals overturned Lorenzo's conviction, it was
possible that the current disruption charges against the Chattanooga 3--
Lorenzo, Damon McGee and Mikail Musa Muhammad (Ralph P. Mitchell)--might be
dropped. The Chattanooga 3 are charged with disrupting a May, 1998, meeting
of the Chattanooga City Council. Now that Lorenzo's 1994 conviction has
been upheld, we expect Hamilton County District Attorney Bill Cox to try
the Chattanooga 3 as soon as he possibly can. 

Lorenzo will continue the fight to have his 1994 conviction overturned and
will now take his case to the Tennessee Supreme Court. The ACLU of
Tennessee told Professor Aarons, Lorenzo and me that it would file a friend
of the court brief on Lorenzo's behalf if the case went to the state
supreme court. We expect the ACLU to keep its word and need your help.
Please e-mail Hedy Weinberg, Executive Director of the ACLU
of Tennessee, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

- - - - -

Mattel sends me a subpoena, wants politech reader list
Declan McCullagh
19 Mar 00

Mattel's attorneys have sent me a subpoena. Mattel, which sells 
CyberPatrol, has a problem: It wants to know exactly who's been downloading 
a program that reveals CyberPatrol's list of off-limits web sites.

Now, I never mirrored this "cphack" utility. But I did post the addresses 
of mirror sites to the politech list and the politechbot.com web site -- 
and that information source seems to be what attorney Irwin Schwartz is 
worried about. Schwartz copied system administrators at MIT, which is where 
the list lives.

Naturally I have no intention of revealing the identities of politech 
readers to Mattel or anyone else. Nor is a subpoena sent via email usually 
viewed as proper service, at least where I come from.

I've set up a web site to keep track of all these documents and
developments: <http://www.politechbot.com/cyberpatrol/>

- - - - -

Why you should become an organizer for Mumia's Madison Square Garden event
on Sunday, May 7th  International Action Center
14 Mar 00

The upcoming Day for Mumia at Madison Square Garden Theatre  on Sunday, May
7th is one of many important actions that are being  undertaken on an
emergency basis to win broad support for winning  a new trial for Mumia

We believe the May 7th event has far-reaching potential to help the  Mumia
movement reach a new level of recognition. Mumia's name  needs to quickly
become a household word in working class  communities. 

The most powerful factor that can win a new trial, the one capable  of
making the government step back from this "fast track" execution,  is the
organized force of millions of outraged people from every  community. This
is the urgent task of our movement. 

Right now, however, millions of potential supporters barely know of  Mumia
and the facts of the case that clearly cry out for a new trial.  All of our
demonstrations and militant actions have been the  cornerstone of this
burgeoning movement. 

But we must quickly employ additional tactics that exponentially  increase

This is the primary motivation for the May 7th event at the Garden.  The
Garden is a world-recognized venue. A large cross section of  notable
personalities, celebrities, civil rights and women's rights  leaders,
literary figures and elected officials are coming together at  the Garden
on May 7th . This visibility will serve as a powerful tool  to receive mass
media attention and to popularly communicate the  message of Mumia's case
to millions of people who are not yet  engaged in this battle for justice. 

No one event will win a new trial for Mumia but the May 7th rally  inside
Madison Square Garden will be a qualitative step forward to  reaching
beyond the already existing activist movement. 

Hundreds of grassroots organizers will be working to build the event  at
the Garden. Those fighting rampant police brutality, racism and  the death
penalty understand that Mumia's case can be signal turning  point and a
catalyst for a new movement. 

Thousands of people from around the country will be traveling to  New York
to participate. 

We urge all those attending the February 19 conference to  energetically
organize for this activity. Become a volunteer, set up a  May 7th
organizing center in your college, high school, union or  community group.
Help distribute leaflets and sell blocks of tickets. 

This will be an exciting next two months. There is a great deal of  work to
be done. The whole world is watching to see whether the  progressive forces
in the United States can find the will,  determination and the tactical
creativity to reach the broad public in  a way that validates that the
power--real power--is in the people. 

May 7th Day for Mumia Mobilization 
39 W. 14th St, Suite 206 New York, NY 10011 
Tel: (212) 633-6646 Fax: (212) 633-2889 
CHECK OUT THE NEW SITE www.mumia2000.org 

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
web: www.iacenter.org
CHECK OUT THE NEW SITE www.mumia2000.org
phone: 212 633-6646
fax:  212 633-2889


Sam Walters! Presente! 1917-1999

March 26, 2000, noon
Brecht Forum, 122 W. 27th St., 10th floor

Sam Walters, veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade and life-long
revolutionary, died in Havana, Cuba on December 5, 1999. Sam's
photographs "The Civil War in Spain: A View from the Ranks" will be



The Internet Anti-Fascist:Monday, 20 March 2000
FTP Supplement #156 (#404): Dr. Laura and Homophobic Propaganda: Part 2
 0) Contents of earlier supplement(s)
 8) Statement from <stopdrlaura.com>, press release, 11 Mar 00
 9) Anti-Violence Project, "More on Dr. Laura's attack on Internet Free    
Speech/young girl," 13 Mar 00
10) John Aravosis (NY Daily News), "Keep Dr. Laura Off Television," 13 Mar 
11) Adam Buckman (NY Post), "Who'll Watch Her?," 14 Mar 00
12) GLAAD (press release), "GLAAD Calls On Paramount To Terminate
    Relationship With Laura Schlessinger: Move Cpmes After Schlessinger    
Recants Apology," 15 Mar 00
13) GLAADAlert, "GLAAD Endorses Paramount Protest!," 16 Mar 00
14) HateWatch, "HateWatch Supports Protests of Dr. Laura," 16 Mar 00 15) E
Online, "GLAAD Cracks Dr. Laura: Is she or isn't she?," 17 Mar 00 16)
Lynette Rice (Entertainment Weekly), "A proposed Dr. Laura TV show    
outrages gay activists," 17 Mar 00
17) People Magazine, "Radio Provocateur Dr. Laura Schlessinger Raises a    
Ruckus with Controversial Talk About Gays," 20 Mar 00


                        WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
   stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story5/>

AP, "Va. Court To Rehear Nationwide [Racial Discrimination] Case," 3 Mar
00, "The Virginia Supreme Court on Friday agreed to reconsider its decision
to throw out a $100 million judgment against Nationwide Mutual Insurance
Co. in a racial discrimination lawsuit filed by a fair-housing
organization. On Jan. 14, the court ruled 4-3 that Housing Opportunities
Made Equal could not bring its lawsuit because it was not injured by
Nationwide's alleged discrimination against minorities in issuing
homeowners insurance. HOME petitioned for a rehearing, which the court
granted in a one-sentence order. The court did not give a reason for its
decision." <1466.txt>

CNN, "NAACP leader: prosecute African-American suspect 'like any other hate
crime'," 11 Mar 00, "The president of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People said Friday that the case against an African-
American charged with killing three white men and critically wounding two
others should be treated 'like any other hate crime.' In a letter to
Attorney General Janet Reno, Kweisi Mfume said, 'Although the majority of
hate crimes in this country tend to be against African Americans, in this
instance the man charged in these murders, Mr. Ronald Taylor, is an African
American. I implore you to use the full power of your office to prosecute
Mr. Taylor equally and as aggressively as you would anyone else charged
with perpetrating a hate crime'."  <1467.txt>

AP," Hackers shut down Brazil Agency site," 16 Mar 00, "Computer hackers
invaded and shut down the web site of the government's telecommunications
regulatory agency for nearly six hours, an agency official said Thursday.
Cyber-pirates from the United States and Canada flooded the National
Telecommunications Agency's site with 600 hits per second in the first 90
minutes of the attack, which began Wednesday morning, said Flavia
Magalhaes, an agency representative." <1468.txt>

Amnesty International, "Acquittal of former death row inmate -- one more
reason for abolition," 17 Mar 00, "Yesterday’s acquittal of former death
row inmate Joseph Nahume Green -- the third such case this year -- shows
yet again how the US capital justice system may be killing innocent people,
Amnesty International said today. Joseph Green is the 87th condemned
prisoner since 1973 to be freed from death row after evidence of their
innocence emerged." <1469.txt>

Reuters, "Jospin Unveils Plan to Tackle French Racism," 18 mar 00, "French
Prime Minister Lionel Jospin unveiled a raft of measures on Saturday to
fight racial discrimination. Speaking just days after an official study
said racist attitudes were hardening in France, Jospin said the government
would introduce laws to counter discrimination from the workplace to
nightclub doors." <1470.txt>

AP, "Montreal protest of cops killing homeless man leads to 100 arrests,"
18 Mar 00, "Hundreds of people protesting against alleged police brutality
broke windows at a police station and damaged shops and cars in downtown
Montreal on Wednesday. Riot squads broke up the demonstration and arrested
about 100 people. ... Targets of the estimated 400 protesters, some wearing
masks, on Wednesday night included McDonald's restaurants, a bank, a police
station, and vehicles parked along downtown streets. No injuries were
reported." <1471.txt>

Steve Lawrence (AP), "Brothers Accused of Synagogue Arsons," 18 Mar 00,
"Two white supremacist brothers already charged with murdering a gay couple
have been accused of setting fire to three synagogues and a medical center
that houses an abortion clinic. Benjamin Matthew Williams, 32, and James
Tyler Williams, 29, have been in jail since July, when they were arrested
in the shootings that month of Winfield Mowder and Gary Matson. Prosecutors
are seeking the death penalty. The latest indictment, returned Friday,
accuses the brothers of conspiracy, arson and destruction of religious
property. The charges carry up to 235 years behind bars." <1472.txt>

Kent Faulk (Birmingham News), "KKK vows to fight for Fort Payne march," 9
Mar 00, "A Ku Klux Klan leader said his group will fight for the right to
march through downtown Fort Payne in June after being denied a parade
permit. 'That is one of our First Amendment rights, and they are not taking
away my rights,' said Don Romine, imperial wizard of the North Georgia
White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Fort Payne City Council members voted
unanimously Tuesday to deny the group a march permit." <1473.txt>

Doug Brown (Inter@ctive Week), "HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo Targets Internet
Hate," 18 Mar 00, "The Department of Housing and Urban Development Thursday
announced that - together with a coalition of Internet, civil rights,
religious and community organizations, and members of the business
community - it will lead a national effort to fight hate and discrimination
on the Internet. To help launch the national fight against online hate and
discrimination, HUD will donate $200,000 to create a task force charged
with designing strategies to reduce hate and discrimination on the Internet
while preserving free speech. The task force will hold public meetings
around the country to develop a plan of attack." <1474.txt>

LA Times, "Ex-Leader Warns of Rising Anti-Semitism," 19 Mar 00, "Ruth
Dreifuss, who served last year as Switzerland's first Jewish or woman
president, warned in a newspaper interview against a 'creeping acceptance'
of anti-Semitism in the country." <1475.txt>

                           * * * * *

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