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             The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 24 October 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 86 (#480)

Action Alerts:
    Applications Available for the Bannerman Fellowship Program for
       Activists of Color
Web Sites of Interest:
    CIA Activities in Chile
Book/Movie/TV Reviews:
    "Holocaust on Trial" NOVA WGBH-Boston, 31 Oct 00
    "Ireland's Spanish war" by Leo McAskey
    "The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain" produced by the Runnymede Trust
Real Political Correctness:
Proposed Bible Course Could Violate Constitution, Florida School Board
    People For The American Way, " Warned: Retiring School Board member
       urges adoption of Bible course to develop 'consciousness of God',"
       19 Oct 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 Stories



Applications Available for the Bannerman Fellowship Program for Activists
    of Color

The Bannerman Fellowship Program gives long-time activists of color
financial support in the amount of $15,000 to take sabbaticals of three
months or more. Previous Bannerman fellows have worked on a broad range of
issues, from environmental justice to immigrant rights, from political
empowerment to economic revitalization. Bannerman Fellows have the freedom
to use their sabbaticals in what- ever way they think will best re-
energize  them for the work ahead, and no product (other than a brief
report) is  required upon completion of the sabbatical. In order to be
eligible,  applicants must be an individual of color, have at least 10
years'  experience as a community activist, be committed to continuing work
for  social change, and be a resident of the United States or its
territories.  Visit the Bannerman Fellowship Web site for more information
on the program  and to download an application.

Bannerman Fellowship Program
1627 Lancaster Street
Baltimore, MD 21231
Tel: (410) 327-6220
Fax: (501) 421-5862



CIA Activities in Chile
September 18, 2000



Holocaust on Trial
Program broadcast date: October 31, 2000
NOVA - WGBH Boston

The systematic slaughter of millions of Jews and others in Nazi death camps
arguably constitutes the darkest hour of the 20th century. Yet some claim
the Holocaust is a myth. "[O]ne of the most dangerous spokespersons for
Holocaust denial" (as one historian has phrased it) is the British
historian David Irving, whose libel case is the subject of the NOVA film
"Holocaust on Trial." On this Web site, NOVA Online goes behind the scenes
of this riveting film with an essay by the producer on the emotional and
intellectual hurdles he faced during the film's production. The site also
probes deeper into Nazi wrongdoings and the sometimes dangerously skewed
modern interpretations of them.

The Director's Story

"It was at times hard to take in the unimaginable tragedy that was being
quietly explored in an English courtroom." So says NOVA producer Leslie
Woodhead in this frank and deeply personal account of the making of his
film on the David Irving trial.

Timeline of Nazi Abuses

 From January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany,
until May 7, 1945, when World War II ended with the German surrender, the
Nazis unleashed a reign of terror on Europe's Jews, Gypsies, and others.
Follow the rising crescendo of abuses on this timeline.

Results of Death-Camp Experiments: Should They Be Used?
Should modern physicians make use of the results of Nazi medical
experiments on concentration-camp inmates? In this ethical provocation,
form your own opinion about whether or not they should.

Pseudoscience Exposed (Hot Science)

To back up his claim that the Nazis used Auschwitz's gas chambers only to
fumigate corpses and not to kill anyone, reputed Holocaust denier David
Irving relied on research that many experts maintain was bad science. What,
then, is good science? Explore this feature and find out.

- - - - -

"Ireland's Spanish war" by Leo McAskey
Jim Monaghan (Sunday Life)
15 Oct 00

The Irishmen who fought in the Spanish civil war

THE VICTIMS: Refugees, many with badly injured children, fled from the
Spanish Civil War in their thousands, to France

A GROUP of dedicated researchers are seeking survivors of a foreign
conflict which set Irishmen at each other's throats.

Pals Ciaran Crossey, Raymond Quinn and Jim Carmody are hoping to publish a
book next spring, on the volunteers from both sides of the border who
fought in the 1936-39 Spanish Civil War.

Almost 700 Irishmen took part; some supporting the popular Spanish
Government and others the pro-Franco fascists, who eventually won with the
unofficial help of Hitler's Luftwaffe.

"In the Republic, there were about 670 supporters of General O'Duffy who
went to support Franco - some 25 of them Northerners", Ciaran Crossey said
last night.

"On the pro-Spanish Government side, there were an estimated 240 who went
from the Republic, including 70 Northerners".

"The three of us became so fed up with badly researched books with
inaccurate figures that we decided to do our own research and set the
record straight once and for all".

The International Brigades were disbanded in 1938, and while some of the
Irish volunteers returned home north and south, others emigrated to other
parts of the world.

Now only a handful are known to remain alive - although there are possibly
others ashamed of their fascist past, who have hidden their private

The writers are not interested in sitting in judgment on the men from
either side, but in creating an unbiased and accurate book on the
controversial war which acted as a scene-setter for the horrors of the
1939-1945 conflict which left millions dead.

They are anxious to also contact relatives of participants who may have
left vital information behind.

"We would really like to publish a fair and complete history of the Irish
people who took part", Ciaran added.

- - - - -

Outcry greets new report: Right wing wants to cover up racism
Hassan Mahamdallie (Socialist Worker [U.K.])
21 Oct 00

A new report on racism has sent the right wing press into an absolute
frenzy. The press picked out one passage in the 400-page report which said,
"Britishness, as much as Englishness, has systematic, largely
unspoken, racial connotations."

The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain, produced by the Runnymede Trust, was
called "rubbish", "balderdash", "sub-Marxist gibberish", "PC crap",
"ludicrous", "offensive" and "garbage".

The Tories demanded the report was "binned", and one journalist even called
for its authors to be prosecuted under the Race Relations Act. Tory leader
William Hague wrote in the Daily Telegraph that if the report's
recommendations were implemented "then our police would be paralysed,
school exams would be fiddled, classroom discipline would collapse and our
political institutions would be stuffed with people on the basis of their
colour rather than on whether they could do the job."    Hague said that in
the 1970s the "threat" to British society came from "militant trade
unions". The "danger" today was from "anti-British" campaigners against
racism. New Labour ran away from the argument. Home secretary Jack Straw
distanced himself from the report, saying that he was "proud to be
British". The right wing press and politicians want people to suffer racism
silently, and for institutions such as the police to continue
discriminating against black people unhindered.

Those attacking the Runnymede report are exactly the same people who
attacked the Macpherson report into the Stephen Lawrence scandal. One of
the first Tories to condemn the Runnymede report was Aldershot MP Gerald

He said, "It is an extraordinary affront to the 94 percent of the
population which is not from ethnic minorities. The native British must
stand up for ourselves." It was Howarth who attacked the Macpherson
report, saying, "It is fair to say that no government has ever received a
mandate to turn the United Kingdom into a multiracial society.

"Some who have come here appear no longer content to learn and accept our
native customs and traditions, but wish to assert their own." If people
like Howarth had their way there would be few black people in this country
and we would all have to put up with the "English culture" of warm beer and
cricket on the village green imagined by Tory ex prime minister John Major.

The central truth that the Runnymede report talks about, and which the
right wing seek to deny, is that racism is structured into British society.
It points out:

   "Overall, unemployment rates for black and Asian people of working age
    are double those for the white population, and even higher for the 16-24
    age group."

    "A Policy Studies Institute investigation in the mid-1990s found that
    overall one in eight of the people it surveyed - Bangladeshi, Caribbean,
    Chinese, Indian, Pakistani - had experienced racist insults or abuse
    during the previous 12 months."

    "60 percent of people of Bangladeshi or Pakistani origin live in

The report highlights discrimination by employers, the lack of opportunity
for young blacks, the way in which minorities are targeted by the criminal
justice system, and the hatred whipped up by the established parties
against asylum seekers.

Nowhere in any of the articles condemning the report has there been any
mention of these problems or how to tackle them. As Guardian journalist
Gary Younge wrote last week, "If you really want to take the racial
temperature in Britain, you would be better off examining the reactions to
the report on multi-ethnic Britain rather than the report itself. "The
reactions of Lord Tebbit, Gerald Howarth MP and the Daily Telegraph leader
writers suggest that we may be no closer to having a mature and open debate
about race in this country than we are about cannabis."

The main problem with The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain is its belief that
the solution to racism lies in the hands of those at the top of society.
This reflects the make-up of much of the panel that put it together -
"respectable" anti-racists and establishment New Labour figures such as
Trevor Phillips and Lady Gavron.

The report says that there is a "multicultural drift" in society in
general. It means by this that on a day to day basis people of different
"ethnic" groups tend to mix together. The report says state institutions
should speed up this process through legislation and positive declarations
of multiculturalism. There are two faults with this argument. Firstly, the
way in which black and white have integrated with one another has not been
due to a "drift". It has been the result of battles that have taken place
largely at the base of society.

When mixed couples in the 1950s and 1960s braved social exclusion to set up
house together, or when black people refused to obey "colour bars" in the
workplace, they pushed society a step forward. The campaigns in the trade
unions in the 1950s and 1960s to stand in solidarity with black workers and
adopt anti-racist policies also made a big difference.

Then there have been key struggles such as the fight against the Nazis in
the 1970s, or when the miners supported the Asian Grunwick strikers in
1977, or the overwhelming support from working people for the family of
Stephen Lawrence. Secondly, the report looks to the very institutions that
are part of the problem for the solution to racism.

It asks the government to declare itself "anti-racist". Yet this is a
government that has passed anti-immigration controls that have boosted
racism. Studies have shown for decades that major employers discriminate
against black workers, yet only a handful a year are taken to court. The
idea that the police can be reformed by a top-down approach of the "carrot
and the stick" will not work.

For 40 years and more black organisations have been saying that the police
are racist to the core, yet the police are still allowed to get away with
racist stop and searches, and black deaths in custody.

No gold medal for the police

THE RIGHT wing has used the success of black Olympic athletes to show that
black people have no problems in British society. But the right wing cannot
have it both ways. Olympic British boxing champion Audley Harrison was
feted for winning his gold medal.

But seven years ago Harrison won a £27,500 out of court settlement after he
was jumped upon by police officers from London's notorious
Stoke Newington station. He recalled how during a wrongful arrest "five or
six of them struggled me to the floor, gave me a beating and dragged me to
the back of the station".

Is 'British' always racist?

THE FUTURE of Multi-Ethnic Britain laid itself open to attack when it
talked about "Britishness" having racist connotations. It has let the right
use this issue as a diversion from the real problems black people face.

It is also patently not true. There are many white people who may think of
themselves as "British" who are not racist. The desire to be known as
"black British" can reflect black people's defiance of racists - who say
that you have to be white to be a real "Briton". It is also wrong for the
report to believe that simply by changing language from "British" or
"English" to "part of a community" you can change the way people think or

What does alter people's attitudes about themselves and the people around
them is by living, working and struggling together.


It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been

Proposed Bible Course Could Violate Constitution, Florida School Board
     Warned: Retiring School Board member urges adoption of Bible course to
     develop 'consciousness of God'
People For The American Way
19 Oct 00

People For The American Way Foundation today urged the Hernando County,
Florida School Board not to violate the Constitution by adopting a Bible
course intended to promote religious beliefs among students.  In a letter
to all five members of the central Florida school board, PFAWF warned that
the courts and the state Department of Education have rejected such
courses, and offered its assistance to the public school districts on how
they could constitutionally teach students about religion, including the
Bible, without stepping over the line and promoting religious faith.

The full text of the letter follows:

Dear Mr. Malcolm:

I am writing on behalf of People For the American Way Foundation and our
many thousands of Florida members, particularly our members in Hernando
County, concerning a recent proposal by School Board Member Jerry Milby
that the school district add a Bible course to its high school curriculum.
The difficult issue of Bible courses in public high schools is one with
which we are greatly familiar and have been much involved, particularly in

While the Bible may be taught about in public schools if the instruction
adheres to very specific constitutional requirements, as discussed below,
it has been our experience that Bible classes in public schools are often
used as a vehicle for unconstitutional religious instruction.  Our
organization and our Florida members are concerned that this not happen
here.  We are therefore writing to bring to the school district's attention
important information that it should consider as it reviews Mr. Milby's

People For the American Way Foundation has long been a strong advocate of
teaching our children about religion and about the role that religion and
people of faith have played in the history of our country.  Indeed, in
1986, we were among the first to criticize American history textbooks for
excluding such material.  For example, we criticized textbooks for
describing the Pilgrims as "wandering people" and ignoring the issues of
religious liberty so central to an understanding of who the Pilgrims were.
But teaching about religion in a public school must be conducted within our
constitutional framework that prohibits the government from endorsing or
promoting religion.  Thus, while students in a public school may be taught
about the Bible, they cannot be taught the Bible.  And, as the Supreme
Court has held, any teaching about the Bible in a public school must be
"presented objectively, as part of a secular program of education."  School
District of Abington Township v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 225 (1963).

It appears from press reports that Mr. Milby has proposed that the school
district offer a Bible course in order for students to obtain what he calls
a "consciousness of God," and as a means of promoting moral behavior.  See
"Schools Urged to Put Bible in Classes,"  St. Petersburg Times (Oct. 5,
2000).  The use of the Bible for such purposes, however, would not be
secular education at all but would be clearly unconstitutional.

As you may know, we recently conducted an investigation into Bible courses
that had been taught for many years in high schools across Florida under
the rubric of "Bible History."  Our investigation revealed that these
courses were being taught in violation of the Constitution.  Not only was
the Bible presented to students as true, which is a religious rather than
an objective perspective, but the courses were used to promote faith
formation and inculcate students in religious values.  Last January, we
published the results of our investigation in a detailed report entitled
The Good Book Taught Wrong: "Bible History" Classes in Florida's Public
Schools.  A copy is enclosed for your information.

When we published our report in January, we also urged the Florida
Department of Education to remove the "Bible History" courses from the
state's approved course list.  In March, the Department took this
significant step, effective with the 2000-01 school year.  In place of
these courses, which were part of the Social Studies curriculum, the
Department adopted two new Humanities courses entitled "Introduction to the
Bible I" and "Introduction to the Bible II," along with detailed course
descriptions and learning requirements.   This means that if the Hernando
County School District does decide to offer a course about the Bible, that
course must conform to the state's new course descriptions and learning
requirements.  Among other things, and as is clear from the Department's
new materials in addition to judicial precedent, a public school course
about the Bible cannot be used to give students a "consciousness of God" or
otherwise use the Bible to impart life lessons to students or encourage
them to have religious faith.

For your further guidance, we have enclosed a copy of a recent publication
entitled The Bible & Public Schools:  A First Amendment Guide.  This
booklet was published in November 1999 by the Freedom Forum's First
Amendment Center and by the National Bible Association, and endorsed by a
diverse group of religious liberty and religious and educational
organizations.  These organizations include the Christian Legal Society,
the National Association of Evangelicals, the American Jewish Committee,
the National School Boards Association, the American Association of School
Administrators, the National Education Association, and our organization,
People For the American Way Foundation.  All of these organizations, some
of which are often at odds over the subject of religion in public schools,
have joined together to help educators chart a constitutional course when
it comes to teaching about the Bible.

As this publication makes clear, careful development of a proper curriculum
is but one prerequisite to teaching about the Bible constitutionally in a
public school.  An additional necessity is adequate teacher training.  As
the guide stresses, "When selecting teachers to teach Bible electives,
school districts should look for teachers who have some background in the
academic study of religion.  Unless they have already received academic
preparation, teachers selected to teach a course about the Bible should
receive substantive in-service training from qualified scholars before
being permitted to teach such courses.  Electives in biblical studies
should only be offered if there are teachers academically competent to
teach them." The Bible & Public Schools, at 6 (emphasis added).

We strongly urge the school district, if it does not already offer one, to
consider a course in world religions or comparative religion as an
alternative to a course focused exclusively on the Bible.  Apart from the
constitutional pitfalls, a course focused on the Bible would ignore the
religious diversity that exists in America and the rest of the world.  A
more inclusive course, such as one in world religions, would far better
serve the students of Hernando County as they enter adulthood in a
religiously diverse world than would a Bible-focused course that does not
consider the faith documents of religions other than Christianity and
Judaism.  And students in such a course certainly could be taught properly
about the different beliefs of the biblical religions, as well as those of
other world religions.

In addition, the school district could also offer students a course in
character education.  This subject can be taught constitutionally in a
public school as long as the instruction does not promote religion and
students are not encouraged to develop particular character traits because
those traits are faith-based.

As you may be aware, we were counsel to the Lee County, Florida parents and
other concerned citizens in their successful lawsuit against their school
board challenging the adoption of unconstitutional curricula for high
school Bible courses.  See Gibson v. Lee County School Board, 1 F. Supp. 2d
1426 (M.D. Fla. 1998).  We trust that the Hernando County School Board will
not repeat the mistakes made in Lee County or by the many other school
districts across Florida that had been teaching the state's former "Bible
History" courses.

Please do not hesitate to call us if there is any other information that we
can provide.  We look forward to hearing from you as to the School
District's plans regarding Mr. Milby's proposal.


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <ftp://ftp.nyct.net/pub/users/tallpaul/publish/story7/>

AP, "German Court Sentences Firebombers," 5 Oct 00, "With politicians
pledging to hit right-wing extremists with the full force of the law, an
eastern German court sentenced a man and teen-ager Thursday to long
sentences for attempted murder in a firebomb attack on a Vietnamese family.
Marcel Hanwald, 23, was sentenced to nine years and his 16-year-old
accomplice, Andreas Pischel, received five years from the court in Potsdam
for throwing two Molotov cocktails through an open window of the family's
apartment in May." <1891.txt>

Amnesty International, "Israel/Occupied Territories: Amnesty International
sends delegates to Israel," 4 Oct 00, "Following the deaths of
demonstrators in Israel and the Occupied Territories, including the areas
under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority, Amnesty International
is today sending delegates to investigate the circumstances of the killings
and to make recommendations to the Israeli Government." <1892.txt>

Amnesty International, "Israel and the Occupied Territories: Civilians'
lives must be respected," 2 Oct 00, "Amnesty International condemned
indiscriminate killings of civilians following four days of clashes in
Israel and the Occupied Territories which have left at least 35 Palestinian
civilians dead and hundreds of others injured." <1893.txt>

Nicole Ziegler Dizon (AP), "Schools Struggle Shielding Gay KidsSchools
Struggle Shielding Gay Kids," 8 Oct 00, "Meg Sievers was tired of the
teasing, the snickers, the whispered death threats. So she and other gay
students in this suburb west of Chicago asked the school board to include
'sexual orientation' in a policy that bars students from harassing other
students. The monthlong battle that ensued reflects the struggles school
districts across the country face ...." <1894.txt>

AP, "United Way asked to drop Boy Scouts," 3 Oct 00, "Some employees at Los
Alamos National Laboratory are urging the northern New Mexico United Way
agency to stop funding the Boy Scouts because of the group's ban on gay
troop leaders. The workers say as long as the Boy Scouts are on the list,
solicitation of pledges from Los Alamos lab violates the lab's policy
against discrimination. 'The lab, which has a non-discrimination policy, is
soliciting funds for an organization that discriminates. It's a strange
inconsistency and we think it needs to be changed,' said Julie Johnston, a
technical employee in the lab's Environment Safety and Health Division and
former president of the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Diversity Working Group
at the lab." <1895.txt>

Xinhua, "Chilean Communists to sue US government," 6 Oct 00, "The Chilean
Communist Party is preparing a lawsuit against the US government for its
involvement in Chile's military coup in the 1970s. The lawsuit, which will
be filed in the US Federal Court, was based on documents recently
declassified by the CIA, the party's secretary-general Gladys Marin said."

PlanetOut, "Namibian Call to 'Eliminate' Gays," 2 Oct 00, "In another
rhetorical outburst -- this time to graduating cops -- a top official
denies gays and lesbians have constitutional rights and encourages
persecution. Namibian Home Affairs Minister Jerry Ekandjo on September 29
called on 700 new graduates of the police academy to 'eliminate' gays and
lesbians." <1897.txt>

Jeff Cole ([Milwaukee] of the Journal Sentinel), "Man who hosted 'whites-
only' party gets 30-day jail term: Punishment includes 100 hours of
community service, letters of apology," 28 Sep 00, "A Saukville man who
hosted a "whites only" drinking party in Saukville was sentenced to 30 days
in the Ozaukee County Jail and three years of probation after pleading
guilty to a series of misdemeanors. ... Rosploch pleaded guilty to charges
of criminal damage to property, carrying a concealed weapon and disorderly
conduct. The incidents that got Rosploch arrested began Feb. 9 at Willie's
Lakefront Lanes in Port Washington. There, Rosploch and Aaron D. Smith, 17,
cornered a 16-year-old Hispanic youth and forced him to kneel and call
himself racially offensive names, according to the criminal complaint."

Seth Gitell (Boston Phoenix), "Hate crimes: Neo-skinheads set up shop," 28
Sep 00, "As police continue to investigate the beating by skinheads of a
Muslim Harvard University student last Tuesday night, experts note that
members of the World Church of the Creator, an extremist far-right group,
are operating in the Boston area. The group first gained notoriety when
member Benjamin Nathan Smith went on a shooting spree last summer in
Chicago, killing two people and wounding nine others. Experts say the
Boston area has seen a rash of extremist activities by affiliates of the
racist group." <1899.txt>

AP, "Court allows suspension in Confederate flag case: Confederate flags
were specifically banned as being racially divisive," 3 Oct 00, "A Kansas
youth suspended from school for three days after he drew a picture of a
Confederate flag lost a Supreme Court appeal Monday. The court, without
comment, turned away arguments that the suspension violated the youth's
freedom of speech and other constitutionally protected rights." <1900.txt>

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