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               The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 4 July 2000
                          Vol. 4, Number 55 (#438)

Action Alerts:
    American Atheists to Picket Promise Keepers Rally -- 8 Jul
Web Sites of Interest:
    Publius Censorship Resistant Publishing System
Reminders of Far-Right Violence
    Pending U.S. Legislation: Karen Mathews Act of 2000
    Rober Lederman, "[Introduction to the AP "FBI/Holocaust" aticle]," 2
       July 00
    Michael J. Sniffen (AP), "FBI Trains New Agents on Holocaust," 30 June
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
    "Tina Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Beware of Membership
       Groups," 29 June 00



8 Jul -- Dallas Texas
American Atheists to Picket Promise Keepers Rally

The Promise Keepers -- "God's Mighty Men" who see themselves as the foot
soldiers in a spiritually energized political army -- will be holding a
huge stadium revival this coming Saturday, July 8 at the Dallas Reunion

American Atheists and supporters will be onsite to defend the wall of
separation between church and state against the theocratic PK agenda, which
calls for America to be governed by Biblical rule.  American Atheists has
spoken out against the Promise Keepers movement since its inception, and we
will continue to do so in Dallas.

We do not contest the right of Promise Keepers -- or any other group -- to
hold a peaceable assembly.  We DO, however, feel that all of the segments
of society demonized by these self-appointed "Godly men" -- women, gays,
secularists/atheists, civil libertarians and others -- have a comparable
right to speak out in defense of First Amendment separation and free

Join us this coming Saturday, July 8, 2000 in Dallas!  Gather in front of
the Reunion Arena located at 777 Sports Street (across from the Hyatt
Regency Hotel) in downtown Dallas.  It gets hot early at this time of year
-- so we'll rendezvous at 6:30 a.m.  on Saturday morning, July 8.

Appropriate picket signs and banners will be provided, and American
Atheists State Director Dick Hogan is bringing his famous RV as a break
center.  If you live in the Ft.  Worth Metroplex area, Randall Gorman will
be heading for the demonstration at about 5:45 a.m.

For more information on this peaceful protest...

Randall Gorman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Office of the American Atheists State Director (Texas)
Metroplex Atheists

For more information and background on Promise Keepers...

   * "Godly Men With A Dominionist Agenda"

     "God's Mighty Men: The Promise Keepers Rise Up"

   * "Why is American Atheists Picketing The Promise Keepers?"



Publius Censorship Resistant Publishing System

"Publius is a Web publishing system that is highly resistant to censorship
and provides publishers with a high degree of anonymity. Publius was the
pen name used by the authors of the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton,
John Jay, and James Madison. This collection of 85 articles, published
pseudonymously in New York State newspapers form October 1787 through May
1788, was influential in convincing New York voters to ratify the proposed
United States constitution.

"Why this is important

"The publication of written words has long been a tool for spreading new
(and sometimes controversial) ideas, often with the goal of bringing about
social change. Thus the printing press, and more recently, the World Wide
Web, are powerful revolutionary tools. But those who seek to suppress
revolutions possess powerful tools of their own. These tools give them the
ability to stop publication, destroy published materials, or prevent the
distribution of publications. And even if they cannot successfully censor
the publication, they may intimidate and physically or financially harm the
author or publisher in order to send a message to other would-be-
revolutionaries that they would be well advised to consider an alternative
occupation. Even without a threat of personal harm, authors may wish to
publish their works anonymously or pseudonymously because they believe they
will be more readily accepted if not associated with a person of their
gender, race, ethnic background, or other characteristics.

"How it works

"Our system consists of publishers who post Publius content to the web,
servers who host random-looking content, and retrievers who browse Publius
content on the web. At present the system supports any static content such
as HTML pages, images, and other files such as postscript, pdf, etc.
Javascript also works. We assume that there is a static, system-wide list
of available servers. Publius content is encrypted by the publisher and
spread over some of the web servers.



Pending U.S. Legislation: Karen Mathews Act of 2000

Presently pending in a House committee is HR 4166, introduced on April 4,
2000 by Rep Gary Condit (Calif - Dem), who gave it the short title of the
Karen Mathews Act of 2000.  Karen Mathews is the county recorder in
Modesto, Calif, who was threatened, stalked, and finally ambushed, beaten
and raped by a member of the Christian Juris Society because she refused
his demands to delete an IRS lien against his property or insert his own
homebrew lien against an IRS agent's property in the county deed file.  The
people responsible for the crime have all been sent to the slammer but they
persist in harassing her by filing lawsuits (in Washington, DC) and
otherwise trying to interfere with her life.   HR 4166 itself is very

    Sec. 1.  This Act may be cited as the "Karen Mathews Act of 2000."
    Sec. 2:  Penalties for harassment of victims of federal offenses.
      Section 1513 of Title 18, United States Code  [namely "Retaliating
      against a witness"], is amended by inserting after subsection (b) the
      following:      (c)(1)  Whoever, being convicted of a Federal offense,
      harasses the victim of that offense shall be fined under this title or
      imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

      (2) As used in this subsection, the term "harass" includes the
      malicious or repeated frivolous filing of legal process or liens
      against the person or property of the victim.

- - - - -

[Introduction to the AP "FBI/Holocaust" aticle]
Rober Lederman
2 July 00

Apply this excerpted article to NYC under the daily constitutional
violations of the Giuliani administration and you'll understand why he is
called Adolf Giuliani and why his administration is called a police  state-

- - - - -

FBI Trains New Agents on Holocaust
Michael J. Sniffen (AP)
30 June 00

WASHINGTON D.C. -- The FBI has begun teaching its new agents how a failure
by police to protect citizen rights helped produce the Holocaust in which 6
million Jews, as well as other minorities and political dissidents were
murdered by the Nazis.

The training segment for agents-to-be at the FBI Academy began last month
and was announced Friday by FBI Director Louis J. Freeh; Sara J.
Bloomfield, director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and Abraham H.
Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League.

"We do this early on in their training ... to remind them of the horror and
evil which can result from not just a government, but particularly law
enforcement, abandoning its mission to protect people and becoming the
engine of oppression," Freeh said.

The trainees are given a guided tour of the Holocaust Museum here and
instruction about Adolf Hitler's use of the police in Germany in the 1930s
and 1940s to round up Jews, political opponents and other targeted

Bloomfield, the museum director, said, "Much of the Holocaust was
perpetrated or supported by trained professionals who were 'doing their
job.' The museum's program with the FBI challenges law enforcement agents
to examine the moral dimensions of their professions."

The topic of police complicity in the Holocaust has been a concern of
Freeh's for some time. In 1994, over objections from the State Department
and the U.S. ambassador to Poland, Freeh visited the Nazi death camp at
Auschwitz during a European trip and gave a speech at Jagellonian
University in nearby Krakow, Poland, on the police role in Hitler's

Freeh researched and wrote the speech himself with help from Nobel laureate
and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel."


For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

Beware of Membership Groups
"Tina Higgins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
29 June 00

The time for membership groups with membership cards, dues,  meetings --
the whole shot is OVER. One need only look at the unfortunate  lawsuits
that certain Klan groups are going through, and the trouble that  Matt Hale
and WCOTC are having to know that it is time to change strategy  and
tactics, because these lawsuits will continue for organized groups.

                            * * * * *

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distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior
interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and
educational purposes only.


    We have no ethical right to forgive, no historical right to forget.
       (No permission required for noncommercial reproduction)

                                - - - - -

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