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              The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 6 June 2000
                         Vol. 4, Number 47 (#428)

Movie Reviews: 
   "Sunshine" -- some of the darkest areas of human behavior 
Defending Leonard Peltier
   Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, "Dear Friends," 5 June 00
   Glenn Morris (Denver Rocky Mt. News), "Truth must lead to pardoning of
      Peltier," 15 May 00 
   Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, "Response to the 'No Parole Peltier
      Association website" 
Fascism In E. Europe
   AP, "Czech Mein Kampf Publisher Charged," 2 June 00
   UPI, "Haider's 'Freedom Party' in Trouble Again," 5 June 00



Matt Wolf (AP)
6 June 00

Don't be fooled by the title. Over the course of its disturbing yet often
invigorating three hours, "Sunshine" inhabits some of the darkest areas of
human behavior. 

That much is to be expected from Istvan Szabo, the gifted Hungarian
filmmaker who has explored - in movies such as "Colonel Redl" (1985) and
the Oscar-winning "Mephisto" (1981) - the Faustian pact that humans often
strike in order to stay the course. 

With "Sunshine," Szabo takes on nothing less than the turbulent history of
20th century Europe, as refracted through three generations and 150 years
of the Hungarian-Jewish Sonnenschein family. 

Ralph Fiennes, in his most demanding screen performance in years, plays
three very different men across three different periods, and clearly
delineates each. 

Their common bond: survival in a changing political and social climate in
which - Szabo and co-screenwriter Israel Horovitz suggest - simply existing
day to day exacts a price. 

The result sometimes veers toward soap opera. Still, there's no denying the
rare ambition of a film with intelligence and empathy to burn: You go in
expecting a history lesson and emerge impressed - often against the odds -
by the shifting hues of humanity. 

The film has barely begun its flashback narration before the meaning of the
title becomes clear. Emmanuel Sonnenschein (David de Keyser), the tale's
great-grandfather, has made his fortune from a family recipe for an herbal
tonic known as "Sunshine." 

The Sonnenscheins, it seems, are on the way up, having progressed from
village tavern-keepers to city lawyers, with Fiennes' Ignatz embodying the
social ascent. Among other things, he's keen to change the family name to
the less-Jewish-sounding Sors. 

A famously severe magistrate, Ignatz's private life is colored by an
illicit marriage to cousin Valerie (Jennifer Ehle), whom he once loved as a
sister and then nearly destroyed by deriding her as a whore. 

Life in the public eye isn't much easier. Ignatz embraces a defiant
assimilationism that proves a troubling touchstone for the family members
who come after. 

The next generation provides the film's truly enduring sequences, pushing
the film forward from the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and into
the charnel house of World War II. 

Fiennes reappears as Adam Sors, the youngest son of Ignatz and Valerie, a
brilliant swordsman whose path to Olympic fencing glory includes his
conversion to Catholicism. 

His newfound religion notwithstanding, Adam meets a grisly fate. Even those
inured to images of Holocaust atrocities may find this character's end
near-impossible to watch. 

His death, in turn, leaves Adam's son Ivan (Fiennes again) to confront
issues of vengeance and retribution. His own circumstances include a secret
liaison with a married policewoman (Deborah Kara Unger, in the film's least
convincing role), and he finds an unlikely ally in a fiercely anti-fascist
Communist (a mustachioed William Hurt). 

>From there, it's on to the toppling of Stalin and the Hungarian uprising,
larger events always sifted through the Sonnenscheins' traumatized - yet
possibly redemptive - lives. 

"Sunshine" is sufficiently dense that it defies thumbnail synopsis, and
some filmgoers may surrender to it as a sweeping epic. 

Among the film's more than 150 speaking parts, special attention must go to
the real-life mother-daughter team of Rosemary Harris and Jennifer Ehle,
playing older and younger versions of the same person. 

Ehle, who just won the best-actress Tony Award for her performance in
Broadway's "The Real Thing," sets "Sunshine's" narrative course early by
remarking that the family is "already doomed to hell." With that comment in
mind, Harris' emergence as Valerie's older, widowed self is doubly moving,
since the character has acquired a sense of serenity and peace. 

Valerie, by the end, is said to possess "the gift of breathing freely,"
after decades of imprisonment and tumult. From grief, Harris suggests, can
come a kind of grace. In a film suffused with sorrow, Harris' lovely
performance lets in the sun. 

"Sunshine" is a Paramount Classics release, co-produced by Robert Lantos
and Andras Hamori. A hefty 180 minutes, the film is rated R. 



Dear Friends,

The FBI is continuing their misinformation campaign against Leonard
Peltier. Their letters are still popping up in papers accross the country.
However, many of our responses and letters are being printed as well. Below
is a good rebuttal written in a Denver paper by Prof. Morris. Please
continue to keep an eye out for the FBI's letters and be sure to send us
copies in the mail. If the FBI has not submitted anything in your paper,
you can still submit a letter of your own before they do.

Please keep up phone calls to the White House, Congress, and Reno. Don't
forget to organize phone banks to Janet Reno's office on June 9th and let
us know if a vigil is being planned on June 11 in your region. We cannot
let them obstuct Leonard's chances of receiving long overdue justice this
year. Thank you.


- - - - -

Truth must lead to pardoning of Peltier
Glenn Morris (Denver Rocky Mt. News)
15 May 00

In reporting the FBI's latest campaign to defame imprisoned American Indian
activist Leonard Peltier (April 22 article, "FBI fights to prevent a pardon
for Peltier"),the Denver Rocky Mountain News repeated several factual
errors and pieces of FBI disinformation that deserve correction. At the
outset, it should be stated that Leonard Peltier has now spent 23 years in
federal prison for crimes that he did not commit. His convictions on the
charges that he murdered two FBI agents were secured through perjured
affidavits and testimony, exculpatory evidence was concealed by the FBI,
and a judiciary has consistently ignored truth and justice in the case.
Peltier's case has been examined by some of the finest legal minds in the
world, with the respected human rights organization Amnesty International
(AI) concluding that Peltier should be released immediately. AI has been
joined in its plea for Peltier's freedom by millions of others, including
Nobel Peace Prize laureates Nelson Mandela, the late Mother Teresa, the
Dalai Lama, Rigoberta Menchu and Desmond Tutu. In the article reprinted in
the News. some of the scurrilous tactics of the FBI's smear campaign were
revealed when the FBI continued to suggest that Peltier had attempted to
kill other police officers in Milwaukee prior to the 1975 Pine Ridge Indian
Reservation shootout that left one Indian and two FBI agents dead. The FBI
omits the fact that Peltier was acquitted of all charges in the Milwaukee
case. It also neglects to mention that the case was fabricated by two
Milwaukee police officers who set Peltier up, in their own words, to catch
"a big one for the FBI."

Today, given revelations in such cases as Rubin "Hurricane" Carter, the Los
Angeles police department's Rampart Division scandal, and Denver's own Mena
case, we know that the capacity of police agencies (including the FBI) to
railroad innocent individuals for political or racial purposes, is
virtually boundless. As documented in Peter Matthiessen's award-winning
book, In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, the FBI attempted to conceal its own
ballistics tests which excluded Peltier's purported gun as the one that
killed the FBI agents. Before the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, the U.S.
prosecutor admitted to the court that "we can't prove who shot those
agents." Later, on CBS' 60 Minutes, the same prosecutor, Lynn Crooks,
defended his and the FBI's conduct in the Peltier case, claiming that he
didn't think that "we did anything wrong, but I can tell you, it don't
bother my conscience one whit if we did." Such is the nature of "justice"
in the Peltier case.

Despite the FBI's attempts to spread lies about Peltier and his trial,
people of goodwill should examine the facts for themselves. Those who are
persuaded by truth and justice will join the international call for
presidential clemency for the most renowned political prisoner in the
United States, Leonard Peltier.

                                 * * * * *

Glenn Morris is a Professor of International Law and Politics at the
University of Colorado - Denver, a member of the American Indian Movement
of Colorado and an advisory board member of the Leonard Peltier Defense

- - - - -

Response to the "No Parole Peltier Association" Website
Leonard Peltier Defense Committee

It comes as no surprise that a new organization named the "No Parole
Peltier Association" or NPPA is in fact another guise for the FBI to
continue their campaign of disinformation against Leonard Peltier. The NPPA
consists of a website sponsored by an FBI agent, asking people to sign a
petition against Leonard Peltier's parole release. Once again the FBI are
going beyond their jurisdiction as law enforcement officials to defame
Leonard Peltier, while further misinforming the public about the case. In
doing this, the FBI is further obstructing justice in the Peltier case and
interfering in his right to due process under the law.

The NPPA's position as to why they do not support Leonard Peltier's parole
release is unclear. They make no mention of why Leonard Peltier should be
held in prison far longer than the laws and guidelines of the Parole
Commission require. Most everything mentioned on their website is
irrelevant, and makes no case against Leonard Peltier's parole release.
Instead, they attack Leonard Peltier's character, Mr. X, and the trial of
Robert Robideau and Dino Butler. To see the site for yourself go to:

However futile it may seem, we would like to respond to some of the
allegations made on the NPPA site because we feel it is important to
strongly reinstate our reasons for supporting Leonard Peltier's release.

Correcting Wrongs of the Past

The "PURPOSE" section of the NPPA site contains a paragraph titled
"Correcting Wrongs of the Past." It is here the NPPA implies that
supporters of Leonard Peltier are simply blinded by their sorrow for the US
government's brutal past with Native Americans. They go as far as to say
"history cannot be altered. Nothing can change the broken promises and
treaties and subjugation of the first peoples to inhabit this continent."

However, the Peltier case has long underlined the CURRENT attitudes and
continuing racism against Indigenous Peoples by the US government. Leonard
Peltier was accused of killing two FBI agents during a time when the FBI
themselves were illegally seeking to destroy AIM. In the years surrounding
the shoot-out over 60 members and supporters of the American Indian
Movement were murdered on Pine Ridge. Despite an overwhelming FBI presence,
virtually no prosecutions were brought. Former GOON leader, Duane Brewer,
has told us that the FBI helped to arm the GOONs and they intentionally
looked the other way when crimes against AIM members and supporters were
committed. In short, the GOONs were given the green light to murder and
beat people with impunity. Hardly is this ancient history and surely the
FBI should be held accountable for their participation in the violence. The
double standard that allows an innocent man to pay for the deaths of two
FBI agents while the murders of AIM members and supporters are given no
priority whatsoever is what most of Leonard Peltier's supporters find
disturbing and unacceptable.

Agents Shot in Self-Defense

Secondly, the NPPA state throughout their web site that the agents only
shot 5 times before they were killed, that there was no gun battle between
the Jumping Bull residents, and that the agents merely shot in self
defense. They say that "agent Coler had fired one shot from a service
revolver, one shot from a 12-gauge shotgun and one shot from a .308 rifle .
. . Agent Williams had fired two shots from his service revolver. . ."
However, there is no evidence to support this contention and it contradicts
the testimony of all of those who were at the scene, including the
testimony of Angie Long Visitor, who said the agents repeatedly fired their
guns. It would be hard to imagine agent Coler picking up three different
guns, and firing each one once within a ten minute period, as the NPPA

Further, the NPPA claim that though Robideau and Butler were acquitted on
grounds of self-defense, it does not mean they were actually innocent. The
LPDC, they say, fails to consider the "guilty beyond a reasonable doubt"
standard. However, we contend that the NPPA fails to recognize the
"innocent until proven guilty" standard, meaning they cannot continue to
accuse Butler and Robideau of being guilty, and Leonard Peltier of aiding
and abetting them, when in fact no evidence of this exists.

Mr. X

They also question the morality and validity of Mr. X, the person who came
forward incognito, and admitted to shooting the agents at point blank range
in self-defense. Mr. X has long been a controversial topic, by both
supporters of Leonard Peltier and those who oppose his release. Whether we
agree with Mr. X's tactics or not is irrelevant. The LPDC's arguments are
based on the legal record of the Peltier case. If the FBI is so confidant
that Leonard Peltier is guilty, we must ask them why they felt it necessary
to obtain falsified affidavits from Myrtle Poor Bear, to withhold critical
ballistics evidence, to "develop evidence to lock Peltier into the case"
and why they now admit that they do not know who killed the agents.

The Ballistics

The NPPA attempts to minimalize the formerly withheld ballistic evidence,
which forced the government to admit that they did not know who shot the
agents. In doing so, they point to the Eight Circuit Court of Appeals
decision which affirmed Peltier's conviction and stated: "When all is said
and done, however, a few simple but very important facts remain. The casing
introduced into evidence in fact had been extracted from the Wichita AR-15.
This point was not disputed." However, an extractor test is much less
conclusive than a firing pin test. What the newly discovered documents
revealed was that the firing pin test was done, and in fact, THE CASING DID
NOT MATCH. The jury was never allowed to hear this evidence. Moreover, the
Eighth circuit said if the casing did not match, it would mean the FBI had
planted it. In response to this they said, "we recognize that there is
evidence in this record of improper conduct on the part of some FBI agents,
but we are reluctant to impute even further improprieties to them." They
concluded the following:

There is a possibility that the jury would have acquitted Leonard Peltier
had the records and data improperly withheld from the defense been
available to him in order to better exploit and reinforce the
inconsistencies casting strong doubts upon the government's case. Yet, we
are bound by the Bagley test requiring that we be convinced, from a review
of the entire record, that had the data and records withheld been made
available, the jury probably would have reached a different result. We have
not been so convinced.

The judge who wrote the decision also admitted that he was uncomfortable
with it. He would later write a letter recommending Peltier be released
through Executive Clemency saying that "the FBI used improper tactics in
securing Peltier's extradition from Canada and in otherwise investigating
and trying the Peltier case." We would also like to point out that we find
the Bagley standard to be unjust, in that it requires the judge to replace
himself with a jury in deciding whether or not certain evidence would have
conclusively overturned a conviction. If the new evidence forced the
prosecution to say they could not prove Leonard Peltier shot the agents,
then surely the jury would have concluded the same.

Lastly, the NPPA attempts to demoralize Leonard Peltier's character,
pointing to perceived flaws in his lifestyle. However, Leonard Peltier is
not being held in prison for imperfections in his personality, and we do
not feel it is necessary to respond to such allegations.

In conclusion, we insist that the complete lack of evidence against Leonard
Peltier combined with his excellent conduct in prison and his continued
advocacy for human rights from behind bars, make him a perfect candidate
for parole. We find that the FBI's continued attempts to obstruct justice
in the Peltier case in order to protect their own reputation to be a
disgrace. We urge those who view the site to express their concerns on its
message board.

Call the White House Comments Line Today Demand Justice for Leonard
Peltier! 202-456-1111



Czech Mein Kampf Publisher Charged 
2 June 00
PRAGUE, Czech Republic -- The Czech publisher of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf
has been charged with promotion of Nazism, police said Friday.  Michal
Zitko, who published the unabridged Czech translation of Mein Kampf in
March, was charged Thursday and faces up to eight years in prison if
convicted, said police spokeswoman Sona Jindrakova. 

Upon publication of the book in March, Zitko said he wanted to expose
Czechs to Hitler's "monstrous ideology," but also characterized Nazi ideas
as no worse than those of communism. 

Zitko said Hitler is one of the best-known people of the 20th century and
everybody should have the right to read a firsthand account of his
political manifesto. 

The first unabridged Czech-language edition of Mein Kampf was published in
10,000 copies and immediately sold out. 

Publication drew immediate protests from the Czech Jewish Community and
local anti-fascist associations. 

The book contains no commentaries or disclaimers. 

- - - - -

Haider's 'Freedom Party' in Trouble Again 
5 June 00

VIENNA -- Furor over pro-Nazi sentiments and Joerg Haider's Freedom Party
is flaring again in Austria following a fascist-style comment by a new
party boss.  The controversy Monday could further damage Austria's image
and jeopardize its plea for normalized relations with the European Union.
The EU slapped diplomatic sanctions on Vienna when Haider's far-right party
became part of a ruling coalition in February. 

If not for the current friction between Austria and the other 14 nations in
the EU, the comment by Haider ally Ernest Windholz might have gone

But the flare-up came quickly Sunday at a Freedom Party convention, where
in a speech to party faithful Windholz quoted a Waffen SS slogan that was
etched on every SS member's dagger blade: "Our honor is called loyalty." He
was subsequently elected the party's national chairman for lower Austria. 

Windholz later told the Austrian news agency APA he was unaware of the
slogan's link to the SS military police, which fomented bloody terror
during the country's Nazi era in the 1930s and 1940s. 

Through a party spokesman, Windholz apologized "if the repetition of this
saying hurt the feelings of victims of the National Socialists (Nazis) or
their descendants." He also said Windholz does not "play down the crimes of
the National Socialists." 

Haider, whose popular right-wing rhetoric fueled the Freedom Party, issued
a similar apology three months ago for pro-Nazi comments he made in the

Windholz was praising longtime party members when he made the comment. He
later thanked convention delegates for electing him on his 40th birthday.
He received 56 percent of the vote, compared to Franz Marchat's 36 percent.

Freedom Party opponents reacted angrily. 

Barbara Prammer, a leader of the Social Democratic Party, called the
comment "intolerable." She said the Freedom Party is "outside the
acceptable spectrum of democratic parties" and that Windholz should step

Prammer also called for Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel to denounce the
comment. There was no immediate reaction from the chancellor's office. 

Schuessel's center-right People's Party shares power with the Freedom

The Social Democrats ruled in Vienna for 30 years. They were pushed out of
power when the coalition government was formed in February, based on the
results of October elections that gave no single party a clear majority. 

In the coalition's first months, Haider and Schuessel were central figures
even though Haider does not hold a federal office. The EU sanctions and
related threats to Austria's economy prompted Haider to step out of the
spotlight, quitting the job of Freedom Party chief last month. He was
replaced by the country's vice chancellor, Susanne Riess-Passer. 

The Austrian government has been campaigning rigorously for an end to the
EU sanctions. Officials insist there is no backward movement toward Nazism,
and that Vienna embraces EU enlargement as well as human rights. Yet the
government has failed to convince its European neighbors to begin a
political dialogue. 

Last month it appeared a thaw had begun after Vienna's foreign minister met
informally with EU ministers. Denmark, Greece, Spain, Ireland and Italy
were among the countries showing interest in easing the sanctions. 

Next month, Austria may get another chance when France assumes the rotating
presidency of the EU. Currently the post is held by Portugal, which is
refusing to back down from its position that the sanctions remain while the
Freedom Party holds power. 

The Austrian government is trying to persuade the world that it's not a
demon. To that end, it has launched an infomercial-type Web site,

                           * * * * *

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