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            The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 7 November 2000
                         Vol. 4, Number 90 (#485)

Action Alerts:
    London, 12 Nov: Stop the Nazi National Front
    Tokyo,  7-10 Dec: Women's International War Crimes Tribunal On Japan's
       WW II Sexual Slavery
Fascism In the News
    Information on the 1st session of the 7th [German] PDS Congress
       [excerpts]: Cottbus, Germany 14-15 Oct 00
    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, "Austria: Freedom Party-Police
       Allegations  -- Police Believed Order Came from Haider," 29 Oct 00
    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, "[German State] Premier Urges Monitoring
       of More Far-Right Parties," 29 Oct 00
    Johannes Leithäuser (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), "Moves to Ban NPD
       Focus on Hostility to Constitution, Violence and Racism," 29 Oct 00
    Troy Wolverton (CNET, "Watchdog group urges Yahoo to end
       racist auctions," 1 Nov 00
    AP, "Police detain neo-Nazis after Berlin march ," 5 Nov 00
    Reuters, "Scuffles break out at neo-Nazi march in Berlin," 4 Nov 00
Web Sites of Interest:
    Partners In Human Rights Education
    Human Rights Resource Center
    United States Report to the UN Committee on the Convention on the
       Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Book Announcement:
    Tim Wohlforth "On The Edge: Political Cults Right and Left," co-authored
       with  Dr. Dennis Tourish
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Stop the Nazi National Front march to the Cenotaph
Assemble - 12 noon, Sunday 12 November 2000
Bressenden Place, London SW1

Supported by the Jewish Socialist Group and Searchlight

The Nazi National Front want to hold a demonstration in central London this

They intend to march to the Cenotaph to lay a wreath.

This is the same Nazi National Front that boast on their web site that
"Hitler should have won the war" and "the Jews started World War Two".

Mayor Ken Livingstone has been in contact with the Commissioner of the
Metropolitan Police and the Home Secretary over his concerns about the
intention of the NF to march.

The Anti Nazi League are mobilising to stop the National Front.

Anti Nazi League
PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ  Tel: 020 7924 0333
Fax: 020 7924 0313

- - - - -

Women's International War Crimes Tribunal On Japan's Military Sexual Slavery
Tokyo, 7-10 Dec 00

This is to announce that the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal On
Japan's Military Sexual Slavery ("Tokyo Tribunal") will take place from 7-10
December 2000 followed by a Public Hearing On Crimes Against Recent Women
In Recent Wars and Conflicts on 11 December in Tokyo, Japan.

The TOKYO TRIBUNAL will be a 3-day event where former "comfort women"
(those women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army in
World War II) will testify in a judicial setting to demand legal
accountability from the Japanese government. Prominent international law
experts and authorities will serve as judges and prosecutors.   Former
'comfort women' will testify from at least 8 countries including, North and
South Korea, Peoples Republic of China, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia,
Indonesia, and the Netherlands, as it was women from each of these
countries who were victimized by Japan's military sexual slavery.

The PUBLIC HEARING is a one-day event, which will bring together women who
have survived violations in recent and ongoing wars and conflicts. This
will serve to illustrate that the experiences of the 'comfort women' are
not a thing of the past and impunity for violence against women continues
to this day. Women will present testimonies and analysis from many
countries including Sierra Leone, Burundi, Colombia, Puerto Rico,
Indonesia, Mexico (Chiapas), Vietnam, Somalia, Burma, Okinawa, and Korea
among others.

The convenors of the Tokyo Tribunal are the Violence Against Women in War
Network (VAWW-Net Japan) represented by Ms. Yayori Matsui, the Korean
Council for Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan represented by Ms.
Yun Chung-Ok, and the Asian Center for Women's Human Rights (ASCENT)
represented by Ms. Indai Lourdes Sajor. They form part of the International
Organizing Committee, which includes an International Advisory Committee
composed of women and human rights activists.

The one-day Public Hearing will be coordinated by Women's Caucus for Gender
Justice and co-sponsored by VAWW-Net Japan and ASCENT.

Registration is necessary for attending the Tokyo Tribunal.  For more
information or to register, please visit the official Tribunal website:

There is no registration for participating in the one-day Public Hearing.
Please visit the Women's Caucus website <> for more
information about the Public Hearing and the Tokyo Tribunal.

See you in Tokyo!

If you cannot attend the Tokyo Tribunal but want to support the effort,
your contribution to the local coordinating organization, VAWW-Net Japan,
would be greatly appreciated.

Postal Transfer
Account No.: 00120-2-31955
Account Name: VAWW-NET Japan
Please clearly specify "Women's Tribunal Fund 2000"
Bank name
Shinjuku Chuo Branch
Account No.: 3424965
Account Name: Women's Tribunal 2000
N.B. Please do NOT send cheques.



Information on the 1st session of the 7th [German] PDS Congress [excerpts]
Cottbus, Germany 14-15 Oct 00

... [Retired PDS Chairman] Lothar Bisky demanded that the [Party of
Democratic Socialism] PDS and all anti-fascist democratic forces should
learn the lessons of history. While in the 1920s and 1930s communists and
social democrats looked at each other as the main enemy the nazis took the
upper hand. The present increase in right- wing extremist activities
urgently calls for a closer co-operation of all democratic forces.
Right-wing extremism was an all-German problem, Bisky stressed.

... As right extremist violence in Germany is alarmingly growing the
congress discussed the essence of the problem and unanimously adopted a
resolution on anti-fascist resistance actions. It called for the broadest
possible alliances whose diversity and internal contradictions should be
met with due consideration. As the problem is deeply rooted in the midst of
society, any strategies must help creating a social climate ostracising all
kinds of nationalism, xenophobia, racism and inhuman violence in Germany
everywhere in Europe. ...

- - - - -

Austria: Freedom Party-Police Allegations -- Police Believed Order Came
     from Haider
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
29 Oct 00

VIENNA -- Several Austrian police officers under investigation for
allegedly handing over confidental police information to the populist-right
Freedom Party say they believe the order came from the party's former
leader, Jörg Haider, according to press reports published over the weekend.

The Format and profil newsmagazines both reported that Mr. Haider's closest
aides had demanded information on political opponents from police officers
who were Freedom Party members, telling them "the boss needs it."
Investigators, the reports said, think this points directly to Mr. Haider.

The Austrian Interior Ministry, meanwhile, announced that several police
officials would be suspended on Monday. The affair began when a former
police officer and member of the Freedom Party, Josef Kleindienst,
announced that he had provided the party with information from the central
police computer. Last week, state prosecutors launched an official
investigation against Mr. Haider and other high-ranking members of the
party, which is the junior partner in Austria's coalition government, for
suspected abuse of power. Also being investigated are Justice Minister
Dieter Böhmdorfer, who was the Freedom Party's lawyer before taking office.

- - - - -

[German State] Premier Urges Monitoring of More Far-Right Parties
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
29 Oct 00

FRANKFURT -- The state premier of Rhineland-Palatinate, Kurt Beck, has
called for consideration of a ban on other far-right parties besides the
right-wing extremist National Democratic Party (NPD). In particular, Mr.
Beck said he was concerned about the German People's Union and the
Republikaner. "In my opinion, the term anti-constitutional applies to all
three of these parties," Mr. Beck said in an interview with Frankfurter
Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung. Therefore, the German People's Union and the
Republikaner should be monitored, he added.

With regard to the NPD, Mr. Beck, a Social Democrat, said he saw no
alternative to banning the party. Of course, political confrontation is
necessary, Mr. Beck maintained. But "I cannot accept that we finance a
party with public funds that, for everybody to see on the Internet, calls
outright for ousting the system," Mr. Beck said, adding that the NPD
"obviously is the organizational platform for all those who run around and
kill people."

Mr. Beck said a combination of demonstrations against right-wing extremism
and repression by the state was necessary. "The democratic state has to
show its teeth," he said.

- - - - -

Moves to Ban NPD Focus on Hostility to Constitution, Violence and Racism
Johannes Leithäuser (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
29 Oct 00

BERLIN. The legal case for banning the National Democratic Party (NPD) will
be based primarily on its aggressive behavior in public, its role as a
leader and organizer of the right-wing extremist scene, and its
identification with neo-Nazi elements, a report prepared by the German
Interior Ministry reveals.

The report, obtained on Sunday by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, was
presented to the state premiers and their interior ministers last week to
help them decide whether to back an appeal to the Federal Constitutional
Court. On Thursday, 14 of the 16 states supported the move.

The report documents the NPD's progression from a party contesting
elections to a "cadre" party that increasingly takes its activities into
the streets. Its leaders condone or even incite racial violence and call
for "resistance" against the "system" using such inflammatory terms as
Endkampf, or final battle.

The report, which was prepared at the German Interior Ministry by a working
party of the federal and state governments, will be issued in the coming
days to members of the committee on internal affairs of the Bundestag, the
German parliament.

After the issue is addressed by the Cabinet on Nov. 8, it will be debated
on Nov. 10 in the Bundesrat, the legislative body which represents the
interests of Germany's state governments at the federal level. Following
that, the Bundestag will vote on it. According to a spokesman for the
governing Social Democrats, the Bundestag could possibly file its own
application to ban the NPD with the constitutional court.

Drawing on NPD promotional material and speeches by party leaders, the
report alleges the party's violation of the German Constitution and its
aggressive behavior. Adequate proof of the NPD's hostility to the
constitution can be found in its program and other writings, which describe
"the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany" as "the
fundamental evil of the German present."

There are references to the "process of rot in the Bonn system," while
"Bonn representatives of the people" are described as "cancers on the
German national body." Racist attitudes are documented by text passages
such as "Mixing the races is not natural and (constitutes) genocide."

Most of the material about the NPD was collated over the last four years,
thus providing an account of the period during which Udo Voigt has led the
party. The Offices for Protection of the Constitution have ascertained, and
the NPD itself claims, a rise in membership since 1996 from 3,240 to 7,000.

The report notes that in the same period, 80 investigations were conducted
into NPD members or known followers who are suspected of perpetrating
violence; 120 investigations concerned the use of Nazi insignia.  The NPD
accompanies its demonstrations with threats describing the tactical sense
of the "fight for the streets," the paper states. Writing in the NPD
newspaper, Mr. Voigt described the "fight for the streets" as the spearhead
of a "national extra-parliamentary opposition." "Our fight is only just
beginning," he added.

The NPD links its aggressive political actions to efforts to give itself
the structure of a cadre party. In spring, the chairman of the NPD's Saxony
branch, Winfrid Petzold, wrote in an information sheet that the "imminent
Endkampf needs well-trained soldiers ready with conviction to sacrifice
everything, indeed, to give their last."

The Offices for the Protection of the Constitution see similarities to the
Nazi party: the NPD's affinity to the Nazi ethnic ideology, its
glorification of the Nazi dictatorship, its use of Nazi terminology, and
its self-perceived role as a representative of National Socialism.

Moves to Ban NPD Focus on Hostility to Constitution

Currently more than 350 investigations are in progress against members or
followers of the NPD.

The NPD is not only successful in boosting member numbers, but it is also
mobilizing neo-Nazi and skinhead groups. Two years ago, Mr. Voigt described
how the NPD recruits skinheads. "If I see three or four bald heads standing
at the marketplace, I stop and I have my signatures immediately."

The cooperation between the NPD and militant skinheads and neo-Nazis is
seen as one of the main causes of the party's aggressive nature. The paper
argues that the danger the NPD poses to democracy emanates particularly
from its affinity to the skinhead elements. Instead of expressly distancing
itself from skinheads, the paper says, the NPD not only tolerates them, but
relies on their support.

A second argument is provided by the public appearances of the party, which
increased its registered demonstrations from 50 in 1997 to 87 last year; so
far this year there have been 70. The paper notes that there is barely any
difference between neo-Nazis and NPD followers in the appearance of marches
and demonstrations; bolstered by militant skinheads, NPD demonstrations
represent the expression of the party's combative attempts to attain power
beyond the confines of parliament.

The NPD accompanies its demonstrations with threats describing the tactical
sense of the "fight for the streets," the paper states. Writing in the NPD
newspaper, Mr. Voigt described the "fight for the streets" as the spearhead
of a "national extra-parliamentary opposition." "Our fight is only just
beginning," he added.

The NPD links its aggressive political actions to efforts to give itself
the structure of a cadre party. In spring, the chairman of the NPD's Saxony
branch, Winfrid Petzold, wrote in an information sheet that the "imminent
Endkampf needs well-trained soldiers ready with conviction to sacrifice
everything, indeed, to give their last."

The Offices for the Protection of the Constitution see similarities to the
Nazi party: the NPD's affinity to the Nazi ethnic ideology, its
glorification of the Nazi dictatorship, its use of Nazi terminology, and
its self-perceived role as a representative of National Socialism.

- - - - -

Watchdog group urges Yahoo to end racist auctions
Troy Wolverton (CNET
1 Nov 00

Yahoo is under fire again for permitting the sale of Nazi paraphernalia on
its auction site.

BiasHelp of Long Island, a Huntington, N.Y., organization that monitors
hate crimes, sent a letter Tuesday to Yahoo's chief executive asking the
portal  giant to ban the sale of Nazi- and Ku Klux Klan-related
merchandise. Saying that it  found nearly 2,000 auctions featuring those
items, BiasHelp called on Yahoo to be sensitive to those who have been
victims of hate crimes and to the needs of the auction area's diverse

"While we are sensitive to free speech considerations, those interested in
purchasing music, toys or antiques via your site should not have to wade
through hundreds of Nazi or Klan  postings," the group said in its letter
to chief executive Tim Koogle. "Furthermore, curious young people surfing
your  site should not have access to materials that can be used to
terrorize their communities, nor should they  be left with the impression
that Adolph Hitler or the Klan is worthy of memorializing through a
merchandise line."

BiasHelp representatives said they faxed the letter to Yahoo yesterday, but
a representative for the Santa Clara, Calif., company said she did not know
if Yahoo received the letter.  Although the sale of Nazi and Ku Klux Klan
items does not violate the company's current rules, Yahoo would  be
receptive to the letter, the representative said.

"The guidelines we have are not set in stone," she said, adding that
BiasHelp "definitely has a legitimate argument and concern."

BiasHelp regularly monitors eBay, Yahoo and other auction sites for racist
merchandise, said Jeffrey Reynolds, the organization's chief operating
officer. The group sent the letter to  Koogle after noticing an increase in
the number of Nazi and Ku Klux Klan items, especially knives and other

Yahoo does not sell any of the items. Instead, the items are listed by
independent sellers who use Yahoo as a venue.

The letter comes as Yahoo is embroiled in a related court case in France. A
French anti-racism group sued the company in April over the sale of Nazi
items on its auction site, which are  illegal under French law. A French
judge ordered Yahoo to block the sale of the items to French citizens but
later temporarily stayed the order.

Yahoo is not the only Internet company to be singed by racist merchandise.
Earlier this year, BiasHelp sent a letter to eBay asking it to ban Ku Klux
Klan-related merchandise. eBay  responded to that request and to a similar
one from the Simon Wiesenthal Center--a group that fights against  bigotry
and anti-Semitism--by limiting the sale of items that promote hate groups
such as the Ku Klux Klan and the  Aryan Nation.

Meanwhile, online booksellers and Barnes& have drawn
criticism for selling racist and anti-Semitic books such as "The Turner
Diaries" and Adolph Hitler's "Mein  Kampf" in Canada and Germany.

A search for "nazi" on Yahoo Auctions on Wednesday yielded 1,839 items,
including a new Nazi battle flag, a bayonet with engraved swastikas and a
postcard of Hitler with German  children. Meanwhile, a search for "KKK"
turned up 84 items, including a Ku Klux Klan hood and robe.

A search for "kkk knife" turned up some 15 auctions of pocket knives with
the Ku Klux Klan logo on them. Among the 13 auctions of Nazi knives is a
replica of a trench knife.

"Items that can be used as weapons, they can be used in the commission of
crimes," Reynolds said. "My hope is Yahoo will look at this issue, look at
the high number of hate crimes,  and realize that it's just not worth it to
be in this business."

- - - - -

Police detain neo-Nazis after Berlin march
5 Nov 00

BERLIN - About 1,000 neo-Nazi skinheads marched through central Berlin
yesterday, holding up a banner saying "You can't forbid Germany" and
scuffling with leftist counterdemonstrators. Police reported 14 arrests.

Berlin city officials had allowed the neo-Nazis to march on the condition
that they leave flags, drums and torches at home. But 12 were arrested for
other offenses, mainly displaying banned Nazi symbols such as swastikas or
wearing old Nazi uniforms. Two protesters from the other camp were also

Some 1,000 leftist protesters tried to block the neo-Nazis at several
points along their route from the Friedrichstrasse train station to central
Alexanderplatz square, but were restrained by police. Scuffles broke out
after the march, but police reported no injuries.

The neo-Nazis had called the march to protest efforts by the German
government to outlaw the far-right National Democratic Party, which
security officials blame in part for rising racist and anti-Semitic
violence in Germany.

- - - - -

Scuffles break out at neo-Nazi march in Berlin
4 Nov 00

BERLIN -- Police battled to keep apart 1,200 neo-Nazi marchers and left-
wing counter-protesters in Berlin on Saturday and said some officers were
slightly hurt in scuffles.  Some 1,800 officers were on duty to try to keep
the peace between the far-rightists, who were demonstrating against the
government's plan to ban the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD), and
several hundred left-wingers.

The neo-Nazis, many of them skinheads wearing military-style boots, carried
placards reading ``Berlin stays German,'' ``Stop Immigration'' and
``Arguments instead of bans.'' Counter-protesters chanted ``Nazis out'' as
the march passed by.

The police ended the neo-Nazis' march prematurely, saying they could not
guarantee the safety of the demonstrators because of left-wingers blocking
the route.

A police spokesman said 13 far-right protesters were detained, five for for
displaying illegal symbols. Nazi insignia such as the swastika are banned
in Germany. One left-winger was also taken into custody.

In the eastern town of Dessau, a separate far-right demonstration was
denied permission to go ahead, although some 2,000 counter-protesters still
took to the streets peacefully. Some 300 people protested against extremist
violence in the Bavarian town of Augsburg.

Under pressure to react to persistent racist and neo-Nazi violence,
Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has proposed banning the NPD, although some
politicians have raised doubts that the attempt will succeed before the
Constitutional Court.

While the 6,000-strong, anti-immigrant NPD has never won more than a few
percent of votes in any election, the government says it acts as an
important organisational hub for skinheads and neo-Nazis intent on
harassing foreigners.

The cabinet is due to discuss the proposal next week.

Mainstream politicians and groups representing Germany's immigrant
population plan to hold a demonstration against extremism on November 9
which tens of thousands of people are expected to attend.

The day is the anniversary of both the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and
``Kristallnacht'' -- the ``Night of Broken Glass'' in 1938 when Nazi thugs
attacked Jewish property across Germany.



Partners In Human Rights Education

"In 1992, Minnesota Advocates collaborated with the Human Rights Center at
the University of Minnesota to create Partners in Human Rights Education
("Partners Program"). Minnesota Advocates strongly believes that
individuals who incorporate the concept of human rights and
responsibilities into their world view are less likely to violate the
rights of others and are more likely to advocate for the rights of the

- - - - -

Human Rights Resource Center

The Human Rights Resource Center is an integral part of the University of
Minnesota Human Rights Center and works in partnership with the University
of Minnesota Human Rights Library to: Create and distribute human rights
education (HRE) resources via electronic and print media; Train activists,
professionals, and students as human rights educators; and Build advocacy
networks to encourage effective practices in human rights education.

- - - - -

United States Report to the UN Committee on the Convention on the
    Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).



On The Edge: Political Cults Right and Left
Tin Wohlforth

I am happy to announce that  my new book:  "On The Edge: Political
Cults Right and Left," co-authored with  Dr. Dennis Tourish is finally
out..  The publisher is M.E. Sharpe.   I believe many of my fellow DSA
members will find it of interest.  We have all suffered, directly or
indirectly, from the ravages of political cult activity.

Quote from the flap copy: "This is the first book to document the extent of
political cults on both the right and the left, and explain their
significance for mainstream organizations." Advance praise:

"The Tourish and Wohlforth study had great importance not only in revealing
the gamut of cultic political  movements but in suggesting the common
characteristics, and the considerable danger, of cultic politics in
general."  -- Robert Jay Lifton, M.D., author of "Destroying the World to
Save It: Aum Shinrikyo."

"Every parent with a college-age child should read this book and sit down
as a family to discuss the serious issues it raises about recruitment by
deceptive demagogues." -- Chip Berlet, Political Research Associates.

The book is available from,, and quality
independent bookstores everywhere.  I urge those of you who would like to
help me promote the book to do one or more of the following: (1) ask your
local bookstore to carry it; (2) ask your local library to order it; (3)
order it yourself; (3) come to a book signing/talk that I hope to organize
in the near future.

I am quite optimistic about the prospects for the book.  But the key will
be word of mouth.  Your words.  Your mouths.  By the way I give a plug to
DSA in my bio on the dust jacket.


                         WHAT'S WORTH CHECKING
    stories via <>

Diana Griffith (The Dallas Morning News), "Fire leaves newlyweds homeless:
Racial slurs found painted on garage," 28 Oct 00, "A newlywed couple were
left homeless Saturday after a suspicious fire destroyed most of their
rented house in Mesquite. Firefighters responded to the blaze in the 2400
block of Whit Drive, home of Frank and Tonya Turner, about 3:15 a.m.
Saturday. They later discovered racial slurs spray-painted on the side of
the house's detached carport. The Turners are black." <1921.txt>

AP, "France angry as U.S. court OKs suit filed by Jews," 5 Nov 00, "French
Prime Minister Lionel Jospin criticized a U.S. court's decision Saturday to
hear a suit filed by U.S. Jews against French banks, saying the move could
thwart France's efforts toward full restitution of wartime assets."

Bill Morlin (Spokane Spokesman Review), "Judge refuses Butler's request for
new trial: $6.3 million judgment against Aryan Nations stands," 23 Oct 00,
"A judge has denied the Aryan Nations' request for a new trial, leaving
intact a $6.3 million jury verdict that will close down the North Idaho
hate compound." <1923.txt>

Erica Curless ([Seattle] Spokesman-Review), "Confession of the soles:
Churches' racism acknowledged by Walk Against Hate, which draws honks of
support," 30 Oct 00, "For 82-year-old Helen McDaniel, countering hate is a
much better way to spend Sunday afternoon than watching the Seahawks on
television. ... McDaniel joined about 250 people from various Spokane
churches for the second annual Walk Against Hate, which came the day after
Richard Butler and 30 of his white supremacist supporters marched through
downtown Coeur d'Alene." <1924.txt>

William R. Levesque (St. Petersburg Times), "Girl's neo-Nazi killer
convicted: The 19-year-old, who also injured the child's sister, could be
sent to prison for life on the murder and hate crime charges," 27 Oct 00,
"Eight-year-old Aleesha Mance knew him as the 'bad guy,' the man from her
nightmares. Now, he stood just 10 feet away. Aleesha looked up into her
mother's face, unsure why she was crying. The 'bad guy,' Jessy Joe Roten, a
self-avowed skinhead who killed Aleesha's twin sister with a shot from an
assault rifle, the neo-Nazi who nearly killed Aleesha with the same shot,
stood impassively, staring straight ahead. After deliberating eight hours,
a jury Thursday found the 19-year-old Roten guilty of second-degree murder
and two counts of attempted second-degree murder in the April 1999 shooting
that killed 6-year-old Ashley Mance." <1925.txt>

Steven S. Johnson (AP), "Time takes toll on prosecuting Nazis: Evidence was
destroyed, memories have dimmed, making justice for Holocaust victims hard
to secure in court,"  1 Nov 00, "As a 16-year-old, Alexander Bergman looked
into the eyes of the men who drove his parents and brothers from their
apartment to a concentration camp in 1941, and then to their executions
along with tens of thousands of other Jews during World War II. But nearly
60 years later, could he help identify any of them, including a man
prosecutors think played a key role in Latvia's Holocaust? No." <1926.txt>

Warren Woodberry Jr. and Alice McQuillan (New York Daily News), "Nab White
Supremacist," 25 Oct 00, "A white supremacist who collects hate literature
and guns was charged  yesterday with amassing an arsenal of weapons inside
his Flushing apartment. Portion of weapons cache seized by cops Monday in
Queens.  Steven McFadden admitted to detectives that he is a member of the
National Alliance, one of the largest and most active neo-Nazi
organizations in the country." <1927.txt>

Paul Shepard (AP), "Attorneys readying lawsuit to seek slavery
reparations," 5 Nov 00, "A powerful group of civil rights and class action
lawyers who have won billions of dollars in court is preparing a lawsuit
seeking reparations for American blacks descended from slaves. The project,
called the Reparations Assessment Group, was confirmed by Harvard law
Professor Charles J. Ogletree and appears to be the most serious effort yet
to get compensation for American blacks for 244 years of legalized slavery.
Lawsuits and legislation dating to the mid-1800s have gone nowhere."

Sam Stanton and Gary Delsohn (Sacramento Bee), "Tactics change in hate
case? Matthew Williams may take the Fifth," 22 Oct 00, "There was a time
when, it seemed, Matthew Williams couldn't do enough talking. He confessed
to two murders, admitted taking part in the torching of three Sacramento
synagogues and sought out national news media to interview him. But things
apparently have changed. Now, the former Redding-area landscaper and self-
avowed white supremacist may invoke his Fifth Amendment rights against
self-incrimination in his own trial. But Williams supposedly will talk
openly of his alleged crimes in the case against his younger brother,
Tyler." <1929.txt>

Toby Helm (The [Australian] Age), "Germans clash over culture question," 1
Nov 00, "Germany's conservative opposition has become embroiled in a
dispute with President Johannes Rau after claiming that multicultural
societies do not work and demanding that immigrants accept Deutsche
Leitkultur, the "leading German culture". Mr Rau, a Social Democrat, was so
furious at the opposition's use of the term - which appeared recently in a
neo-Nazi publication and has echoes of the Third Reich - that he issued a
public rebuke to Christian Democrat leaders." <1930.txt>

                            * * * * *

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