October 12, 2000


Senators Propose Global Version of C-Span
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11 — Two senators proposed setting up a global equivalent
of C-Span, the public affairs cable channel, as a way of dismantling what
they called the formidable wall of secrecy that shields decision making at
several leading international agencies.

In a report, the senators, Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York and Ron Wyden
of Oregon, both Democrats, said that despite pressure from Congress, several
leading American and international financial and trade bodies continued to
operate behind closed doors. The lawmakers were particularly critical of
secrecy practices at the World Trade Organization, the International
Monetary Fund and the International Olympic Committee. They also called for
more disclosure by the Federal Reserve Board.

They suggested that creating a global network devoted to televising agency
meetings could create momentum for more openness.

The Clinton administration says it has been working for transparency in all
global institutions. Most global agencies say they are as open as their
member nations allow them to be.

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