Randy Albelda asked that I post this msg to PEN-l.  Before reading her post,
let me add that I am currently using this book in my Poverty and Discrimination
course and the students love it.  the neoclassical section is presented 
"straight."  It is not a caricature.  It is also not critiqued.  The students
found it infuriating.  The political economy section is equally well done.
At the new lower price, it would be a very good supplement to a micro intro

Doug Orr

Dear Friends,

I am doing a little bit of advertising here.  Last year Bob Drago,
Steve Shulman and I published a textbook called _Unlevel Playing
Fields: Understanding Wage Inequality and Discrimination_ with McGraw
Hill.  It is a paperback book that basically, in pretty readable form,

lays out the neoclassical model, its theory of wage determination and
treatment of discrimination.  It then does the same for political
economy.  There is really nothing like out out there for people who
like to give students a comparative exposition of economic theory and
it requires virtually no background in economics. The book seems
particularly useful for people who teach and are on this list.

When the book first came out, McGraw Hill priced it rather high for a
paperback (but not for a text) --  it cost over $30.00 in the
bookstore.  The book is good, but it is intended to be a supplemental
text, which makes it costly for students to order our book along with
several others.  Some people complained to us that the price was too
high and that's why they didn't use it.  Well, we've (somehow, I'm not

exactly sure) gotten McGraw Hill to lower the price.  It now has a net

price (i.e. price to book store) of $15.50, which means that
bookstores will probably price the book at about $22.00 (monopoly
pricing models hold!).

So, if price was holding you back from using this book.  It should no

Anyone who would like a copy of the book: go to the McGraw Hill site
http://www.mhhe.com/catalogs/0070009686.mhtml, and request a review

Also you can find some sample chapters at

What follows is a brief blurb on the book:

Unlevel Playing Fields, Understanding Wage Inequality and
Discrimination (UPF) is a textbook mainly for undergraduates. It
includes two major sections, one describing the "neoclassical" or
standard understanding of discrimination among economists, and the
other giving the "political economy" or radical explanation of
discrimination. Although written by economists, the book is designed
for use across a variety of courses and
disciplines where issues of gender and race are central, and has been
adopted in Economics, Women's Studies, Sociology, Political Science,
and Human Resource Management courses. A little honesty in
advertising: the book mainly sticks to male/female and black/white
issues in the U.S.

Thanks for your indulgence!

Randy Albelda

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