from SLATE's on-line news summary:
>Several papers report that while visiting Poland, Bill Clinton was hit on 
>the sleeve with an egg tossed by an anti-globalization protestor, and that 
>he more or less laughed off the incident. But the WP's T.R. Reid reports 
>that during a campaign appearance in Wales yesterday, Britain's deputy 
>prime minister, John Prescott (a former amateur boxer), wasn't laughing 
>when he got egged in the head at
>close range--he punched the yolker in the face and ended up on the ground 
>wrestling with him. Best quote in the story comes from William Hague, 
>leader of the opposition Conservatives, who, when asked what he would have 
>done in the same circumstance, replied: "It is not my policy to hit voters 
>during an election."


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