Society of Professional Journalists FOI Alert: Jan. 20, 2004


For more information, contact SPJ Freedom of Information Committee
    Charles Davis:  573/882-5736 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Joel Campbell: 801/422-2125 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Remember the $87 billion investment in Iraq made after a secret pact
in the United States Senate resulted in a "voice vote" attended by
precisely six senators?

SPJ did.

After SPJ President Gordon "Mac" McKerral and SPJ's Freedom of
Information Committee condemned the use of a pre-arranged,
non-existent voice vote to approve the Administration's $87 billion
Iraq operations and reconstruction spending request, SPJ FOI
Committee volunteers decided to do the Senate's work for it.

SPJ volunteers called each member of the United States Senate, asking
them to state for the record their vote on the appropriation bill.
The results are posted on the SPJ Web site at, and represent dozens and dozens
of phone calls by 15 loyal SPJ volunteers.

"The mere act of taking a voice vote on such a crucial matter of
public policy diminishes the stature of the U.S. Senate," McKerral

"And then to have senators refuse to state their positions -- after
the fact mind you -- should make their constituents wonder who those
senators really serve. SPJ is going to keep the light shining on this
kind of behavior. I'm borrowing a line from Sting for those who would
denigrate the process of open government -- at any level. `Every step
you take, every move you make' SPJ will be watching you."

The "vote" - actually a representation of how the senators would have
voted, had there been a vote - is noteworthy for its disclosure of
the many senators who chose, after repeated attempts by SPJ callers,
not to disclose how they would have voted.

"SPJ members were shocked to learn that the Senate decided to conduct
a voice vote to approve such a massive investment in what has become
a topic of national debate and discussion," said Charles N. Davis,
executive director of the Freedom of Information Center at the
University of Missouri School of Journalism and co-chair of SPJ's FOI
Committee. "When we decided to conduct our own vote, busy journalists
were eager to take the time to call senators. It's a shame that we
still have so many senators unwilling to vote for the record."

The effort began in early November, when National Public Radio's
senior news analyst, Daniel Schorr, pointed out in his November 5
"All Things Considered" commentary that it was the biggest such
emergency appropriation ever sought by a president. Any of the six
senators present could have suggested the absence of a quorum and
called for absent members to return for a recorded vote; none did.
Schorr said that the understanding that there would be no recorded
vote to provide some future embarrassment had been worked out in
advance by majority and minority leaders Bill Frist and Tom Daschle.

Schorr observed:

"Now if you want to know how your senator voted, or would have voted,
on the multibillion-dollar Iraq package, you'll have to ask him or
her and hope that he or she will tell you."

The six senators who voted publicly on the bill were:

* Robert Byrd, D-W.Va. * Lincoln Chafee, R-R.I. * Byron Dorgan,
D-N.D. * Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii * Harry Reid, D-Nev. * Ted Stevens,

At the Senate's vote, Byrd shouted a loud "No!" The other five voted "yes."

As SPJ's letter to Vice President Cheney stated, "the embrace of
secrecy in a vote of such national and international interest
reflects poorly on the world's model for democratic governance."

No legislative body in the 50 states, from the smallest city council
or school board to the state legislatures themselves, would be
allowed to approve the most modest appropriation off the record, much
less one of historic proportions and consequence. The United States
Senate's approach to the Iraq spending approval flies in the face of
traditions we have come to regard as fundamental: that Congress
serves at the mercy of the people, and that people have a civic duty
to monitor the actions of their elected representatives. "

SPJ urges its members to continue to discuss this issue, and to
encourage editorial writers and commentators to continue to discuss
any and all future secret votes.

The Society of Professional Journalists works to improve and protect
journalism. SPJ is dedicated to encouraging the free practice of
journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior.
Founded in 1909 as Sigma Delta Chi, and based in Indianapolis, SPJ
promotes the free flow of information vital to a well-informed
citizenry; works to inspire and educate the next generation of
journalists; and protects First Amendment guarantees of freedom of
speech and press.

SPJ FOI Alert Vol. 9; No. 5
To subscribe to the Society of Professional Journalists FOI News Alerts,
contact SPJ at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 317/927-8000. In your message,
provide your name, organization, mailing address, e-mail address, phone
number and fax number. There is no fee. We strongly encourage the wide
dissemination and publication of these alerts in other forums.
Julie Grimes, Deputy Executive Director
Society of Professional Journalists
3909 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46208
317/927-8000 ext. 216 ~ Fax: 317/920-4789

Purge the White House of
mad cowboy disease.


END OF THE TRAIL SALOON Alternate Sundays 6-8am GMT (10pm-midnight PDT)


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