"The same holds good for every kind of refuse resulting from a
labour-process, so far at least as such refuse cannot be further employed
as a means in the production of new and independent use-values. Such an
employment of refuse may be seen in the large machine works at Manchester,
where mountains of iron turnings are carted away to the foundry in the
evening, in order the next morning to re-appear in the workshops as solid
masses of iron...

"Every advance in Chemistry not only multiplies the number of useful
materials and the useful applications of those already known, thus
extending with the growth of capital its sphere of investment. It teaches
at the same time how to throw the excrements of the processes of
production and consumption back again into the circle of the process of
reproduction, and thus, without any previous outlay of capital, creates
new matter for capital."

Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2004
Environmentalists Condemn Disposable DVDs
By MATT JOYCE Associated Press Writer

AUSTIN (AP) - Promoters of a new disposable-DVD technology tout the
product's convenience, but environmentalists condemn the self-destructing
movie disks as a step backward in developing reusable products.

Buena Vista Home Entertainment, a branch of The Walt Disney Co.,
introduced the "EZ-D" in September and now offers 35 movies in the format.

Consumers have 48 hours after opening the box to watch movies on the $7
disks before an oxidation process changes their color, rendering them

The disks were tested in four markets around the country, including
Austin, where they are available at stores such as 7-Eleven, Walgreens and
HEB supermarkets.

Local environmentalists protested outside one 7-Eleven in October and
urged shoppers to send postcards to Disney, condemning the disposable

They claimed some success - Robin Schneider, executive director of the
Texas Campaign for the Environment, said HEB instituted recycling
facilities for the EZ-Ds in response to the outcry.

"The whole way the product is being marketed as 'no returns' is
environmentally irresponsible," Schneider said. "I've worked on many
different issues, and I think this has been the easiest one to mobilize
the public because they see the advertisements on television and see how
wasteful the products are."

Buena Vista officials said consumers will have a different reaction to the

"We believe consumers will enjoy the convenience of a rental alternative
that requires no extra trips to return product and no late fees," Bob
Chapek, president of Buena Vista, said in a statement.

Representatives of Flexplay Technologies, the New York-based developers of
the EZ-D technology, declined interviews.

Buena Vista promotes the recycling of EZ-Ds on its Web site, including
instructions for mailing the EZ-Ds to collection points free of charge.
The recycling program is being handled by GreenDisk, a Seattle-based
company that disposes of electronic waste.

GreenDisk's address is included on the EZ-Ds, and people are encouraged to
mail the disks using downloadable mailing labels that cover postage, said
David Beschen, GreenDisk's chief executive.

GreenDisk grinds up the EZ-Ds and ships the polycarbonate plastic remains
to a recycling company for use in plastic products such as auto parts or
appliances, Beschen said. He praised Buena Vista's effort to recycle the

"What we saw was a group of people who worked aggressively before they
even put a product on the street to make sure they had a way to get it
back off," Beschen said. "That's about all you can ask for in a
free-market system."

Beschen said he didn't have numbers on how many disks have been recycled,
but he said mail-in and bin collection started slowly and appeared to have
picked up since Christmas.

At the city of Austin's recycling center, home to one of two local
designated EZ-D recycling bins, only about 10 disks have been turned in,
said city spokeswoman Stephanie Lott.

Some retailers said Austin residents have been slow to latch onto the

At a 7-Eleven this week, 11 EZ-D titles were on display next to magazine
racks on the store's front counter. Shift manager Rafy Hernandez said that
shoppers have asked about the EZ-Ds and expressed concerns about their

"I haven't really sold any," he said. "I would like to sell some so I
could get some feedback from people."

Jessica Felter, of Austin, stopped at the store for a cup of coffee but
said she has little incentive to buy an EZ-D. She said she generally
returns rented movies on time, making a $7 disposable movie unnecessary.

"For my husband and I, we would watch it once and that would be it," she

To this day, no one has come up with a set of rules for
originality. There aren't any. [Les Paul]

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