RYAN KIM, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE: Children in the Peninsula town of
Belmont soon may find themselves attending
Ralston Middle School Sponsored by Purina, eating lunch in Safeway
Cafeteria and running laps around Nike Field.

That's because the financial picture is so bleak in the Belmont-Redwood
Shores School District that school trustees are giving serious
thought to letting corporations slather their names on just about
everything in sight --- for a price.

It's a radical --- and unprecedented --- idea that school officials said
could bring as much as $1 million to a district that would lose
one-fifth of its $20 million annual budget under Gov. Gray Davis'
proposed spending plan.

"In times of economic difficulty, the community, the district and the
parents are looking for creative ways to increase funding," said
school board President Colleen You. "The school district needs to think
outside the box." Or at least look to Jack in the Box. No other
school district in the nation has gone to such lengths to fill its
coffers. But some have considered less drastic measures.

The Berkeley Unified School district considered and rejected a $100,000
deal with Pepsi Co. in 1998 to allow the company exclusive
rights to campus vending machines. The proposal also would have allowed
Pepsi to erect a high-tech scoreboard bearing its logo at the
high school football field.

And it wasn't that long ago that buses bearing the Old Navy logo ferried
kids to school in San Francisco and San Mateo County.

The possibility that media mogul Rupert Murdoch could slap his name on
Benjamin Fox Middle School remains at least a few months
away, but the debate has already started.

Advocates said selling naming rights can be a terrific way to bring
money to strapped districts. Critics argue it teaches kids that
everything is for sale if the wad of cash is thick enough.

School trustees launched a subcommittee Thursday that will outline
potential guidelines for corporate sponsorships of schools,
classrooms, libraries and gyms.

The plan could be voted on by late February or early March. District
administrators argue they need the cash to make up for a shrinking
budget, which could lose $4 million under Davis' proposed budget.

"We should certainly share in filling in the state's budget deficit, and
we understand that," said Superintendent Anne E. Campbell. "But to
take 20% of our budget away absolutely guts our school district."

School trustees rejected the idea of granting a corporation full naming
rights to a school, so there won't be an Oracle Elementary.
Instead, they favor incorporating a corporation's name into existing
names, much like the college football Fiesta Bowl became the
Tostitos Fiesta Bowl.

"Because the community already identifies with the school names, the
board is more interested in partnership or sponsorship ideas," said

Although Professor Alex Molnar, director of the Education Policy Studies
Laboratory at Arizona State University, can understand why a
district might consider such a move, he thinks it's a bad idea. "I don't
question the desperation, I question the value of the response," he
said. "This is the not the way to address the district's fiscal crisis.
The long-term effect is it undermines quality of the education by
making their schools beholden to special interests."

Proponents of the idea said they can live with any ill effects if it
means keeping the district afloat.

"The students will be exposed to corporate advertising all their life,
so why not do it a little now to help fund their education," said Jeff
Adams of School Force, the district's fund-raising foundation.

Adams, who conceived of the idea, said the district would strike deals
only with companies possessing images that would not undermine
its educational mission. In other words, Budweiser and Marlboro need not


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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