[ The Independent ]
Dire States
Americans are used to resentment of their global dominance. Since the war
on Iraq, however, this hostility has begun to hit them where it hurts: in
corporate balance sheets. David Usborne reports on the backlash being felt
in the boardrooms everywhere from McDonald's and Nike to Microsoft and
17 July 2003

It has not taken long for Americans to realise that the triumphal
appearance by President George Bush aboard an aircraft-carrier after the
toppling of Saddam Hussein was somewhat premature. Barely a day goes by
now without news of another soldier falling to the bullets of hidden
snipers. Little attention has been paid, however, to another consequence
of the campaign in Iraq. Call it corporate collateral damage. And the
victim is Brand America.

True, boycotts of American products were popping up around the globe even
before the war started. Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Budweiser were among the
most visible and frequently targeted companies. There were even some
small-scale terrorist attacks, including a bomb-blast at an Istanbul
McDonald's on 15 April. But most of these actions have either had limited
local impact or have started to peter out.

The much bigger worry inside boardrooms, from New York to Atlanta and
Chicago, has been this: will the unpopularity abroad of George Bush's
America - whether we are talking his attack on Iraq or his inaction on
global warming - impact on the fundamental appeal of their brands in
global markets? And if so, how badly?

Even having to ask the question has been hard. For decades, going back to
the Second World War, when British women were clamouring for nylons,
Made-in-America has sold, in part, because of what the country has
represented - above all, prosperity and capitalist freedom. A pair of Nike
trainers could signify dollar-wealth to an Asian slum-dweller. A
black-market pair of Levi 501s symbolised protest in Eastern Europe before
the fall of the Berlin Wall.

"People in China and Taiwan, and even Europe, go to McDonald's not because
they love the food, but because they want to have the American
experience," notes Shih-Fen Chen, a professor of international marketing
at Brandeis University, in Massachusetts.

But what if American products have started to stand for something else?
Such as bullying imperialism or intolerance of the rest of the world's
problems? Would it be time to suggest to the makers of Marlboro that they
tone down their American heritage when selling their cigarettes abroad?
Would that spell the end of those big-sky advertisements with open roads
and square-jawed guys in cowboy hats?

This is indeed what corporate America has been asking itself, and now it
may have the first inkling of an answer. According to a report just
completed by the New York consulting firm RoperASW, the value of America's
favourite brands abroad is showing unmistakable signs of slippage. For
now, at least, it is just possible that selling a product inextricably
linked with Uncle Sam and the Stars and Stripes may be more of a liability
than a boon.

The report, originally prepared for the corporate clients of RoperASW but
acquired this week by Newsweek magazine, is based on hour-long interviews
with 30,000 consumers in 30 major economies around the world. The
responses were processed to assess a measure of "brand-power" for the
best-known multinationals, both American and non-American.

Of the top 10 global US-based firms, only one saw an increase in its
brand-power compared with a year earlier. All of the others were either
unchanged, which is bad enough, or in negative territory. This is the
fifth year that the same survey has been carried out. And 2003 is the
first time that American companies have seen their brand-power starting to
sink. By contrast, the survey shows gains for the best-known non-US

"It's an early-warning sign," comments Tom Miller, the managing director
of RoperASW. "We're seeing a shift in the balance of brand-power." And he
notes that while the effect of the brand erosion may yet only have a
marginal effect on sales, even that could spell bad news for the
companies: "Losing just one percentage point of sales is increasingly a
big deal."

For Noreena Hertz, whose landmark book, The Silent Takeover, has become a
set text for many in the anti-globalisation debate, the souring of
consumer sentiment shows how a new politically and economically aware
generation around the world understands that voting with their wallets can
make a difference. Dr Hertz, associate director of the Centre for
International Business and Management at Cambridge University, believes
that the war in Iraq has only served to crystallise pre-war trends in
consumer behaviour towards American and British companies. "It's just an
extension of the phenomenon that we've already seen of people voting with
their wallets on a number of political issues," she says. "Surveys showed
last year that 27 per cent of British consumers didn't buy a product for
an ethical reason, and 29 per cent didn't buy one for an environmental
reason. In the same way, people will factor in a guilt by association, so
companies need to realise that the environments in which they are
operating - and playing a part in shaping - can have an impact on their
bottom line.

"Companies need to revise their political lobbying strategies in the wake
of these kinds of findings. It is not enough for them to use their
political clout to lobby for favours. They will increasingly need to take
a position on political, as well as social and environmental issues in
order that the consumer continues to support them."

Those US companies showing no change on the brand-power index are
Coca-Cola and American Express. Each is about as closely tied to the
United States as is possible to imagine. They have both been working hard,
however, to ward off the rising tide of anti-Americanism. Coca-Cola has
been forced to combat boycotts and protests in countries as diverse as
Germany and Pakistan. In addition, it continues to deal with the press
publicity surrounding Mecca-Cola, the latest Arab version of the soft
drink that is being distributed by a Tunisian entrepreneur living in
France who aims to tap anti-American sentiment in the Muslim community in
Europe and the Middle East. The company, however, has a ready answer for
those who would like to see it fall. Its operations abroad are
overwhelmingly run by locally owned franchises. "These are local
businesses run by local people," notes John Chandler, a spokesman for
Coke. "Our opinion on boycotts is that, unfortunately, they do more harm
to the people they are intended to support. Typically, if you're targeting
a company or a brand in a given location, you are more likely to hurt the
local communities and local employees than anyone else."

It is not just food and clothing companies that should be concerned. Even
Microsoft has not escaped the change of mood. According to the survey, its
brand-power index declined 18 per cent around the world in just a year.
Only McDonald's did worse, dropping 21 per cent. Other losers include
Nike, MTV, Disney and the Discovery Channel. Non-US brands that have grown
in appeal range from BMW to Philips, Sony and Volkswagen.

Other elements of the RoperASW survey have bolstered the case for worry.
For example, when it comes to ranking brand trust, three giants of the
American scene, Yahoo!, MTV and Citibank, bumped all the way to the
bottom. In Germany, where protests against the war in Iraq were especially
potent, consumers appear to have been turning their back on American
products in droves. Of those interviewed, 29 per cent said that they
regularly used Nike products, down from 49 per cent the previous year.
Those who said that they frequently ate at McDonald's, meanwhile, slumped
from 43 per cent to 34 per cent.

Of course, the survey is not entirely scientific. Nike, for example, has
already struck back, emphasising that its revenues in Europe skyrocketed
24 per cent in the three months ending 31 May. With numbers like that,
they may not care about consultant-confected brand indexes. Meanwhile,
McDonald's points out that other factors are hurting business abroad,
quite unconnected with image, such as the Sars crisis in Asia and
recession in Germany.

But marketing gurus are taking these kinds of indicators seriously. The
advertising agency McCann-Erickson recently sent a memo to its US clients
advising them to rethink their marketing approaches and, above all, to
avoid trying to "wrap their brands" in the American flag, while trying to
stress local roots in the markets for which they were aiming. The war, the
agency said, risked "tarnishing the reputation of American culture and the
mythic 'American Dream', which has long drawn consumers around the world
to the United States to live, work or visit".

Others experts have also been sounding the alarm. Professor John Quelch,
dean of the Harvard Business School, voiced his own concerns in a recent
interview with the school's Working Knowledge periodical. "Never before
have global concerns about American foreign policy so threatened to change
consumer behaviour," he said. "We are not speaking here of the frivolous
grandstanding associated with temporary boycotts by a student minority. We
are witnessing the emergence of a consumer lifestyle with broad
international appeal that is grounded in a rejection of American
capitalism, American foreign policy and Brand America."

And it is not just American companies that should worry. The same fate
could await the large multinationals of the only other country in the
world that is most closely associated with America today and its foreign
policy. That country, of course, is Britain. "In the past, companies were
unabashed about using their American brands - it was the gold standard,"
comments Eric Schwalm of Bain & Company, the global-business consultants
in New York. But he goes on: "Building your base off a US or British brand
may no longer be the best way to go."

The Bush administration considers itself to be business- friendly. Yet, it
may have inadvertently soured the atmosphere around the globe for the very
icons of American capitalism. These icons, from Coke to Nike to Levi's,
may have only two choices. To underplay their American origins as far as
possible. Or to wait for the President, or his policies, to change. "Who
knows?" says Professor Shih-Fen Chen. "In three years, American brands
could bounce back."
   17 July 2003 14:00

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