>On the totally separate subject of satire and the need (?) to label it,
>I'm bewildered about this request. Have we entered an age when it's
>necessary to tell people "Don't take this seriously" or "You can laugh
>now"? I find that an integral part of satire and parody is getting part
>way into it before you realize it IS parody or satire.


I agree with Sid on this one.   But then, I'm one of those mean teachers who
gives students Horace Miner's 1950s ethnography "Body Ritual Among the
Nacirema" (American Antrhopologist (58)3:503-507, 1958) each semester
without warning.  The impact of this gem is the shock of recognition of the
object of concern.  If you don't know it, run and get a copy.


Tom Kruse / Casilla 5812 / Cochabamba, Bolivia
Tel/Fax: (591-42) 48242

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