"Peppermint Candy"

2001-04-01 Thread Louis Proyect
Lee Chang Dong and stars Sol Kyung Gu as Yongho in the most impressive acting performance that I have witnessed this year. In the unlikely event that "Peppermint Candy" is released for general distribution, it is not to be missed. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Useful NY Times article on bankruptcy

2001-04-01 Thread Louis Proyect
n 3,151 randomly selected cases filed in 1998. Full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/01/national/01BROK.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: US banker to run Russian TV station...

2001-04-03 Thread Louis Proyect
ook over control of the television station, said. What's next? Replace the ruple with the dollar? Make Russia the 51st state? Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Triumph of the free market

2001-04-03 Thread Louis Proyect
nthly salary of just $30. Many of the 4.5 million inhabitants, especially in rural areas, are paid in crops and other objects. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Staggering consumer debt in the USA

2001-04-04 Thread Louis Proyect
es in the economy. This move tells me that three months out, we'll start to see some of these consumer statistics really tail off.'' Full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/04/business/04PLAC.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Argentina's ruined middle class

2001-04-05 Thread Louis Proyect
a pie factory that closed in 1991. The arrangement lasted for two years, but the financial and personal strain on her mother forced them to move into a cheap hotel in 1998. The $ 200 rent proved too much for the $ 275 monthly salary her husband earned driving a taxi 16 hours a day, forcing the family into the shelter last year. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Turkiye in flames

2001-04-05 Thread Louis Proyect
is painful. I guess it needs to happen to you for >you to realize that this is not just a tv show... > >Sabri Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/


2001-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect
creativity than in money to begin with. In the Java class, we were asked to introduce ourselves on the first morning, including one personal datum. The other programmers, who were young enough to be my children, said: "I just got back from Las Vegas. I stayed up all night long having a wild time

Re: Re: Java

2001-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect
Such an approach does not require object orientation. HTML code is executable from all platforms, but it is not object-oriented. In fact, Java got started as "Hot Java", a language that was wedded to an html browser that Sun had developed. Eventually it was spun off. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Michael Bloomberg

2001-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect
tly hope the story will be old news by the time Bloomberg is expected to announce in June. "If it had to come out," one of them says, "it's much better to do it now rather than a week before the election." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Bernie Sanders addresses the IMF (politely)

2001-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect
At 11:53 PM 4/9/01 +0100, you wrote: > > No doubt for some, such initiatives are by definition opportunist. For others > they are sallies into an arena of struggle. > > Dialectically, they could be both. > > Chris Burford > > London Can't we put this kind of ba

Economics of foot-and-mouth fallout

2001-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect
ng to leave things to the European Union. With a straight face an agriculture ministry spokesperson told the press last week, "We could not anticipate an outbreak. Hindsight is a wonderful thing." Additional reporting: Rouven Gueissaz and Adam Gray http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0114/ridgeway.shtml Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Reflections of a Marxist computer programmer

2001-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect
Somewhere there is a fault. Sometime the fault will be activated. Now or next year, sooner or later, by design, by hack, or by onslaught of complexity. It doesn’t matter. One day someone will install ten new lines of assembler code, and it will all come down. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Re: bankruptcy again

2001-04-10 Thread Louis Proyect
ed that revolution would be on the agenda. How wrong I was. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/


2001-04-11 Thread Louis Proyect
a whole is a very audacious and perhaps foolhardy thing to do," he says. "My main focus has been in seeking to make little contributions to shifting sociology in a critical direction. As a Marxist I try to bring visions from the shop floor to academia, to recover visions from below that might inform alternatives in the future. I think that's what has been lost." Full article: http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0115/edbyles.shtml Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Burawoy

2001-04-11 Thread Louis Proyect
gt;latter's sharp critique of Harry Braverman's "Labor and Monopoly Capital." > >Michael Yates > Well, there goes Burawoy's submission hopes with MR. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Turks take to the streets

2001-04-11 Thread Louis Proyect
ing for $10 billion to $12 billion in foreign loans. The IMF has already promised to speed up $6.25 billion in loans that were previously pledged. The military announced Wednesday it was postponing 32 projects worth $19.5 billion due to the economic crisis. It did not specify which projects wou

Re: Re: Re: Re: Burawoy

2001-04-11 Thread Louis Proyect
things to say. > >michael yates Actually, you might have noticed that I cc'd Tom Kruse on this. A while back I xeroxed one of Buawoy's books for Tom who had taken a job in a Bolivian textile factory to do the same kind of field research. This was when Tom unsubbed from PEN-L. Talk

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Burawoy

2001-04-11 Thread Louis Proyect
blish, the kind of people who write for Rethinking Marxism or Social Text. Won't even co-sponsor debates with them at Socialist Scholars Conference. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Burawoy

2001-04-11 Thread Louis Proyect
reasonable venue. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org


2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
appears as a Richard Simmons type hysteric who goes out of control when Basquiat abandons him. Nothing can be further from the truth. While not taking a position on the merits of such an enterprise, the real Ricard has continued to devote himself to Basquiat's troubled legacy. Sources: Phoebe Hoban, "Basquiat: A Quick Killing In Art", (Penguin, 1998) Robert Hughes, "Nothing If Not Critical", (Penguin, 1990) Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

The long run

2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
the financial flexibility to absorb further losses. Our policy makers should also certainly read their history more carefully. The wealth effect has become integral to the nation's economic strength. Some investors might be able to wait 5, 10 or 20 years to make up their losses, but a falling stock market these days means the economy needs some serious stoking right away. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

10 top censored stories

2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
The Top Ten Censored Stories of 2000: www.alternet.org >From army spinmeisters working at CNN to sweatshop-like conditions in Silicon Valley, this year's Top Ten Censored are huge stories the mainstream media missed. . Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Market Socialism [ was Burawoy]

2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
ve rationality, liberty and equality. This possibility is present in existing and evolving structures. The agents are all those who are tired of wars and hatred and who desire a humane, sustainable and fair world-system. This is certainly a majority of the people of the Earth. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Market Socialism [ was Burawoy]

2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
ing felt right now and the far-off, remote ideal of socialism. Since the art of politics is knowing what has to be done *next*, our efforts should be focused on the immediate class struggle and not blueprints for a socialist society. That is in fact what Marx said. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Market Socialism [ was Burawoy]

2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
saturday afternoon by saying that under socialism, nobody would compete at baseball, etc. We also used to discuss how children would be reared. I frequently stated that it would be done by professionals with no blood ties to the kids. Nothing could have been worse than the bourgeois family. A

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Market Socialism [ was

2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
that the topic has been done to death. >BTW, what type of people _should_ be discussing issues of how socialism should be run? >Don't you think a bunch of professional economists and economically-literate folks could >add something? Naw, it can wait. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Turkey and Argentina

2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
o be focused on achieving victories by the trade unions and its allies. That is the path to a better future. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Turkey and Argentina (correction)

2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
>Sabri, the people demonstrating in the streets are not really interested in >a discussion about the feasibilty of socialism versus capitalism, I would >surmise. The single event that seems to have energized the recent PROTESTS was >a florist hurling an empty cash register at Ec

Re: over-investment

2001-04-12 Thread Louis Proyect
of Hollywood economics, see Wall Street Journal reporter Julie Salamon's "Devil's Candy" about the Brian DiPalma fiasco "Bonfire of the Vanities". Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Exchange with an Iranian student

2001-04-13 Thread Louis Proyect
Dear Louis Proyect I am an Iranian student, interested in socialist alternatives and the related debates. I have a question in mind that I think you can help me about it: What can you propose as a developement plan for the so called "under developed" countries? Now a days, the Worl

Re: Re: Re: over-investment

2001-04-13 Thread Louis Proyect
captive audience monopoly prices). >-- Jim Devine I wasn't trying to score a theoretical point. Just trying to provide some interesting empirical background. I am heavily into facts. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

A great year for economic crisis junkies

2001-04-13 Thread Louis Proyect
ins of globalised finance in the successive deregulation of the US system in the mid-'70s - rather than in any Reagan-Thatcher initiative. Sprucely written and cheaper than valerian. Guy Rundle is a co-editor of Arena Magazine. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Knowing the Present Re: Market Socialism [ was

2001-04-13 Thread Louis Proyect
xample of this kind of nationalism would be Duvalier's and Mobutu's use of "negritude" themes. If we can't tell the difference between someone like Duvalier and Aristide on one hand, or Mobutu and Lumumba on the other, then we need a refresher course in history and politics. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Market Socialism [ was Burawoy]

2001-04-13 Thread Louis Proyect
t Singer had been into a leftish kind of TINA. That stuff was certainly widespread, wasn't it. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: TINA and Internationalist Socialism (was Re: Market Socialism [ was Burawoy]

2001-04-13 Thread Louis Proyect
s, lower >taxes and subsidies, just as nations compete through similar means. It is >collectively idiotic but often quite rational as individual local political >measures. Er. Okay. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Re: Re: Knowing the Present Re: Market

2001-04-14 Thread Louis Proyect
rotsky, advocated support of the KMT. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Water pollution in Mexico

2001-04-14 Thread Louis Proyect
t every river and stream in the nation is polluted — 93 percent of them, the government says. Full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/14/world/14MEXI.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Free market gains in Bangladesh

2001-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect
t; he continued, "was actually due to management. There was a minimum of fire extinguishers. Workers were locked in. The emergency exit was itself a danger. It was too steep, sloping almost straight down." Oddly, and inappropriately, the doctor cracked a smile. He knew this made him ap

India's new middle class

2001-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect
was bankrupt, AIDS was on the rise, communal tensions were increasing, etc. In such moments, sitting beneath the stars on a cool and quiet night, melancholy takes on a beauty that is very close to romance. No one broke the spell with crude suggestions of optimism. Full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/15/magazine/15INDIA.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: What is going on?

2001-04-15 Thread Louis Proyect
stors. Mr. Dervis said a law to overhaul Turkey's troubled banking industry would be sent to Parliament soon. He said privately owned banks would be required to increase their reserves and jobs will be cut at state-owned banks, long patronage havens. The government does not plan any new taxes, he said. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Re: Re: What is going on?

2001-04-16 Thread Louis Proyect
on Brazilian owned plantations for 3 dollars a day, then maybe the playing field would be leveled. I wouldn't hold my breath however. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What is going on?

2001-04-16 Thread Louis Proyect
correction: >Anthony, I don't think any of the few paleo-Marxists on the list like >myself would argue that developing countries can [should be CAN NOT] enjoy spurts of remarkable >growth at a given time and in a given place. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Water pollution in Mexico

2001-04-16 Thread Louis Proyect
uot;They've got to get it somewhere." For decades the gold beneath the ground in Texas was oil. But if oil built modern Texas, water is now needed to sustain it. Full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/16/national/16TEXA.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: water farms again

2001-04-16 Thread Louis Proyect
phy of John Wesley Powell titled "A River Running West". Powell explored the Grand Canyon after a stint in the Civil War where he lost an arm in combat. There is a good PBS documentary on Powell as well. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: A late response to Michael's original invitation [was What is going on?]

2001-04-16 Thread Louis Proyect
t different agenda. In any case, PEN-L--despite the stimulating conversations--is far too North American, far too elderly, far too white and far too professorial. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Re: A late response to Michael's original invitation [was What is going on?]

2001-04-16 Thread Louis Proyect
>Actually Sabri wrote me before he came on the list, introducing himself as >an Indonesian. I did not know where he was located. Now I am confused. I was under the distinct impression that Sabri was from Turkey! Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Don't believe the hype #1

2001-04-17 Thread Louis Proyect
s to anticipate something of this magnitude," he said. Full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/17/technology/17CISC.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Don't believe the hype #2

2001-04-17 Thread Louis Proyect
maintaining offices are too high for the low returns. Full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/17/business/17BOUR.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Talking Points on the FTAA?

2001-04-17 Thread Louis Proyect
of its provisions. These countries are now ready to deliver a resounding 'no' to the FTAA. Full article: http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/en/2001/04/05americassummit Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

The case for reparations

2001-04-17 Thread Louis Proyect
com/brc-news@lists.tao.ca> ------ Archive2: <http://groups.yahoo.com/messages/brc-news> -- Archive3: <http://www.escribe.com/politics/brc-news> -- Post: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- | BRC | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What is going on?

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
very different political profiles--summed >up perhaps in the idea that British investors, property-owners, and >bosses weren't "foreign.") > > >Brad DeLong Political profiles? Is that a euphemism for imperialism? Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Microsoft ex-millionaires

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
aid. "It does seem to be a new development in the employee relationship that the law hasn't focused on." Mr. McGurn said that the prospect of employees being forced into bankruptcy is an unforeseen consequence of the option boom. "We've given options to fairly financially unsophisticated individuals and to people who don't understand the risk inherent in them," he said. "You wouldn't allow these folks to invest in a hedge fund, but we allow them to make six-figure bets on stock options without the benefit of any independent financial advice." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Protesters blocked at Canadian border

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
ant a 315.422-3363 (f)315.422.2260 | piece of chocolate cake." e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mark Spadafore original, 1988 http://www.syrlabor.org| -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Labor Activist Turned back at Canadian Border

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
d apparently I was the first person to get through. They referrred me to an 800 number dealing with Canada-wide immigration issues, which I then called. After reaching that number, I was then referred to the Montreal office at 514-496-1010. My suggestion is that you call the Montreal number first. Lou

Congress set to investigate Pacifica

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
long party and rally, featuring most of the station producers, announcers, staffers and volunteers fired since the "Christmas Coup" which brought in the current management. The event is to be at the Theater for the New City, 155 First Ave., Manhattan, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ### Louis Proy

"Too much democracy is bad for economic growth"

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
on, please contact the EH.Net Administrator ([EMAIL PROTECTED]; Telephone: 513-529-2850; Fax: 513-529-3308). Published by EH.Net (April 2001). All EH.Net reviews are archived at http://www.eh.net/BookReview -- FOOTER TO EH.NET BOOK REVIEW -- Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: The case for reparations

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
The Nazis were the losers, so Germany had to cough up money. But in 2001 the Nazis of today with their headquarters in Wall Street and Washington stride the world victoriously like an obscene colossus risen up from hell. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Re: The case for reparations

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
uestions. They remind me of the methodological error of market socialism, basing one's entire calculations on the future rather than the present. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Re: Re: The case for reparations

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
ibe, you are >an indian. If not a member of a tribe, just another American. Tribal councils are the creation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and blatantly anti-democratic. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: The case for reparations

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
know I'd buy a lot of useless junk. Many African-Americans would be >in improved financial positions, but many others would not. Racism. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Re: Re: The case for reparations

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
sting anything in the future that favors black people. At 05:16 PM 4/18/01 -0700, you wrote: >Lou, this is not the sort of exchanges we want here. > >On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 07:51:30PM -0400, Louis Proyect wrote: >> >Some of the reparation money would go to buy assets or improve the

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The case for reparations

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
lified by the uprising in Cincinnati, is the number one task facing the progressive movement in the USA. By raising the basic question of what capitalist American owes its former slaves, Robinson is performing a valuable service. We need more people like him rather than academics who find arguments fo

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The case for reparations

2001-04-18 Thread Louis Proyect
the mass movement. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: models

2001-04-19 Thread Louis Proyect
y of people like Thabo Mbeki hastens that tendency. >But this comes back to models (socialist or otherwise): if that deal >isn't working, what comes next? If I want a return to the 1950s, I can >watch movies. The only period we seem to be returning to is the 1890s. You can keep it. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: The case for reparations

2001-04-19 Thread Louis Proyect
a socialist in 1967, it was because of the draft and an unjust war. Not because my income was under attack. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Report from Argentina

2001-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect
losing summary of what this action meant. I wanted to buy a packet, which cost one peso. I had only a ten peso note, and he had no change (he had not sold more than a few packets). Then he said: "If this is the First World [that neoliberals promised to Argentineans], then my ass sings on TV". Regards, Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Jim Grant on interest rate cuts

2001-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect
Greenspan knows, markets usually outshine governments in the work of setting, or discovering, prices. Yet, oddly enough, Mr. Greenspan has become a living symbol of the efficacy of price fixing. But it's likely that sometime before his career is over, he will become a symbol of the futility

Low interest rate no answer to unsellable products

2001-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect
, and there is nothing that the Fed, or anyone else, can do about that. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Arsenic

2001-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect
even though it costs our organization considerable time and money to produce it. We would like to continue to provide this service free. You could help by making a tax-deductible contribution (anything you can afford, whether $5.00 or $500.00). Please send your tax- deductible contribution to: Environmental Research Foundation, P.O. Box 5036, Annapolis, MD 21403-7036. Please do not send credit card information via E-mail. For further information about making tax-deductible contributions to E.R.F. by credit card please phone us toll free at 1-888- 2RACHEL. --Peter Montague, Editor Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Latam markets swoon over Argentine gloom and doom

2001-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect
e to meet debt payments and could be forced to devalue, traders and >analysts said. Maybe their Central Bank should lower interest rates. That seems to be a surefire way to make business prosper while clearing the sinuses and reducing flatulence. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Yet another humble economist

2001-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect
>Most important, Argentina's relatively high average wage and standard of living -- >per capita income is more than twice that of Mexico -- have led many companies to >flee to cheaper Brazil or Chile for manufacturing. Race to the bottom. Louis Proyect Marxism mail

Re: Re Arsenic

2001-04-20 Thread Louis Proyect
class struggle. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re:Arsenic

2001-04-21 Thread Louis Proyect
d to a cure for cancer. All we can do is point to overwhelming circumstantial evidence linking tobacco, PCB's, DDT, arsenic, etc. to cancer. But these sorts of substances are essential to capital accumulation in its decadent mature phase. Joel Kovel once analogized capitalist growth with metastizin

Prison-industrial system

2001-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect
their backyards. But in the mid-1980's the state's oil industry collapsed, and by 1990 prisons had come to be seen as ''engines of economic salvation.'' Full review: http://www.nytimes.com/books/01/04/22/reviews/010422.22massint.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Quebec protests and "traditional rural lifestyles"

2001-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect
rarian reform in Latin America and in the Caribbean should receive the broadest support. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Debate: a radical magazine from South Africa

2001-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect
r the millions of working people in South and Southern Africa, there is very little to be proud of. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Quebec report

2001-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect
making and tactics. The future looks promising from this side of the fence. Best wishes, jay www.neravt.com/left/ Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Re: Re:Arsenic

2001-04-22 Thread Louis Proyect
amps but capitalists don't want to "waste" money in this fashion. They'd rather replace one dead coolie worker with another. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

Re: Re: Great Plains Depopulation

2001-04-23 Thread Louis Proyect
is to give them back to the Indian and the buffalo, while allowing indigenous grasses and plants to take root once again. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Rally for radical radio

2001-04-23 Thread Louis Proyect
BOOKS 9 West 19th street (bet. 5th and 6th Avenues) 212.691.3345 mon-sat 10-7 pm, sun 12-5 pm International Action Center (IAC) 39 West 14th street (#206) (bet. 5th & 6th Aves.) 212.633.6646 CUNY building Professional Staff Congress - John Hyland's office 25 West 43rd street, 5th floor

Re: Re: Exporting rubbish

2001-04-23 Thread Louis Proyect
Brad Delong: >Points (2) and (3), by contrast, seem to me to be correct. World >social welfare would rise if we moved polluting industries out of the >Los Angeles basin to someplace poorer with cleaner air. Lawrence Summers. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: "Sweatshops"

2001-04-23 Thread Louis Proyect
. >On the other hand, when Wal-Mart stopped carrying the Cathie Lee Gifford >clothes, the workers would up out of work and in much worse condition. Read >about OxFam's findings in that Paul Krugman article Louis Proyect posted >from Sunday's NY Times. John, you are going t

Re: Re: "Sweatshops"

2001-04-23 Thread Louis Proyect
d sit at the right hand of Jesus, stuff like polluted water, low wages, ramshackle housing, illiteracy, etc. don't count for that much. After all, if you are going to enjoy perfect bliss for all eternity, what's 40 years or so of hell on earth. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Sweatshop 'progress'

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
cents an hour, only 5 cents more an hour than six years ago. Full: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/04/24/world/24SWEA.html Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

A reply to Thomas Friedman

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
or paid union activists. There is nothing romantic about them. By inhibiting global trade expansion they are choking the only route out of poverty for the world's poor. Which is why these "protesters" should be called by their real name: The Coalition to Keep Poor People Poor. [Thomas Friedman is not only a disgusting propagandist, he has one of the most ugly moustaches I have ever seen. He also needs to lose some weight.] Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Book announcement

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
e essays critique post-modernism as the latest episode of middle-class radicalism, and they explore the alternatives, namely a unified view of history and nature, drawing in part on a recovery of the neo-Platonic sources of Hegel and Marx, which post-modernism, rooted in Nietzsche and Heidegger, has been "crowding out" for three decades. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: RE: john henry

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
the week. So we are driven into internal exile with the dog-eared mediums of communication that corporate America and the government has no control over, like the Internet and like print journals such as Monthly Review. But even there we can not escape the voice of corporate American, i

Re: Re: A reply to Thomas Friedman

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
urope. Imperialism at the turn of the century and imperialism at the turn of the century we are living in now is almost exactly the same. It is basically about capitalist super-exploitation. Let me repeat that: capitalist super-exploitation. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Re: A reply to Thomas Friedman

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
t. >(I speak as a resident of greater Los Angeles, a place that seems to be a >branch of the Third World if you leave the West Side.) > >Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] & http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine I am aware of all this, but why interject the Roman Empire or Stalin into the mix. It only confuses things. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: john henry

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
de calm and measured arguments on behalf of the Bell Curve? Or that biology is a woman's destiny? Or that homosexuality is a pathology? Or that crime is caused by bad genes? Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

A Marxist critique of the Tobin Tax

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
ovement and the left parties make up what is undoubtedly the most powerful force in french society. This force could overthrow capitalism. However, in order to change society, the labour movement requires leadership on the basis of genuine socialist policies by leaders who are sincerely devoted to the cause of the working people and to the struggle against the present system. Protectionism and "grain of sand" taxes will solve nothing. The achievement of socialism will change everything. Greg Oxley, La Riposte, Paris, 18.4.2001 Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: non-capitalist imperialism = an oxymoron?

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
thing straightened out... >I'm glad you admit that. Are you implying that it wasn't really an aspect >of a kind of imperialism? if you want to avoid further discussion of >Soviet-style imperialism, a simple "yes" or "no" will do. yes. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Edmund Curtis

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
harp satirical views of white ruling society. If in the future we see a full emancipation of American society, we can certainly expect Indian values and beliefs to re-emerge. At the very least, despite its dubious origins, Edmund Curtis's photographs might serve some useful purpose in re-est

Re: Re: A Marxist critique of the Tobin Tax

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
>I think the TT is pretty weak tea, but if it's intended to protect >capitalist interests, why are the capitalists opposed to it? > >Doug There is opposition and there is *opposition*. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Edmund Curtis

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
fricans and made war against the Iraquis. Malcolm X once said that the Negro had to stop imitating his master. Not only did this mean to get rid of the conked hair, but the conked ideology that went along with it. American working people have to learn to unconk their brains. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Antonio Negri

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
only need the eyes to see it. We might call this ‘the revolution of the already is "‘ Other critics simply question the common left-wing assumption that global capitalism is best understood as the latest form of imperial power. In his book Peoples and Empires, the historian Anthony Pagden refers to Empire as "the most recent, overstated, and hysterical expression of this fear." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org/

A Brazilian view of the FTAA

2001-04-24 Thread Louis Proyect
s and less unequal society, in agreement with the national and cultural traits that Brazilians have been painfully building along centuries, against open colonial oppression at first and, now, against the sophisticated neo-colonial control Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: Re: Re: Czech issues.

2001-04-25 Thread Louis Proyect
an wastefully on armaments. Whatever else you want to say about the Soviet Communist Party, it was hardly bellicose. Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Czech issues.

2001-04-25 Thread Louis Proyect
whom these rotten pacts were being negotiated. As far as the Berlin blockade is concerned, the fault was entirely the west's according to liberal historian Caroline Eisenberg in "Crossing the Line." Louis Proyect Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

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