Mandela inches left toe forward

1994-11-22 Thread Patrick Bond
expectations and credulity... Patrick Bond JOHANNESBURG Nov 22 Sapa Answering audience questions following an address by President Nelson Mandela at a business breakfast on Tuesday, ANC Trade and Industry Minister Trevor Manuel said the government considered both policies -- nationalisation

[PEN-L:3850] RE: Childcare -Reply

1995-01-19 Thread Patrick Bond
Comrades, I second Cindy on this. (Sorry, a re-intro: I'm a social policy wonk just returned from South Africa, now based at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.) Interestingly, around 1990 the SA Left came up with the neat slogan, "strong but slim state," in order to characterize a desired

[PEN-L:3937] ** ASAP ACTION ALERT! ** $40 bil Mexico

1995-01-25 Thread Patrick Bond
Just phoned Leach's committee, and was informed that in addition to the pro-bailout Administration witnesses, they rapidly put a critics panel together, including Ralph Nader (with Arthur Laffer and Brent Scowcroft). One out of six ain't bad.

[PEN-L:5896] The pen-l challenge -Reply

1996-08-30 Thread Patrick Bond
Thanks to comrades for good feedback on privatisation in South Africa. The public debate will heat up again within a few weeks and I'll keep the list posted. We may see another threat of a general strike (as proved very successful last December), or continuing sectoral actions by unions affected.

[PEN-L:5669] Re: Decommodification: international differences

1996-08-14 Thread Patrick Bond
Some South African social policy wonks are trying to think through this approach, because it has a very real bearing on strategies and tactics in the present period. For example, Mzwanele Mayekiso's book Township Politics (Monthly Review, 1996) concretises struggles for decommodified housing and

[PEN-L:5691] New Left journal from South Africa

1996-08-15 Thread Patrick Bond
14 Aug 1996 Announcing a new journal from South Africa... DEBATE: VOICES FROM THE SOUTH AFRICAN LEFT *First issue now available - subscription info below ***Lead editorial reprinted at the bottom of this message***

[PEN-L:5854] what's up with pen-l?? -Reply

1996-08-28 Thread Patrick Bond
Ok Jim, here's one or two for you, from chilly Johannesburg. Opened Business Day, our WSJ-equivalent, today and found a couple of interesting items. One was a report (originally in the FT) that Haiti's popular movement is keeping pressure on the turncoat successor to Jean-Bertrand Aristide; as

[PEN-L:5934] Who is Peter L. berger? -Reply

1996-09-02 Thread Patrick Bond
If Berger in Norway is crude, in South Africa he's worse because he fits neatly into the white elite's agenda of disguising their local culture of privilege as international common-sense. When in Johannesburg he hangs with the "Urban Foundation" crowd that Anglo American Corporation (our

[PEN-L:5987] Re: article in Monthly Review -Reply

1996-09-06 Thread Patrick Bond
Been there done that Doug. Jonathan Feldman's book on Universities in the Business of Repression (South End Press 1989 I think).

[PEN-L:6216] Re: query: superexploitation -Reply

1996-09-17 Thread Patrick Bond
Walter Daum [EMAIL PROTECTED] 16/September/1996 12:23am I should have made my intent clearer. I'm interested in finding out whether superexploitation has been used to mean 1) paying wages below the level of subsistence, or 2) getting proportionately more surplus value out of workers in relation

Run on the Bank

2000-04-06 Thread Patrick Bond
Comrades, is this at all helpful? --- Forwarded Message Follows --- From: "Michael Albert" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Here is today's ZNet Commentary Delivery from Patrick Bond. If you pass this comment along to others, please include an explanation that Commentaries are a pr

Re: query on cashews

2000-04-26 Thread Patrick Bond
From: Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't think it's worth my time forwarding the articles on Mozambican cashews to Krugman, since he's already staked his reputation on the cashew question in the NY TIMES and is unlikely to back down. Joe Hanlon's the english-language guru on the

Naiman v Krugman: the cashew round

2000-04-27 Thread Patrick Bond
--- Forwarded Message Follows --- From: "Robert Naiman" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: PEN-L and Mozambique cashew nut case Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 13:16:32 -0400 Patrick: I'm only half-on PEN-L at the moment, but I see there's been

[PEN-L:6533] Critiques of human capital theory?

1996-10-09 Thread Patrick Bond
Does anyone have anything good, including from a feminist standpoint? Please reply privately... Thanks comrades! Patrick Bond National Institute for Economic Policy, Johannesburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PEN-L:6707] Anger at the IMF -Reply

1996-10-16 Thread Patrick Bond
Please circulate widely... STATEMENT BY THE Campaign Against Neoliberalism in South Africa On the South African visit by IMF Managing Director Michel Camdessus 16 October 1996 As members of

[PEN-L:6727] RE: Conceptualizing Proletarianization -Reply

1996-10-17 Thread Patrick Bond
Maybe this is stuff you've already covered... but anyhow, The most vigorous debate on this, I recall, was Vicente Navarro versus Barbara and John Ehrenreich (who argued your position), during the 1970s, and I know that Vicente continues to use the conceptual problems involved to reflect upon the

[PEN-L:6757] Re: Competitiveness -Reply

1996-10-18 Thread Patrick Bond
Doug, do you have any of those debt ratios at the global scale? I recall the Bank for International Settlements did several major papers on this during the late 1980s, showing dramatically rising consumer, corporate and government debt burdens. Same story here in South Africa. By the way, global

[PEN-L:6878] Re: rising rate of profit? -Reply

1996-10-24 Thread Patrick Bond
Ok, Blair, what's your line on this then?!

[PEN-L:6913] Re: rising rate of profit? -Reply

1996-10-25 Thread Patrick Bond
Ok, if we're meant to be heard from the periphery, let's not miss this moment of yankee silence. Patrick in Johannesburg chiming in on Doug's puzzle: Because of the reasons Jim's laid out, I'm less satisfied with relying upon the search for relative and absolute surplus value as the key way of

[PEN-L:6955] Request for help on quantifying...

1996-10-28 Thread Patrick Bond
a little while back were sent right out to researchers who have used them in minor battles with the establishment here. PEN-L is a terrific resource. Ciao! Patrick Bond National Institute for Economic Policy Johannesburg

[PEN-L:7400] Child labour -Reply

1996-11-14 Thread Patrick Bond
Sid -- or anyone, Is there any way to translate this shocking material into campaigns that have a South-driven character? I ask because there continues to rage a debate here in Johannesburg, based especially on writings from the Third World Network in Penang, Malaysia, about the legitimacy of

[PEN-L:7407] Re: Child labour -Reply -Reply

1996-11-15 Thread Patrick Bond
Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 14/November/1996 06:16pm It sounds simple here. The Pakistani parents worry that they will suffer if their children can't work. They are probably correct -- in a sense. So the rug industry can exploit their sentiments. Global competition then creates a race

[PEN-L:7536] pomo trucks -Reply

1996-11-21 Thread Patrick Bond
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 21/November/1996 06:28pm David Harvey's book on postmodernism argues (to summarize in more than desperate brevity) that the rise of postmodern theory is a reflection of the rise of postmodern capitalism, i.e., increased flexibility, decentralization, etc., etc. He's no

[PEN-L:7902] Russia To Repay Tsarist Debt -Reply

1996-12-19 Thread Patrick Bond
This and the previous post on Southern Africa are interesting. Thanks. Finally, here in Jo'burg, there appears to be some movement from the NGO sector -- 3 000 organisations in a national coalition -- combined with earlier pronouncements by a few left trade unionists and small political parties,

[PEN-L:7977] capital mobility restrictions -Reply

1996-12-28 Thread Patrick Bond
Hey we struggle with that question constantly here in South Africa. Probably the best recent citation is the Epstein/Crotty article on capital controls in the 1996 Socialist Register (editor is Leo Panitch, publishers Merlin and Monthly Review). Our Reserve Bank governor hiked interest rates

[PEN-L:7803] Re: Larry Summers -Reply

1996-12-10 Thread Patrick Bond
The notorious comment, in an internal December 1991 memo by Summers -- then a World Bank vice president and chief economist -- was, "I think the economic logic of dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that... Underpopulated countries in

[PEN-L:7630] Re: How to win strikes in the 90s -Reply

1996-11-28 Thread Patrick Bond
Tom Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] 28/November/1996 09:33am Introductory remarks: Strike breaking and union busting in the 1990s: What can we learn from the past to combat it? ... "what strategies might the labour movement adopt to try to eliminate that substantial surplus of labour?"... What I'm

[PEN-L:7572] Fordism or post-fordism? No thanks!

1996-11-25 Thread Patrick Bond
Bill Cochrane [EMAIL PROTECTED] 22/November/1996 11:54pm Patrick Bond writes "The rise of pomo-K"? I understand it differently: the crisis of modern-K (which Harvey unfortunately describes in that work as fordism). While there is little doubt that the use of the term fordism is p

[PEN-L:7599] Re: Fordism or post-fordism? No thanks! -Reply

1996-11-26 Thread Patrick Bond
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 27/November/1996 03:32am The basic idea makes sense, however. Given the underlying tendency toward instability and crisis of the laws of motion of capital, one can posit certain institutional forms that stabilize the system, explaining the so-called "Golden Age" of the

[PEN-L:7895] Re: Scandal in Norw. Secret Police - and a

1996-12-18 Thread Patrick Bond
The South Africa government made it possible in mid-1994, after the election of the ANC, to explore secret securiity files kept on anti-apartheid dissidents. The main progressive newspaper, the Mail and Guardian (many times censored by the regime) put in a request, and found that the files had

[PEN-L:8237] RE: Marx on interest rates -Reply

1997-01-15 Thread Patrick Bond
Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] 13/January/1997 08:52pm At 10:13 AM 1/13/97, DICKENS, EDWIN (201)-408-3024 wrote: I'm skeptical, but open to anyone who wants to try and resolve the issue by constructing an index of the relative strengths of financial and industrial capital. While I'd never go

[PEN-L:8283] RE: Interest rates -Reply

1997-01-18 Thread Patrick Bond
Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] 18/January/1997 02:28am It's not so much that industry is shifting its surplus funds to finance... Doug I thought we'd been discussing this on the M-I list last month with the common assumption that many big US firms did indeed beef up their treasury operations

[PEN-L:8282] RE: Interest rates -Reply

1997-01-18 Thread Patrick Bond
Paul Altesman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 18/January/1997 01:08am Hilferding's analysis (Banks structure Industry) may well have well been true in Germany *of his time*... Not so, in that he overestimated the power of finance capital and not its vulnerability to speculative crashes. At one point

[PEN-L:8237] RE: Marx on interest rates -Reply

1997-01-15 Thread Patrick Bond
Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] 13/January/1997 08:52pm At 10:13 AM 1/13/97, DICKENS, EDWIN (201)-408-3024 wrote: I'm skeptical, but open to anyone who wants to try and resolve the issue by constructing an index of the relative strengths of financial and industrial capital. While I'd never go

[PEN-L:9448] Zaire -Reply

1997-04-11 Thread Patrick Bond
Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/April/1997 03:54pm What exactly is the role of South Africa? Is it simply a site for negotiations or does Thabo Mbeki have a stake in a "democratically elected" government in Zaire rather than one that comes to power through armed struggle. Wouldn't a

[PEN-L:9538] more linguistic puzzles -Reply

1997-04-17 Thread Patrick Bond
Michael I doubt that James Wolfensohn would have been as crudely honest as your source suggests. He's slick as they come. But on low-paid jobs, he did muddle into a little controversy when the Bank's mid-1995 World Development Report on labour markets came under intense criticism from trade

[PEN-L:9642] Re: civil society -Reply

1997-04-24 Thread Patrick Bond
On Tue, 22 Apr 1997, Wojtek Sokolowski wrote: In that capacity, the nonprofit sector has nothing to do with the role of civil society envisioned by deTocqueville (and later Gramsci). The former is merely an ancilliary mechanism of manufacturing public goods, the latter -- the mechanism

[PEN-L:9613] A true internationalist -Reply

1997-04-23 Thread Patrick Bond
And of course the big auto companies provided products used to oppress folk here in South Africa for many decades. An issue of the SA Labour Bulletin in the late 1970s was entitled "Working for Ford" and included shopfloor as well as ethical critiques. I was rooming at college then with the son

[PEN-L:9517] Re: neo-liberalism question -Reply

1997-04-16 Thread Patrick Bond
From South Africa, same answer as Colin's in reference to etymology. On David's query... How is this paen to market solutions different from what we have been referring to as the 'conservative' laissez-faire perspective? To crudely personify, I think the key difference, at least in the context

[PEN-L:8982] Roemer's folly -Reply

1997-03-17 Thread Patrick Bond
Comrade Jim D, it's not that Roemer retreats from descriptive or policy poli-econ, but that when he comes into it the traces of his neverland distract us from actually existing K. I think I mentioned on PEN-L that he paid a vist to Jo'burg about eight months ago and confounded worker audiences

[PEN-L:9313] Re: socialist scholars conference -Reply

1997-04-03 Thread Patrick Bond
won hearts and minds entirely) and as international fashions (even po-mo) have drained good minds into spurious pursuits. Ciao! Patrick Bond National Institute for Economic Policy Johannesburg

[PEN-L:8983] Re: albania and the stock market -Reply

1997-03-17 Thread Patrick Bond
Anyone see the AFP report about how "the worlds' financial system was seriously at risk from structural faults in the offshore banking system" according to a leaked BIS document? 141 offshore banking centres are either inadequately regulated or not at all. Can't put new SSA meat on those

[PEN-L:8648] Re: World Banquet -Reply

1997-02-17 Thread Patrick Bond
Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] 14/February/1997 06:16pm He was succeeded by Lewis Preston, who has since died, and then by James Wolfensohn, who is very much alive, and a walking example of the bourgeoisie at its cleverest. Wolfie was banqueting in Cape Town last Friday and Maputo on Saturday.

[PEN-L:8531] Pension ownership -Reply

1997-02-10 Thread Patrick Bond
During the late 1980s (when I last checked in on this), the US labor movement began making a stink about the termination of overfunded pension plans and the transfer of surpluses (morally the property of workers) to employers, often for the express purpose of paying off debt on LBOs. It was an

[PEN-L:10204] influence? -Reply

1997-05-19 Thread Patrick Bond
Doug, from Johannesburg, Rifkin was on the radio here a few months ago, but ironically notwithstanding SA's present jobless growth situation (3.1% GDP increase in 1996, and tens of thousands of net jobs lost in the private sector) there's been no effort to draw the End of Work arguments in either

[PEN-L:10082] Re: globalization -Reply

1997-05-14 Thread Patrick Bond
Vis-a-vis Bill's comments on New Zealand and settler colonialism, here's the big thinker of Southern Africa, Cecil Rhodes, as cited in an 1895 newspaper in the wake of a trip he'd taken to the east end of London observe the degraded condition of the proletariat: "In order to save the 40,000,000

Re: Re: RE: Re: RE: RE: EPI Paper on U.S. FDI in C

2000-05-13 Thread Patrick Bond
I've seen a couple of longer things Marty has done that spell out the argument. One is a superb new book on Japan/East Asia with Paul Burkett (St Martin's Press), whose last chapter blew me away, as it really tackles the problematic of progressive social/labour-movement organising against

[PEN-L:4455] (Fwd) African trade compradorism foiled?

1999-03-20 Thread Patrick Bond
ng to add something else to it," Rep. Archer said. Last year a similar bill died when senators protecting textile interests attached measures to weaken textile provisions. Patrick Bond email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * phone: 2711-614-8088 51 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 South Africa work: Unive

[PEN-L:4298] Re: Re: Civil Society

1999-03-14 Thread Patrick Bond
Yes, drawing a bit on Gramsci, Mzwanele Mayekiso did a 1996 Monthly Review book, Township Politics: Civic Struggles for a New South Africa. The book explains why the phrase "working-class civil society" became popular here so as to explicitly contrast the political project of mass democratic

[PEN-L:7277] Re: Harvey and Jo'burg

1999-05-27 Thread Patrick Bond
y, anti-capitalist analysis, demands and organising. (Citation: forthcoming, in "The Political Economy of Dam Building and Household Water Supply in South Africa: Contesting the Effects of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project on Johannesburg Township Residents," in D.McDonald (Ed), Environmen

[PEN-L:7286] Re: Re: Re: Harvey and Jo'burg

1999-05-27 Thread Patrick Bond
From: Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] Of course Johannesburg is the metropolis of one of the most polarized countries on earth, on the most ravaged continent on earth. Johannesburg as we know it is a product of an abominable set of social relations, so I don't know how you can make a

[PEN-L:6877] Re: Re: Re: RE: Old foggies/fogeys

1999-05-16 Thread Patrick Bond
o the self-flattery and opportunism associated with the corridors of power, which continually undermined more durable, and politically radical, analytical approaches to social problems. Patrick Bond email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * phone: 2711-614-8088 home: 51 Somerset Road, Kensin

[PEN-L:6426] Re: Re: questions on modest proposals

1999-05-05 Thread Patrick Bond
eagre standards of living? How resilient are the political systems and institutions in these countries in the face of steadily worsening conditions? I don't have the answers to these important questions." AW Clausen, World Bank President, in an address to his Board of Directors, 1983 Patrick

Stiglitz: WB traitor?

1998-04-04 Thread Patrick Bond
Has anyone seen the January 1998 paper by Joe Stiglitz upending the Washington Consensus? (The speech in Finland that, tellingly, isn't on the World Bank homepage.) In South Africa, the WB mission maintains a hard neo-lib edge. Several of us here are wondering whether the merits of his modified

Re: (Fwd) Re: [Fwd: Stiglitz: WB traitor?]

1998-04-04 Thread Patrick Bond
MORE INSTRUMENTS AND BROADER GOALS: Moving Toward the Post-Washington Consensus Joseph Stiglitz, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist The World Bank January 7, 1998 The 1998 WIDER Annual Lecture (Helsinki, Finland) Today I would like to discuss improvements in our understanding

Re: (Fwd) Re: [Fwd: Stiglitz: WB traitor?]#2

1998-04-04 Thread Patrick Bond
--- Forwarded Message Follows --- Financial Reform The importance of building robust financial systems goes beyond simply averting economic crises. I have sometimes likened the financial system to the "brain" of the economy. It plays an important role in collecting and aggravating

(Fwd) Stigliz MIA

1998-04-09 Thread Patrick Bond
Colin was hypothesizing about Stiglitz simply playing good cop to IMF bad cop. Yes, but they also have ways of dealing with rogue Keynesians in the Bank. --- Forwarded Message Follows --- FINANCE: World Bank Chief Economist ''Disappears''

Re: Yuk!!

1998-04-10 Thread Patrick Bond
We're training emerging petty-bourgeois bureaucrats here in Johannesburg (at the main university) and to do so, hire lots of guest lecturers at US$70/hr for 40 hour courses plus preparation/marking. Colin, we don't actually -- contrary to the impression I may have left -- teach these poor

IMF wants more, more

1998-04-22 Thread Patrick Bond
They have no shame... --- Forwarded Message Follows --- Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 17:51:16 -0400 (EDT) Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Robert Weissman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: MAI in IMF Communique,

[Fwd: Stiglitz: WB traitor?] #3

1998-04-04 Thread Patrick Bond
--- Forwarded Message Follows --- Government as a Complement to Markets So far I have been discussing the ways in which the Washington Consensus on the issues of macroeconomic stabilization, financial reform, liberalized trade, and privatization, was insufficient. It contained

Re: Re: reparations

2000-02-13 Thread Patrick Bond
ct the spoils of debt peonage. And to ensure Citi makes amends. Patrick Bond email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * phone: 2711-614-8088 home: 51 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 South Africa work: University of the Witwatersrand Graduate School of Public and Development Management PO Box 601, Wits 2050, South A

Re: Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: RE: Regressivity of FI

2000-03-07 Thread Patrick Bond
legitimation), and into the realm of challenging capitalism itself... Patrick Bond email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * phone: 2711-614-8088 home: 51 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 South Africa work: University of the Witwatersrand Graduate School of Public and Development Management PO Box 601, Wits 2050

Re: Re: Protectionism, free trade and socialism

2000-03-07 Thread Patrick Bond
From: "Mathew Forstater" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Has anyone heard that Angola and South Africa were nominating Stanley Fischer to head the IMF??? (I hadn't known that he was born in "Northern Rhodesia.") Ouch. Hey, it's deeply embarrassing. All we can say from Jo'burg today is that it

[PEN-L:4334] South African politics and economics...

1996-05-17 Thread Patrick Bond
Best lines on South Africa's political economy I've seen recently are from Jeremy Cronin (SA Communist Party deputy secretary general) in today's New Nation newspaper: On the day of the announcement of the National Party pull- out from government, FW de Klerk made an astonishing comment.

[PEN-L:5096] Program on Corporations, Law, and Democracy

1996-07-11 Thread Patrick Bond
From Jo'burg it was good to see Sid's post on this issue. Just spent yesterday in our new Constitutional Court trying to help write out corporate fundamental rights from the Bill of Rights; Ralph Nader has been exceptionally helpful in putting this onto the agenda here, pointing out the many

[PEN-L:2384] Re: Jubilee 2000 enquiry (fwd)

1999-01-21 Thread Patrick Bond
And another site with lots of topical material: Alternative Information and Development Centre (Cape Town): http:\\ *** Patrick Bond 51 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 Johannesburg, South Africa phone: (2711) 614-8088 email: [EMAIL

[PEN-L:3059] Re: Re: Re: The trouble with long waves

1999-02-09 Thread Patrick Bond
upturn... *** Patrick Bond 51 Somerset Road, Kensington 2094 Johannesburg, South Africa phone: (2711) 614-8088 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] office: University of the Witwatersrand Graduate School of Public and Development Management PO Box 601, Wits 2050

[PEN-L:3425] Re: Ozzie Bondage commodified water

1999-02-16 Thread Patrick Bond
Comrade, they're doing it to us as well in South Africa. Will send you off-list some of the issues that the social movements here are raising as an effort to counter the commodification logic, to halt the mass cut-offs of water supplies in townships (affecting households and entire

[PEN-L:3426] Stiglitz stumbles in SA

1999-02-16 Thread Patrick Bond
This article, by George Dor of the Alternative Information and Development Centre (http:\\ and Mercia Andrews, vice president of the SA NGO Coalition, is being published in various outlets including International Viewpoint (April '99)... Unemployed can't bank on Stiglitz: More

[PEN-L:3528] Re: Re: Tragedy of the Commons

1999-02-18 Thread Patrick Bond
quot;operating and maintenance costs." Water wars will predominate across the world in the next century. Our supplies are due to run out in 2030. As ever, SA is likely to remain at the cutting edge of inequality and violent social resistance. ***

[PEN-L:3533] Re: Re: Re: Re: Tragedy of the Commons

1999-02-18 Thread Patrick Bond
From: Peter Dorman [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... The economics, as they say, is impeccable. The utility initially owns the water. They establish a marginal cost pricing rule (or something similar incorporating externalities etc.) and make everyone pay. So that the poor can have a basic

[PEN-L:4775] Re: Pressures pile up...and people just explode

1999-04-03 Thread Patrick Bond
of decentralized poverty." For Yugoslavia and other countries facing regional and ethnic strife, decentralized poverty is not the only outcome. Chronic violence appears to include three ingredients: increasing regional decentralization of political power; a dire but unmet need for regional

[PEN-L:4748] Re: Robert Pollin's LA Times article!

1999-04-02 Thread Patrick Bond
Comrades, some of us are on Third World phone systems with really poor connectivity to the web and dodgy software. Strike a blow against property rights and attach the entire text would you please?! P. Patrick Bond email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * phone: 2711-614-8088 51 Somerset Road

[PEN-L:12109] Re: Greenspan in South Africa

1997-09-02 Thread Patrick Bond
Most importantly, in relation to Fed-banking relations, the Fed is a really good example of the captive regulator. I did two years time in the Philadelphia Fed after college and was continually impressed by the backhanders regularly given to local speculators, some of whom represented Old

[PEN-L:10742] Another forwarded post on microcredit -Reply

1997-06-11 Thread Patrick Bond
Louis, your correspondent writes: From: Mark Coats [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [PEN-L:10711] Microcredit ... I invite you to educate yourself further on microcredit. Please examine the success of the Grameen Bank, ACCION International, and FINCA. It really does have the potential to greatly

[PEN-L:11457] Re: Millennium takes a short cut?

1997-07-25 Thread Patrick Bond
Has a volte-face truly occurred at the World Bank ... ? Here's a bit of a critique that has been circulating in some Bank-watchdog circuits... From: Bretton Woods Project [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: WDR UPDATED BRIEFING Dear Friends, Attached is a briefing I have put

[PEN-L:11569] Re: The silence of Mandela

1997-07-31 Thread Patrick Bond
esian sovereignty over East Timor and has sponsored talks between Portugal and Indonesia in a bid to find a settlement. Sapa-AP/je 07/30/97 09-5140 -- Date: Wed, 30 Jul 1997 21:37:36 -0700 (PDT) Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: "Patrick Bond&quo


1997-08-18 Thread Patrick Bond
. If you are interested I would very much appreciate your sending your c.v. (brief version but detailed on I.O. work) to me privately, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks very much indeed! Patrick Bond

[PEN-L:11553] Re: The silence of Mandela

1997-07-30 Thread Patrick Bond
Sid, yes it seemed like that to us at the time... But the old man sometimes pull surprises out of the hat. Apparently he met with one of the long-term jailed leaders during the visit last week, and yesterday he had a session with the president of Portugal where they publicly demanded amnesty

[PEN-L:12759] Re: overcapacity

1997-10-02 Thread Patrick Bond
, organic composition of K, and overaccumulation plus financial bubbles. Thanks Louis for putting it up. Ciao! Patrick Bond HOME:WORK: 51 Somerset Road University of the Witwatersrand Kensington 2094

Re: Global Financial Crisis II

1997-11-29 Thread Patrick Bond
Rosenberg, Bill wrote: Mind you, despite all this, Michel Chossudovsky has written some outstanding analyses - I can think of a couple on Africa and Yugoslavia. So I'm not conceding that Choss is a Lobachevsky by any means (unless it was the real Lobachevsky). Hear hear. In a land of 30%

Re: Question

1997-11-20 Thread Patrick Bond
Come to Johannesburg and learn some tactics of resistance to debt. There's something here called a "bond boycott" (bond = mortgage in our adopted Brit parlance), which entails groups of often hundreds of township residents collectively telling the bank that they won't pay the approx. $15,000

Re: dreamland

1997-10-11 Thread Patrick Bond
I know what you mean, sitting in Johannesburg and glancing at a recent African Development Bank investment report. These chaps expect returns on their equity stake in an infrastructure privatization fund run by a commercial bank here, along the following lines: 40% of projects at 35%

[PEN-L:4593] Re: The post-WW2 long wave (was: Kondratiev

1995-04-04 Thread Patrick Bond
ross space and across time (through credit), and to determine the stage at which the capacity to displace crisis wanes. (Final point: Christian Suter's 1992 _Debt Cycles in the World Economy_, from Westview I think, is the kind of reference Trond may be looking for...) Ciao! Patrick Bond, Johns Hopkins

[PEN-L:4674] Re: Trond's Debt/Asset polarization model

1995-04-11 Thread Patrick Bond
economists explored these relationships in the US? But if you do have cause and effect backwards, Trond, does that matter for your broader argument about polarization? Probably not... Patrick Bond Johns Hopkins

[PEN-L:4675] Re: Trond's Debt/Asset polarization model

1995-04-11 Thread Patrick Bond
Oh, also, on the debt forgiveness/default issue, I've just returned from a two day Friends of the Earth seminar on the IMF, which included a long discussion of how NGOs could engage in high-level debates over managing the debt crisis in this mutual fund era. There were some interesting papers

[PEN-L:4712] Re: Trond's Debt/Asset polarization model

1995-04-14 Thread Patrick Bond
conference, with a campaign to force default on the $20 bn apartheid foreign debt... Patrick Bond, Johns Hopkins

[PEN-L:4716] Religious social justice crew -Reply

1995-04-14 Thread Patrick Bond
for capitalism with `a human face' when the going gets interesting... Born in Belfast and therefore instinctively an atheist, Patrick Bond

[PEN-L:4760] New work on discrimination in credit/housing

1995-04-18 Thread Patrick Bond
ances into alignment. To close, I'll be cheekier yet: I know there're at least two PEN-L comrades lurking at National Community Reinvestment Coalition and National Low Income Housing Coalition who probably have some ideas on intellectual strategy and tactics which I'm anxious to learn of... Patrick Bond

[PEN-L:4849] Re: Asset tax -Reply

1995-04-27 Thread Patrick Bond
Interestingly, the Left within South Africa's trade unions tried to push the "wealth tax" idea to fund reconstruction and development, but were quickly shot down; instead an additional 5% income tax was imposed as a once-off in 1994, with other minor adjustments this year to what is becoming the

[PEN-L:4880] Re: profit-rate equalization -Reply

1995-04-29 Thread Patrick Bond
On this matter of contradictory tendencies, there is a broad theory of uneven development (see, eg, Neil Smith's 1984/1990 Blackwell book of the same name) which incorporates the problem within Marxist theory. There's a debate, I recall, about whether you locate this - and disproportionality more

[PEN-L:5106] Re: Taking and Giving -Reply

1995-05-15 Thread Patrick Bond
How about this for a country cousin to Tom W.'s suggestion for socializing the gains, not just the losses, caused by intervention of - not the state in this case - the collective will. The limited equity housing cooperative movement (also variously known and tied to community land trusts, mutual

[PEN-L:5107] Re: Taking and Giving -Reply

1995-05-15 Thread Patrick Bond
Sorry, that last line in the preceeding advert should have read `social relations of consumption' not production. Though usually the sweat equity component of the rehab work is also socialized (and is gender and generationally sensitive too)...

[PEN-L:5221] Foreign Aid/International Govt Spending -Reply

1995-05-26 Thread Patrick Bond
If anyone's interested I recently penned an article for African Agenda, a progressive new magazine out of Accra/Jo'burg, on how US Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are viewing the aid cuts. I don't actually know Food First's latest position, but there are certainly many good folk in outfits

[PEN-L:638] Work in Haiti against neo-liberalism

1995-10-04 Thread Patrick Bond
n trainers are available. Transport, lodging and board can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. If anyone has interest or knows anyone appropriate, please be in touch with me ***before November 1*** at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or phone 1-410-614-2279. Ciao! Patrick Bond Johns Hopkins University

[PEN-L:8282] RE: Interest rates -Reply

1997-01-18 Thread Patrick Bond
Paul Altesman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 18/January/1997 01:08am Hilferding's analysis (Banks structure Industry) may well have well been true in Germany *of his time*... Not so, in that he overestimated the power of finance capital and not its vulnerability to speculative crashes. At one point

Re: Marx on Native Americans

1998-01-04 Thread Patrick Bond
that bears watching and solidarity. Patrick Bond HOME:WORK: 51 Somerset Road University of the Witwatersrand Kensington 2094 Graduate School of Public and Johannesburg, South Africa Development

Re: on David Harvey

1998-05-02 Thread Patrick Bond
It looks like two people sent me private messages today but cc-ed them to the whole list accidentally. Ben Cashdan is a Harvey PhD student who agrees to some extent with Louis. Like me he works hard on understanding the details of the sell-out underway now in South Africa, hence the obscure

Film: Two Trevors return to scene of the crime

2000-05-30 Thread Patrick Bond
If in Washington Thursday, this Washington protest video is not to be missed! --- Forwarded Message Follows --- From: "Michael Albert" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: ZNet Commentary / May 29 / Patrick Bond / South Africa Film I

Re: boring IO profs

2000-06-02 Thread Patrick Bond
From: "J. Barkley Rosser, Jr." [EMAIL PROTECTED] This may have made them boring, sort of, much of the time, but I think they were worthy of respect anyway. Hear hear, re FM Scherer.

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