> Why so odd? After urging people to read Judith Butler, Zizek, Bourdieu for
> months on end, one can only draw the conclusion that you've drifted apart
> from Marxism, as would describe my personal relationships over the years

I wouldn't dismiss Bourdieu so quickly. His book Distinction contains a welter
of phenomenological insights into how the ruling class is able to reproduce its
hegemony. Elster wrote an interesting review of it in the London Review of Books
called 'Snobs'.It up on the Jon Elster Page at
http://home.sol.no/~hmelberg/ar81s.htm. He calls it the 'Theory of the Leisure
Class' of our time. Bourdieu is talking about French culture but Elster lived in
France and studied with Althussar. Zizek, Butler, Derrida and Lacan might be
helpful, if one could understand what the hell they're talking about.

Every gadfly has his hemlock.

Sam Pawlett

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