What a coincidence. Just an hour ago I was looking for some
info on this character. On the 23rd of April the NYT byline of
Alan Riding, in his piece on LePen said that Pim Fortuyn was
an ex-marxist sociologist. Michael Pugliese--- Original Message
>From: Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 5/3/02 3:01:02 PM

>In the tolerant Netherlands a racist called Pim Fortuijn (whose
>accessories include a butler) has recently won 30% of the vote
in Rotterdam 
>on a platform of barring all foreigners from entry to the country.
>He is particularly hostile to people of islamic faith.
>He has just launched his party nationally.
>I wonder how Juriaan would see the poossibility of him doing
a Le Pen in 
>the national elections later this month. The conventional (bourgeois)

>political parties are said to have no strategy for resisting
>What would stop him beating one of them into second or even
first place?
>I appreciate Jurriaan's non-sectarian style of discussion, but
I still 
>detect him to be agnostic about whether the French left should
support the 
>crook in large numbers to defeat the fascist. I feel that is
a political 
>In the Netherlands how would you defeat Pim Fortuijn if you
did not 
>consider throwing the weight of the left behind a lesser evil
>party. Or are you confident there is a principled left wing
party that can 
>come top of the bourgeois election?
>Chris Burford

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