This is the subtitle of "Architects of Annihilation" by Goetz Aly and
Susanne Heim.

p 294

"Our study has shown that the modern praxis-oriented social sciences
and the reception of their findings in the seats of political power
played a significant part in the decisions that led to systematic mass

If the links between Auschwitz and visionary German projects of the
time for a modernized and pacified Europe are denied or ignored, then
Germany's crimes appear as a descent into barbarism and a break with
Western civilization - rather than a potentiality inherent within it.

Such an interpretation fails to engage with the larger truth, and
makes the German annihilation policy of those years appear the product
of a completely atypical historical situation, without context or

"Architects of Annihilation" by Goetz Aly and Susanne Heim. Phoenix pb 2003, London ISBN 1 84212 670 9 Weidenfeld and Nicolson hb 2002 London, translation by Allan Blunden First published 1991 Germany by Hoffman and Campe as "Vordenker der Vernichtung"

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