There is an ecological niche in politics for groups with titles like
"Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigades" and for journalists who get
the permutations slightly wrong and don't care.

The title does not come up on Google as clearly linked to any
organisation, though I see another commentary links them with Furedi's
group and Living Marxism, which took a turn towards radical

The actual remark quoted by CNN does not sound unreasonable:

"[Terri Schiavo's] brain is not functional. It's not going to recover.
Let her die in peace," pleaded Sunsari Taylor, a member of the group.

While I don't defend the tactics, and admittedly from a long distance
away, I get the impression that there are indeed large sections of the
Christian Right who are in fact "Christian Fascists", and maybe the
issue is *how* they should be challenged rather than *whether* they
should be challenged.

I suspect however it is a mistake to regard Roman Catholics as in this

Chris Burford

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Hoover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2005 8:00 PM
Subject: [PEN-L] Avakian vs Terry: Loser Leave Town

Outside the Florida hospice where Terri Schiavo is
dying, supporters of the RCP and Bob Avakian took on
the Christian Fascists who have been raving virtually

Here is what CNN wrote:

"After remarks by Randall Terry -- an activist against
abortion rights who has been acting as a spokesman for
Terri Schiavo's family, the Schindlers -- members of a
group calling itself the Revolutionary Communist Youth
Brigades seized control of the microphones and blasted
[Randall] Terry as a "Christian fascist thug" trying
to interfere in "the most intimate affairs of life and

whoops, avakian wasn't actually there, only his acolytes, still
an image for ya' - world rasslin' federation 'let's get ready to
- in this corner, the one time self-proclaimed 'most dangerous man
amerikkka', in the other,
a vile man about whom so many things could be said we don't have
to list them...

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