For a time the story pushed the Queen's speech off the front page of
the BBC

It looked as if the BBC assume that even his enemies will be delighted
with his performance in the USA. It's enough to make you believe in
parliamentary elections.

Click for the video replay.

Sheer pleasure and amusement apart, this is not just a bravura
performance by an old fashioned politician with passion. It is a
dramatic incremental step in world globalisation.
British MP, as an individual, challenging the US state, in front of an
international network of media.

A world concept of justice is being forged in battle.

Chris Burford London

----- Original Message ----- From: "Carl Remick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <PEN-L@SUS.CSUCHICO.EDU> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2005 12:40 AM Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Galloway

The BBC World News tonight led with story, and yes, Galloway was
 I just watched the coverage on the PBS News Hour with Jim Lehrer,
and PBS
showed Galloway in a less favorable light than the BBC.  E.g.,
Galloway's meetings with S. Hussein, the BBC report included only
(very effective) testimony that he met with Hussein twice, the same
of times that Rumsfeld did, and that unlike Rumsfeld his aim hadn't
been to
sell Hussein guns.  The PBS News Hour, OTOH, emphasized footage of
being received by Hussein and speaking in flowery terms about him
didn't that used to be called diplomacy?).


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