An article in today's International Herald Tribune presents a highly
complex picture of why NATO appears to be losing momentum, as the USA
and Europe skirmish for areas of influence.

Despite close overlap in the membership of NATO and the EU some
discrepancies are causing difficulties that have become obstacles. A
formula called "Partnership for Peace" allowed some European countries
not in NATO to share military and security information as if in NATO.
But Turkey has blocked the entry of Cyprus into this arrangement for
tactical reasons of its own.

Probably more significantly, last week Rumsfeld, unchastened by events
in Iraq, declared that the US would use "coalitions of the willing"
with or without NATO depending on the operation.

Meanwhile during complex skirmishing narrowing their differences on
Iran both the USA and Europe are confirming that interference in the
internal affairs of other countries is necessary and desirable - it is
just about the most appropriate way of doing it!

Is the paradox that NATO can crumble a little as a more complex agenda
of Empire emerges and gathers pace? Ukraine has just tipped into the
camp of finance capitalist consumer democracy. The Palestinians have
been crushed at just the time when a grand coalition has miraculously
emerged in Israel to make gestures of a recently unprecedented nature
to Arafat's successor. As the Palestinian intafada has finally
surrendered, an amazing non-violent Lebanese Intafada for Democracy
has emerged, carrying candles demanding Syrian withdrawal from
Lebanon, shortly after Bush demanded the enforcement of a United
Nations resolution demanding it.

These are strange times. Less dramatically than last year,  changes
may nevertheless be accelerating.

Chris Burford

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