I'm tired of trying to fix hard-to-fix issues in Email::Send, and tired of
saying, "Yeah yeah, Email::Sender someday soon blah blah."

So, I'm doing a bit more work on it.  Here are my current thoughts:

Email::Base is good enough for now.  All it does is provide ->throw, which is
enough.  Someday, I imagine there will be more to it.

The big thing it doesn't do that we talked about is a generic constructor and
attributes.  This isn't a big thing, but it's starting to mildly irritate me as
I work on Email::Sender.  I don't want to just "bless $arg => $class", and I
don't want to say, "all guts are available to all subclasses" or "stick your
subclass's guts in $self->{__PACKAGE__}.  These all suck.

Also, I've refactored "args for the Sender" from "envelope data."  Given a mail
with a "prec" send-time option, this is still correct:

  $sender->send($email, { to => $rcpt, from => $sender, prec => 'bulk' });

...but it is turned into:

    { to => $rcpt, from => $sender },
    { prec => 'bulk' },

Now, you end up writing:

  sub send_email {
    my ($self, $email, $env, $arg) = @_;

Blech.  What I really want is something we've long talked about internally at
work, and something that DaveO and I talked about once or twice at YAPC:
messages with attached envelopes.  Email + Envelope = Delivery.  The you say:

  $sender->send($email, { to => $rcpt, from => $sender, prec => 'bulk' });

...and it becomes:

  $sender->send($delivery, { prec => 'bulk' });

If you already have a Delivery ready to go, you pass it to the $sender->send to
begin with.

The way I see it, a Delivery does the Email and Envelope roles.  It has-a Email
and has-a Envelope, and delegates the roles to them.  This (plus the pair of
fuzzy antler headgear I received for Christmas) is making me start to decide
that I'm going to say "screw it" and use Moose.  If Email::Sender is a Moose
object, it becomes very simple to deal with the attribute issues.  I also think
(but cannot yet prove) that it will make Email::Sender::Wrapper trivial to do
away with, letting Email::Sender::Failable operate directly on concrete Sender

I will start work on this in the next week, and it should be very easy.  If you
have objections, voice them now.

My only concern at the moment is that I want the Email role to be easy to grow
in the future.  I'll spill my guts on some of that now:

I want method naming to be uniform across all of these classes, and I think it
may have to be set/get.  Here is why: headers.  It is very convenient to say:


This is also convenient:

  $email->header($header_name => $value);

This starts to get weird:

  $email->header($header_name => $value, $value2);

This sucks:

  $email->header($header_name => undef);

I'm also not crazy about "well you use set to set it to anything except for
nothing, which requires delete."  I could be convinced, though.  There's always
"setting multiple values requires an array ref, and [] clears."  I don't know,
I welcome thoughts on the matter.

There will be a EmailHeader role, I think.  I'm not sure how it will work yet,
either.  I will probably steal or at least think about stealing from Mail::Box,
which does some cool stuff with how bodies and headers interact.

Ok, this message is now officially too long.  I look forward to hearing your


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