* Dave O'Neill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-07-12T22:02:31]
> Sheer volume aside, it's probably still a good idea.  I don't think
> there's a single-page comprehensive listing of email-related modules
> anywhere else.

I know there are other modules that fit in.  There's the SMS and MMS series...
suggestions welcome.

> Maybe it doesn't make sense to keep that category. Given that there
> would likely be about a hundred or so modules in it, it's probably
> easier to mark the PEP modules as such (whatever we determine that to
> mean), rather than marking non-PEP modules.

I think that's a good idea.

> Earlier today we were talking on IRC about some possible categories.  I
> don't recall quite what was said, but I think the potential starting
> categories were something like this:
>   - all CPAN modules that send, receive, parse, or manipulate email
>     (basically, Category:Modules as it exists now)
>   - modules owned/maintained by PEP
>   - modules that PEP recommends (both PEP-maintained and
>     not, will change over time)
>   - modules that PEP recommends you not use (unmaintained,
>     deprecated, or just plain bad)

I think this is an accurate portrait of what we talked about.  I think the
relevant categories will be:

  Modules       - it's a Perl module!
  PEPMaintained - it's in the PEP repository and will follow PEP guidelines
                  (yet to be determined; things like, "n people review API
  PEPEndorsed   - x out of y active PEP contributors think this is a good 
                  module for what it does
  SeemsAbandoned - no updates in a long time, despite open bugs
  Superseded     - another module provides all of the functionality, better

I've also created these categories:

  HasProblems - the article includes a description of problems that go beyond
                simple-to-fix bugs; either they're hard or they're design
  HasIdeas    - the article includes a section about ideas for the future

The latter two should be created with templates:  {{Problems}} and {{Ideas}}
will create a section header and category marker.

> At this point, it probably makes sense to define a "PEP module" as the
> email-handling modules that are a) authored or currently maintained by
> someone participating in PEP and b) don't make other PEP authors wince.
> If that turns out to be unworkable in the future, we can always
> change our minds, but we have to start somewhere.

Works for me!

I'm going to JFDI and stick these categories where I think they belong.  Argue
or extend my ideas as y'all see fit!


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