Assange extradition minister spoke at secretive US conference alongside 
calls for him to be “neutralized”
UK minister who approved Trump’s request to extradite Assange spoke at 
secretive US conferences with people calling for him to be “neutralized”

By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis• 22 February 2020

Britain's then Chancellor of Exchequer Sajid Javid (L) welcomes then US 
National Security Advisor John Bolton (R) ahead of the meeting at 11 
Downing Street, in London, Britain, 13 August 2019. (Photo: EPA-EFE/WILL 
The British minister who approved the controversial US request for the UK 
to extradite publisher Julian Assange attended six secretive meetings 
organised by a US institute which has published calls for Assange to be 
assassinated or taken down, it can be revealed.

Sajid Javid, who was Britain’s Home Secretary from April 2018 to July 2019, 
attended “starlight chats” and “after-dinner cocktails” in a series of 
off-the-record conferences involving high-level US military and 
intelligence figures at a 5-star island resort off the coast of Georgia, 
USA. Many of those attending have been exposed in WikiLeaks publications 
and have demanded the organisation be shut down. 

Javid signed the Trump administration’s extradition request for Assange in 
June 2019. He was Britain’s Chancellor until his resignation 9 days ago. 
One of the criteria under which a British Home Secretary can block 
extradition to the US is if “the person could face the death penalty”.  

The month before being appointed Home Secretary in April 2018, Javid 
visited Georgia for the “world forum” of the American Enterprise Institute 
(AEI)—an influential neoconservative US organisation with close ties to the 
US intelligence community. The AEI has run a campaign against WikiLeaks and 
Assange since 2010. 

It can now be revealed that Javid spoke at the 2018 meeting, as did Jonah 
Goldberg, a fellow at the AEI who has called for Assange to be “garroted”. 
In a column published on the AEI website, Goldberg wrote: “WikiLeaks is 
easily among the most significant and well-publicised breaches of American 
national security since the Rosenbergs gave the Soviets the bomb. So again, 
I ask: Why wasn’t Assange garroted in his hotel room years ago? It’s a 
serious question.”
Jonah Goldberg, the Asness Chair in Applied Liberty at the AEI, speaks in 
April 2016. He has called for Julian Assange to be “garroted”.

Bill Kristol, a close associate of the AEI who also spoke in Georgia with 
Javid, has written a column titled “Whack WikiLeaks” in which he asked: 
“Why can’t we use our various assets to harass, snatch or neutralize Julian 
Assange and his collaborators, wherever they are? Why can’t we disrupt and 
destroy WikiLeaks in both cyberspace and physical space, to the extent 
possible?” Kristol’s article was promoted on social media by another AEI 
fellow who spoke in Georgia with Javid. 

Both Goldberg and Kristol spoke at all four of the AEI’s world fora that 
Javid attended from 2014 to 2018. 

On the panel with Javid in 2018 was Elliott Abrams, a key neo-conservative 
architect of the Iraq war of 2003 best-known for his conviction during the 
Iran-Contra scandal in the Reagan administration. Abrams has lamented 
WikiLeaks’ document releases. Also on Javid’s panel was Fred Kagan, a 
senior AEI staffer who served as an advisor to the US military in 

Javid’s signing of the US extradition request was a controversial decision 
opposed at the time by the Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott. “Julian 
Assange is not being pursued to protect US national security, he is being 
pursued because he has exposed wrongdoing by US administrations and their 
military forces,” Abbott told the British parliament in April 2019 after 
Assange had been grabbed from the Ecuadorian embassy in London. 

The Trump administration’s extradition request is unprecedented in that the 
UK has never extradited a journalist and publisher to a third country for 

The deliberations within the UK Home Office about Assange’s extradition and 
incarceration in Belmarsh maximum-security prison, where he is currently 
held, are opaque. Declassified sent a Freedom of Information request to the 
Home Office asking for any telephone call or email mentioning Assange sent 
to or from Sajid Javid while he was running the department. The Home Office 
replied: “We have carried out a thorough search and we have established 
that the Home Office does not hold the information that you have 

It is unclear if Javid only discussed the Assange extradition request in 
person while Home Secretary or if he used a private email or phone to do 
The Cloister hotel at the Sea Island resort where Sajid Javid attended six 
secretive conferences with an array of high-level military and intelligence 
figures who have been exposed by WikiLeaks.

Secret intelligence-linked meetings

The attendees, agenda and even the dates of the AEI world forum are a 
tightly-guarded secret. But Declassified is now publishing the attendance 
lists and agendas—marked “confidential”—of the last four conferences Javid 
attended: in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2018 (see end of article). Declassified 
could not obtain information on Javid’s first two AEI meetings in 2011 and 

Since attending his first “world forum” at the AEI in 2011, within a year 
of becoming an MP, Javid subsequently visited six out of eight AEI annual 
conferences up to 2018. From June 2012 until today, Javid’s parliamentary 
register of interests records that he has made no overseas trips paid by a 
third-party except those funded by the AEI. In total, Javid has received 
£31,285.19 ($40,800) in gifts from the AEI. 

Javid is the most frequent British guest of the US organisation, and in 
most years has been one of only a few British invitees. The only other 
British regular is Michael Gove, another senior figure in Boris Johnson’s 
Adm. Michael S. Rogers, then director of NSA, speaks during Fort Meade’s 
100th Anniversary Gala Saturday, June 17, 2017 at Club Meade. (Photo: Steve 

The AEI has access to the highest levels of the US intelligence community. 
Guests at the events Javid attended included two former directors of the 
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and two sitting directors of the National 
Security Agency (NSA). In 2018, President Trump’s then-national security 
adviser H.R. McMaster spoke alongside Javid. Any discussions between the 
British minister and the intelligence chiefs have remained secret.

The CIA made clear that it is “working to take down” WikiLeaks after the 
latter published the largest-ever leak of classified CIA material in 2017. 
It was recently revealed that the CIA was provided with audio and video of 
Julian Assange’s private meetings, including privileged conversations with 
lawyers, in the Ecuadorian embassy by a Spanish security company. The NSA 
has also been extensively exposed by WikiLeaks. 

The AEI’s 2016 event saw Javid speaking on a panel titled, “The Challenge 
Abroad and Implications for the United States”, alongside US senator 
Lindsay Graham who called for Assange to be indicted in 2010 solely for 
receiving leaks. 

Another panel, “Wargaming the Next Attack on the United States”, featured 
former CIA director Michael Hayden alongside Marc Thiessen and Gary 
Schmitt, two AEI’s staffers who have written extensively on shutting down 
Assange and WikiLeaks. Also speaking in 2016 was senator Mitch McConnell, 
who has called Assange a “high-tech terrorist”, and congressman Mike 
Rogers, who called for WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning to be executed. 

Javid spoke at the 2015 event with Paul Wolfowitz—an AEI scholar who has 
been extensively exposed in WikiLeaks releases—about the threat posed by 
the Islamic State terrorist group. Karl Rove, a former senior adviser to 
President George W. Bush, also spoke at the 2015 event. It was reported in 
2010 that Rove was advising Swedish prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt on how 
Sweden could help the Obama administration prosecute WikiLeaks. 
Then CIA director General Michael Hayden testifies before the Senate Armed 
Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, Wednesday 15 November 

Another panel at the 2015 forum was titled, “Fighting a Cyberwar: Is 
Defense the Only Option?” and featured the former director of the NSA, 
Keith Alexander, the then director of the NSA, Michael S. Rogers, as well 
as former CIA director Michael Hayden. 

“Much talk about the insecurity of the cybersphere has focused on 
well-publicised breaches,” the panel briefing outlined, “but the reality of 
the cyberthreat is much broader and more devastating than most assume.” The 
question posed was: “Is our only choice to bar the doors, or has the time 
come to take it to the enemy? And what will that mean?” 

David Petraeus, another former CIA director, spoke at the AEI’s 2014 event 
alongside former US vice president Dick Cheney, a member of the AEI’s 
board, and John Bolton, often seen as the most belligerent pro-war figure 
in Washington, who was a senior fellow at the AEI before becoming Trump’s 
national security advisor. While at the AEI, Bolton wrote ambiguously: “As 
for WikiLeaks itself, and anyone cooperating with its malicious enterprise, 
now is the time to test our cyber-warfare capabilities. Fire away.” 
US Army General Keith Alexander, then director of the NSA, testifies during 
the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on ‘Continued Oversight of US 
Government Surveillance Authorities’, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, 
USA, 11 December 2013. (Photo: EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS)

Assange and the AEI

The AEI has been running a campaign against WikiLeaks—and Assange 
specifically— throughout the US media since 2010. The organisation’s 
website lists 20 articles or events tagged with “Julian Assange” and 43 
articles tagged with “WikiLeaks”, all of which are negative.

AEI resident fellow Marc A. Thiessen has written numerous articles 
demonising Assange and the work of WikiLeaks. One article titled,  
“WikiLeaks must be stopped”, which is published on the AEI website, 
concludes, “If left unmolested, Assange will become even bolder and inspire 
others to imitate his example.” Another article in May 2019, also on the 
AEI website, is titled, “Assange is a spy, not a journalist. He deserves 
prison.” Thiessen attended all the same annual AEI fora as Javid from 

In 2012, the AEI sponsored an event in Washington DC called “Assange’s 
asylum in Correa’s Ecuador: Last refuge for scoundrels?” hosted by the 
AEI’s visiting fellow Roger F. Noriega, another figure critical of Assange. 
The question to be answered was listed as, “Can Ecuador’s president 
successfully whitewash his image by advancing Assange’s anti-American 

Sajid Javid and the American Enterprise Institute did not respond to 
requests for comment. DM

Matt Kennard is head of investigations and Mark Curtis editor, of 
Declassified UK, a media organisation investigating UK foreign, military 
and intelligence policies. They tweet at @DCKennard and @markcurtis30. 
Follow Declassified on twitter at @DeclassifiedUK
UK minister who approved Trump’s request to extradite Assange spoke at 
secretive US conferences with people calling for him to be “neutralized”

By Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis• 22 February 2020

Britain's then Chancellor of Exchequer Sajid Javid (L) welcomes then US 
National Security Advisor John Bolton (R) ahead of the meeting at 11 
Downing Street, in London, Britain, 13 August 2019. (Photo: EPA-EFE/WILL 
The British minister who approved the controversial US request for the UK 
to extradite publisher Julian Assange attended six secretive meetings 
organised by a US institute which has published calls for Assange to be 
assassinated or taken down, it can be revealed.

Sajid Javid, who was Britain’s Home Secretary from April 2018 to July 2019, 
attended “starlight chats” and “after-dinner cocktails” in a series of 
off-the-record conferences involving high-level US military and 
intelligence figures at a 5-star island resort off the coast of Georgia, 
USA. Many of those attending have been exposed in WikiLeaks publications 
and have demanded the organisation be shut down. 

Javid signed the Trump administration’s extradition request for Assange in 
June 2019. He was Britain’s Chancellor until his resignation 9 days ago. 
One of the criteria under which a British Home Secretary can block 
extradition to the US is if “the person could face the death penalty”.  

The month before being appointed Home Secretary in April 2018, Javid 
visited Georgia for the “world forum” of the American Enterprise Institute 
(AEI)—an influential neoconservative US organisation with close ties to the 
US intelligence community. The AEI has run a campaign against WikiLeaks and 
Assange since 2010. 

It can now be revealed that Javid spoke at the 2018 meeting, as did Jonah 
Goldberg, a fellow at the AEI who has called for Assange to be “garroted”. 
In a column published on the AEI website, Goldberg wrote: “WikiLeaks is 
easily among the most significant and well-publicised breaches of American 
national security since the Rosenbergs gave the Soviets the bomb. So again, 
I ask: Why wasn’t Assange garroted in his hotel room years ago? It’s a 
serious question.”
Jonah Goldberg, the Asness Chair in Applied Liberty at the AEI, speaks in 
April 2016. He has called for Julian Assange to be “garroted”.

Bill Kristol, a close associate of the AEI who also spoke in Georgia with 
Javid, has written a column titled “Whack WikiLeaks” in which he asked: 
“Why can’t we use our various assets to harass, snatch or neutralize Julian 
Assange and his collaborators, wherever they are? Why can’t we disrupt and 
destroy WikiLeaks in both cyberspace and physical space, to the extent 
possible?” Kristol’s article was promoted on social media by another AEI 
fellow who spoke in Georgia with Javid. 

Both Goldberg and Kristol spoke at all four of the AEI’s world fora that 
Javid attended from 2014 to 2018. 

On the panel with Javid in 2018 was Elliott Abrams, a key neo-conservative 
architect of the Iraq war of 2003 best-known for his conviction during the 
Iran-Contra scandal in the Reagan administration. Abrams has lamented 
WikiLeaks’ document releases. Also on Javid’s panel was Fred Kagan, a 
senior AEI staffer who served as an advisor to the US military in 

Javid’s signing of the US extradition request was a controversial decision 
opposed at the time by the Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott. “Julian 
Assange is not being pursued to protect US national security, he is being 
pursued because he has exposed wrongdoing by US administrations and their 
military forces,” Abbott told the British parliament in April 2019 after 
Assange had been grabbed from the Ecuadorian embassy in London. 

The Trump administration’s extradition request is unprecedented in that the 
UK has never extradited a journalist and publisher to a third country for 

The deliberations within the UK Home Office about Assange’s extradition and 
incarceration in Belmarsh maximum-security prison, where he is currently 
held, are opaque. Declassified sent a Freedom of Information request to the 
Home Office asking for any telephone call or email mentioning Assange sent 
to or from Sajid Javid while he was running the department. The Home Office 
replied: “We have carried out a thorough search and we have established 
that the Home Office does not hold the information that you have 

It is unclear if Javid only discussed the Assange extradition request in 
person while Home Secretary or if he used a private email or phone to do 
The Cloister hotel at the Sea Island resort where Sajid Javid attended six 
secretive conferences with an array of high-level military and intelligence 
figures who have been exposed by WikiLeaks.

Secret intelligence-linked meetings

The attendees, agenda and even the dates of the AEI world forum are a 
tightly-guarded secret. But Declassified is now publishing the attendance 
lists and agendas—marked “confidential”—of the last four conferences Javid 
attended: in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2018 (see end of article). Declassified 
could not obtain information on Javid’s first two AEI meetings in 2011 and 

Since attending his first “world forum” at the AEI in 2011, within a year 
of becoming an MP, Javid subsequently visited six out of eight AEI annual 
conferences up to 2018. From June 2012 until today, Javid’s parliamentary 
register of interests records that he has made no overseas trips paid by a 
third-party except those funded by the AEI. In total, Javid has received 
£31,285.19 ($40,800) in gifts from the AEI. 

Javid is the most frequent British guest of the US organisation, and in 
most years has been one of only a few British invitees. The only other 
British regular is Michael Gove, another senior figure in Boris Johnson’s 
Adm. Michael S. Rogers, then director of NSA, speaks during Fort Meade’s 
100th Anniversary Gala Saturday, June 17, 2017 at Club Meade. (Photo: Steve 

The AEI has access to the highest levels of the US intelligence community. 
Guests at the events Javid attended included two former directors of the 
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and two sitting directors of the National 
Security Agency (NSA). In 2018, President Trump’s then-national security 
adviser H.R. McMaster spoke alongside Javid. Any discussions between the 
British minister and the intelligence chiefs have remained secret.

The CIA made clear that it is “working to take down” WikiLeaks after the 
latter published the largest-ever leak of classified CIA material in 2017. 
It was recently revealed that the CIA was provided with audio and video of 
Julian Assange’s private meetings, including privileged conversations with 
lawyers, in the Ecuadorian embassy by a Spanish security company. The NSA 
has also been extensively exposed by WikiLeaks. 

The AEI’s 2016 event saw Javid speaking on a panel titled, “The Challenge 
Abroad and Implications for the United States”, alongside US senator 
Lindsay Graham who called for Assange to be indicted in 2010 solely for 
receiving leaks. 

Another panel, “Wargaming the Next Attack on the United States”, featured 
former CIA director Michael Hayden alongside Marc Thiessen and Gary 
Schmitt, two AEI’s staffers who have written extensively on shutting down 
Assange and WikiLeaks. Also speaking in 2016 was senator Mitch McConnell, 
who has called Assange a “high-tech terrorist”, and congressman Mike 
Rogers, who called for WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning to be executed. 

Javid spoke at the 2015 event with Paul Wolfowitz—an AEI scholar who has 
been extensively exposed in WikiLeaks releases—about the threat posed by 
the Islamic State terrorist group. Karl Rove, a former senior adviser to 
President George W. Bush, also spoke at the 2015 event. It was reported in 
2010 that Rove was advising Swedish prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt on how 
Sweden could help the Obama administration prosecute WikiLeaks. 
Then CIA director General Michael Hayden testifies before the Senate Armed 
Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, Wednesday 15 November 

Another panel at the 2015 forum was titled, “Fighting a Cyberwar: Is 
Defense the Only Option?” and featured the former director of the NSA, 
Keith Alexander, the then director of the NSA, Michael S. Rogers, as well 
as former CIA director Michael Hayden. 

“Much talk about the insecurity of the cybersphere has focused on 
well-publicised breaches,” the panel briefing outlined, “but the reality of 
the cyberthreat is much broader and more devastating than most assume.” The 
question posed was: “Is our only choice to bar the doors, or has the time 
come to take it to the enemy? And what will that mean?” 

David Petraeus, another former CIA director, spoke at the AEI’s 2014 event 
alongside former US vice president Dick Cheney, a member of the AEI’s 
board, and John Bolton, often seen as the most belligerent pro-war figure 
in Washington, who was a senior fellow at the AEI before becoming Trump’s 
national security advisor. While at the AEI, Bolton wrote ambiguously: “As 
for WikiLeaks itself, and anyone cooperating with its malicious enterprise, 
now is the time to test our cyber-warfare capabilities. Fire away.” 
US Army General Keith Alexander, then director of the NSA, testifies during 
the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on ‘Continued Oversight of US 
Government Surveillance Authorities’, on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, 
USA, 11 December 2013. (Photo: EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS)

Assange and the AEI

The AEI has been running a campaign against WikiLeaks—and Assange 
specifically— throughout the US media since 2010. The organisation’s 
website lists 20 articles or events tagged with “Julian Assange” and 43 
articles tagged with “WikiLeaks”, all of which are negative.

AEI resident fellow Marc A. Thiessen has written numerous articles 
demonising Assange and the work of WikiLeaks. One article titled,  
“WikiLeaks must be stopped”, which is published on the AEI website, 
concludes, “If left unmolested, Assange will become even bolder and inspire 
others to imitate his example.” Another article in May 2019, also on the 
AEI website, is titled, “Assange is a spy, not a journalist. He deserves 
prison.” Thiessen attended all the same annual AEI fora as Javid from 

In 2012, the AEI sponsored an event in Washington DC called “Assange’s 
asylum in Correa’s Ecuador: Last refuge for scoundrels?” hosted by the 
AEI’s visiting fellow Roger F. Noriega, another figure critical of Assange. 
The question to be answered was listed as, “Can Ecuador’s president 
successfully whitewash his image by advancing Assange’s anti-American 

Sajid Javid and the American Enterprise Institute did not respond to 
requests for comment. DM

Matt Kennard is head of investigations and Mark Curtis editor, of 
Declassified UK, a media organisation investigating UK foreign, military 
and intelligence policies. They tweet at @DCKennard and @markcurtis30. 
Follow Declassified on twitter at @DeclassifiedUK

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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