
On Saturday 11 March 2006 06:22, Adam Kennedy wrote:
> Tels wrote:
> > Moin,
> Actually, that it worked on your system was intended behaviour. The bug
> that was introduced meant that installation failed only for authors
> (that is, that had Module::Install installed on their local system) and
> only if their installed version differed from the one bundled.
> Yes, I fucked up. But it's hardly a "showstopper".

For someone who wanted to install a module bundled with the borked M::I it 
was a showstopper since it didn't build. :)

(But if I read that correctly, it would only fail for people having a 
different M::I installed than the one bundled)

> It only caused problems for authors. Although that was a little
> unfortunate given that Catalyst users seem to now all be authors by
> definition, it meant normal end-users shouldn't have been effected (I
> think).
> Module::Install was broken for less than a week, and only for authors.

Actually it worked for me (the author) and broke for jpo (one of my 
"users" aka beta-tester). But that seems to be splitting hairs :)

OTOH, you have to _install_ the latest version of M::I to bundle it with 
the module, and *this* means you cannot ever test that your bundled 
module works corectly except by trying it on a clean system (and a system 
with another M::I installed). This increases complexity quite a bit 
(complaint A below). 

> Any author who upgrades to the just uploaded 0.60 will be fixed now.

Which was one of my two concerns (listed below again :)

A: M::I increases the size and complexity of a distibution (aka it can 
break, needs more testing)
B when it breaks, end-users cannot fix the problem for themselves, they 
need to bug the author and he has to release a new version. (Good luck 
with that with sparsely maintained modules...)

Whether this design really "works" in reality is, well, not known yet. 

Anyway, thanx for your work Adam, M::I makes some things easier as EU::MM 
and Module::Build, so it is one more tool in our author's toolset.

I agree with your that "Havoc" is a too strong word for that little 

Best wishes,


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