Quick thoughts:

> 2. ExtUtils::MakeMaker and Module::Build - Serious!
>   HP-UX, and probably other OS's too, do not allow installation of
>   shared objects when the object already exists and is in use. That
>   means that all XS modules used by CPAN cannot be installed by CPAN.

This is actually a problem with ExtUtils::Install, I think.  The same
problem exists on Windows, but EU::I uses a Win32 call to schedule the
file for deletion on reboot before replacing it with a new one.  I
don't know what the answer is for HP-UX, but it's EU::I, not M::B or
EU::MM -- which has the extra advantage of having only one place to
fix it.

>   FUN!
>   My HP-UX 10.20 only has 512 Mb memory :) When LWP and Archive::Tar
>   are installed, large distributions - like DBD::SQLite - will cause
>   an "Out of memory!" crash of cpan. When I use other fetch methods
>   and build from source myself, there is no problem at all.

I plan to get CPAN.pm using HTTP::Lite in 5.13, which will solve half
the problem.


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