First, ExtUtils::FakeMaker is now Module::Faker.  Schwern suggested that
ExtUtils should no longer be used, and gave excellent reasoning, summed up

So, that's done.  There haven't been any changes worth mentioning, yet, in its
documentation, tests, or featureset.

What's much more important, as far as I'm concerned, is the upload of

Given a set of META.yml files like this:


CPAN::Faker will build a CPAN instance, containing:


You're not really limited to LOCAL yet, but I need to make it clearer how that
will work... well, it all needs more docs.

Anyway, this will make it really easy to build a small CPAN-alike with known
quirky dists, authors, structure, and so on, excellent for testing all kinds of

I will probably use it for testing CPAN::Mini sometime soon, and hopefully
some other things also.  Next, I think I will add a bit more documentation and
more tests.  If you think this tool will be useful, please let me know if you
have feature requests while I can still refactor things in all their
undocumented glory.

Oh, and another totally sweet future use for Module::Faker?  The basis for a
much more powerful engine for Module::Starter!


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