
we are in the last steps of organizing this year's Perl QA Hackathon.


We are still searching for sponsors to make sure we can cover
as much costs as possible.

We are aiming for about 30 participants.
We filled a number of spaces by direct invitation to make sure
we benefit from the experience of those who already attended
previous hackathons.
We have some spaces left now and would like you to join us.

Please note that registration still should follow an invitation.

So please contact me if you would like to come, along with a note
about the project(s) you would like to work on.

We need to be 90% sure how much hotel rooms we need by the end
of this month.

We hope we can make this a productive hackathon again, and the
venue we booked will surely help us with that.
We have the workshop rooms exclusively for four days and
people also can stay there after official working hours if
they want.

The hotel for the participants is only 200 meters from the venue.

Lots of restaurants can be found in the neighbourhood of the venue.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions.
Also you might catch me on IRC.perl.org (tinita).

Looking forward to your replies,

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