I'm staring at DB.pm and I'm looking at it's 30-something methods and
dozen or so globals and thinking "gee, it's being to be impossible to
keep the tests up to date for this."

This is exactly the sort of thing Test::Inline is for.

    =item CLIENT->register()

    register a client object/package

    =for testing
    can_ok('DB', 'register');

The nice part is, we don't have to put Test::Inline into the core!  We
can add the testing POD, generate the .t files independently and patch
them straight in as regular tests.

I'm going to take a swing at DB.pm later on this week with embedded
tests and see how it goes.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl6 Quality Assurance     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       Kwalitee Is Job One
<mendel>         ScHWeRnsChweRN    sChWErN   SchweRN  SCHWErNSChwERnsCHwERN    
  sChWErn  ScHWeRn      schweRn           sCHWErN           schWeRn    scHWeRN 
   SchWeRN      scHWErn SchwErn       scHWErn       ScHweRN       sChwern      
scHWerN        scHWeRn           scHWerN        ScHwerN       SChWeRN scHWeRn  
        SchwERNschwERn        SCHwern  sCHWErN   SCHWErN           sChWeRn 

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