On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 11:46:29PM -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > since the CPAN Bundle lets you specify exact versions, the purpose
> > of SDK currently seems to be mostly about simplifying download
> > (i.e. one big file).
> There is the notion that an SDK is a collection of versions of modules
> that are known to all work together.  A Bundle simply grabs the latest
> version of each, and it's possible a change in one might break the
> others.

as mentioned above, bundle lets you specify the exact distfile, and
in effect the version.

> No, it'll simply skip Test::More and move on to Test::Inline.

but a change in Test::More might break Test::Inline! :-p

...however it's up to Test::Inline's tests to find out. as CPAN does
not currently have a downgrade option, methinks this behaviour is
more or less correct.

> I was thinking just skipping MakeMaker entirely for that part and
> write a simple little custom Makefile.  The point being more to keep
> the familiar interface than to wedge it into MakeMaker.

very good point. i'd like to hack on it after a prototype's there. :)


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